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  1. #41
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sillybq View Post
    Yes I believe I did misunderstand you. I knew you wanted to quit and when you suggested mass stop. I had the impression the guy who wants to quit wants to sabotage the game. And yes, your reply was to Dave. But it doesn’t mean I cannot try to make you see it from a different perspective.

    We all ultimately will meet one day through associations or just by leveling up. That’s if I do not die first since it will take me years. Also I have no idea which server you are in, if by some rare chance we are in the same server. You might compete for the same player in auctions. Events like KOTH as well. More players quitting benefit the rest who play on as there are more abandoned teams.

    I have nothing against you personally and I do not dislike you either. I might have been insensitive in trying to get you to see that not every player is as smart as you. Some will buy those whatever players you think are a waste of resources. And that you should allow Nordeus to take advantage of these players so we all can continue to enjoy our free to win game.
    Well put that aside. I can see what is the problem for your case. You thought that my intention was bad and that I wanted to sabotage the company given that I plan to quit the game - sort of egoistic and malicious action, but no, I want affected users to send this company a strong message because feedback, complaints and discussions on the forum, for example, did not change anything as such. This can be done in a few ways like I already told - stop supporting them, a petition and so on. If I wanted to sabotage the company, why would I be here wasting my time writing posts about different things on this forum? Why would I be wasting my time replying to you? I mean I could be posting on the big social websites in areas where many users of this game are, showing them the bad sides of this company and their game and even add some spice and so on so that many users will likely get influenced.

    But before closing on this thing, I must say that you said some strong things clearly on intention (even in the post before the one quoted above) there in regard to me and also made some disturbing insinuations. The user that liked those posts that were mostly like a personal attack only revealed further about him - no excuse. But all good for me as instead of bothering to try change things for the better here, I will stop. It is not my loss. So from now I am not going to post and contribute anything on this forum to try improve things for users. I do not even feel that I should be addressing myself to some people here again.
    Last edited by Tactician; 12-05-2019 at 06:24 PM.

  2. #42
    Famous Sillybq's Avatar
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    @Tactician lol, you are the last person I wrote to before sleeping and the first person I am replying to when I wake up. Ok besides the point.

    I am disappointed too in this YA and how the token back was handled. And I think it is going to be worse when it goes live. I suspect high costs in tokens. If you are this angry now, I want to see your reaction next week.

    Frankly what can we do except manage our expectations. I have never experienced a game developer cave in to consumer demands. Even less successful games never bothered about complains.

    Like you said I am new and a debutant and say silly things. But has Nordeus ever given in? I assume negotiations would have created the worse reaction historically and many players quit. Still no change right? I do not think a petition will work as well.

  3. #43
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Gents, some good discussion and I agree with many points there but let’s be clear that my original post about waiting for TE2021/2022 was purely tongue-in-cheek because I too have seen the big announcements by Nordeus that have then been criticised as not really all that by the community. Then as was rightly pointed out, people then look forward to the next big update.
    I feel that Nordeus needs to address many of the issues that are frequently problematic for Managers such as bugs and crazy offers like Black Friday but yet they power on with more updates and more elaborate tours and ideas.
    The game needs stripping back with an emphasis on Manager control in all aspects, training being one. For me, this new Academy is something I have been asking for over many months. Was it misleading in the build up? Maybe, maybe not. I’ll reserve judgement till it appears fully.
    Now I would like Nordeus to deal with tanking, manipulation issues in Associations and the Top100.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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  4. #44
    Famous Sillybq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    Well put that aside. I can see what is the problem for your case. You misunderstood and maybe you thought that my intention was bad and that I wanted to sabotage the company given that I plan to quit the game - sort of egoistic and malicious action, but no, I want affected users to send this company a strong message because feedback, complaints and discussions on the forum, for example, did not change anything as such. This can be done in a few ways like I already told - stop supporting them, a petition and so on. If I wanted to sabotage the company, why would I be here wasting my time writing posts about different things on this forum? Why would I be wasting my time replying to you? I mean I could be posting on the big social websites in areas where many users of this game are, showing them the bad sides of this company and their game and even add some spice and so on so that many users will likely get influenced.

    But before closing on this thing, I must say that you said some strong things (even in the post before the one quoted above) there in regard to me and also made some disturbing insinuations. The user(s) that liked only revealed further about them. But all good for me as instead of bothering to try change things for the better here, I will stop. So from now I am not going to post and contribute anything on this forum to try improve things for users. I do not even feel that I should be addressing myself to some people here again.
    I am not sure what I said that affects you that much but believe me, I have no malicious intent. I disagreed with you on some points that's all. I also tried to put myself in the place of the developer. We like this game in general and want it to succeed as well. I am happy as long as they do what's best for the majority.

    Certain things they did for bottom line profits and I respect that as long as they are able to support the non pay to win formula.

