We could use, only the ratings of 2 players, if at the end of season they r in the top rated of L/CL/cup... and do something there, cause ofc. we cant stay posting here every single rating xD..
so, select 2 players, try the best to make them achieve the best ratings, and only count them if they reach the top. Thats an option.
Well, since there are no rules, the only things that someone can do if he really wants to have a good chance of winning those forum competions is to adapt with the flow (which includes quality manipulation, buying better players, and power training). I spoke a lot about how some participants had significant advanatages over others before. Quality cap will not be of any big improvement as such because quality manipulation is among the main deciding factors. Assists, Goals, Ratings, MoM.... all can be manipulated and some have manipulation as their routine seasonal thing, so they have that advantage. I already suggested that those users that won in 2 or 3 of the last consecutives of those specific forum competitions to not be allowed to participate for a 3rd or 4th consecutive time; while some of them might get angry or annoyed, it is one of the only ways to allow the others to have a better chance. Then, it will be up to others to make the effort; someone cannot just expect to come out top 3 in a compeition with a relatively 'crap' team too or without any investment or effort. Another option is to have 2 different groups for those competitions and split the tokens pool - one group for the past recent (last 2-3 seasons; one season tanking between two winning seasons not allowed) winners and one group for recent non-winners. There should be a minimum amount of participants too in relation to the amount of spots eligible for rewards; there cannot be only like 3-5 participants competiting for top 3 spots in a group.
Last edited by Tactician; 11-24-2019 at 07:51 PM.
I spoke for the case of 2 players itself. It will be difficult to track and record them by yourself (but that should be your problem). Also, it is possible for someone to cheat because you will rely on images of top ratings charts which can be manipulated using an image editor and ratings from another chart.
What are you going to do with those that got knocked out of the Cup and CL/SL early, will you count only the League ratings? What are you going to do for those that got knocked-out of the CL (on purpose or not) and went to SL? Is the average rating not biased (in both ways)? How you are going to count average ratings for those that went to S-L from 3rd place in CL group stage? In my opinion, an average rating competition is complicated and expect contestations or complaints too.
All that being said, you can give it a try for next season and see how it goes.
Last edited by Tactician; 11-24-2019 at 09:18 PM.
No. Khris and others can see the profile (including statistics) of the players via the Associations feature. Why do you think the association tag was asked (maybe you missed that)? I personally did not go to look into the profile of others registered players but I am sure some other users have been looking into the others players profiles. I suppose that Khris has verified the winners for each of the past competitions by checking their registered players profile on the last day of the season concerned instead of relying only on pictures here.
For the case of average ratings, top charts cannot be verified by external users and the organiser, hence my point in the previous post.
Last edited by Tactician; 11-25-2019 at 12:00 AM.
In the case of someone not in an association, the organiser should add him as friend in a game account so he can check the registered players profile. If you were not in his friends' list, then bad operation, but since you were not among those that claimed to be in top 3, it should not be a problem for the past competitions for your case. I think it is a must for the organiser to check and verify the statistical records of the players of those that claimed to be in top 3 and those not far behind them. In my opinion, if there has been someone who made it to top 3 in any of those past forum competitions only by posting images, then others have the right to contest if the pictures can be easily manipulated. It is not that someone likely cheated or will likely cheat, but it is a matter of good practice and that things are done properly.
Last edited by Tactician; 11-25-2019 at 04:51 AM.