  5. #45
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave1311 View Post
    Gents, some good discussion and I agree with many points there but let’s be clear that my original post about waiting for TE2021/2022 was purely tongue-in-cheek because I too have seen the big announcements by Nordeus that have then been criticised as not really all that by the community. Then as was rightly pointed out, people then look forward to the next big update.
    I feel that Nordeus needs to address many of the issues that are frequently problematic for Managers such as bugs and crazy offers like Black Friday but yet they power on with more updates and more elaborate tours and ideas.
    The game needs stripping back with an emphasis on Manager control in all aspects, training being one. For me, this new Academy is something I have been asking for over many months. Was it misleading in the build up? Maybe, maybe not. I’ll reserve judgement till it appears fully.
    Now I would like Nordeus to deal with tanking, manipulation issues in Associations and the Top100.
    Do not worry for my case, and also you will probably understand what I meant with my message better after having read through thoroughly.
    dave1311 likes this.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    i just saw on instagram that everyone is wanting live 3d matches

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Looking forward to this new YA 'improvement'.
    Bringing through your own players should have always been a bigger part of this game, just seems something that's been so underdeveloped over the years.
    I remember way back when I was building the YA looking forward to when it was all maxed out, little realising that once that happened that was about it!!!!
    Tactician likes this.

  8. #48
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sillybq View Post
    @Tactician lol, you are the last person I wrote to before sleeping and the first person I am replying to when I wake up. Ok besides the point.

    I am disappointed too in this YA and how the token back was handled. And I think it is going to be worse when it goes live. I suspect high costs in tokens. If you are this angry now, I want to see your reaction next week.

    Frankly what can we do except manage our expectations. I have never experienced a game developer cave in to consumer demands. Even less successful games never bothered about complains.

    Like you said I am new and a debutant and say silly things. But has Nordeus ever given in? I assume negotiations would have created the worse reaction historically and many players quit. Still no change right? I do not think a petition will work as well.
    The thing is two users, you and another one were completely off the mark in relation to what I posted here. I tried several times to tell you, but you kept posting other things, saying things that I never said or intended and worst you said some strong things that indirectly are insults towards me. The other thing is one user, maloukees, liked the off the mark, bashing, insulting posts as if he was having some sort of pleasure and gratification. So, what do you expect? How many times should I repeat myself to make my point clear? You expect me to stay here? Maybe I should reply back using strong words and indirect insults too? Better I go away, good for everyone, and some can make a party because maybe this is what they wanted. Also, I do not see why I should be wasting my time and effort here for trying to improve the game or helping users when there are users like you 2 or 3 in this forum that seem that they cannot understand the point but they will keep replying or act in such a way to mislead users, turn them against me and piss me off. I think you and maloukees did it deliberately. You two can come and say whatever you want but anyone can see what you two been doing with your actions. The only likely genuine misunderstanding person is Posidonas.

    I made two main posts here, one about being told that something big was coming on the 4th when in fact it should be something big coming next season. Some other users did understand what I meant as this can be seen in their replies, and the second post was in reply to what Dave said, that is to wait again for the next year's version when certain users showed their dissapointment and saying that they expected more, but my point in my reply was what he said was a repetitive scenario of every year here since some past years, that I myself have been told to wait for the next version many times and I seen others being told the same, and that why should affected users wait for another year again... it is like making use of them for another year to complete offers for the company to make money.

    How can I be dissappointed or angry with the new youth academy system when I have not even seen it yet? I have not say anything as such. I spoke about two main things as said just above. It is your off the mark, harsh and insulting replies and maloukees likes that made me angry. Stop insinuating things. In fact, I myself told users to wait and see what this new youth academy is all about when they will see it next season, and it will probably going to take more than 1 season to make a proper review of this new feature given how it functions. This is the problem with you, you keep replying in such a way to say things that I never told or intended, and another user, maloukees just come and like the posts as if he is having some sort of pleasure or gratification. It is evident that you did not like some of the things I said in the second main post, and you thought about your own gain or loss concerning this game even if that takes other dissatisfied users and ignorant users to keep feeding the company for you and users like you instead of them taking further actions so that they get what they been asking for since long, but if any of you have some sort of personal problem and tooth against me, then you can say so openly and directly instead of beating around corners. There is also the private message option for such things.

    If what I said above still will not make some of you see what is wrong, then it is lost case. I am not going to repeat myself again and again.
    Last edited by Tactician; 12-06-2019 at 02:59 AM.
    dave1311 likes this.

  9. #49
    Famous Sillybq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    The thing is two users, you and another one were completely off the mark in relation to what I posted here. I tried several times to tell you, but you kept posting other things, saying things that I never said or intended and worst you said some strong things that indirectly are insults towards me. The other thing is one user, maloukees, liked the off the mark, bashing, insulting posts as if he was having some sort of pleasure and gratification. So, what do you expect? How many times should I repeat myself to make my point clear? You expect me to stay here? Maybe I should reply back using words too? Better I go away, good for everyone, and some can make a party because maybe this is what they wanted. Also, I do not see why I should be wasting my time and effort here for trying to improve the game or helping users when there are users like you 2 or 3 in this forum that seem that they cannot understand the point but they will keep replying or act in such a way to piss me off. I think you and maloukees did it deliberately. You two can come and say whatever you want but anyone can see what you two been doing with your actions. The only likely genuine misunderstanding person is Posidonas.

    I made two main posts here, one about being told that something big was coming on the 4th when in fact it should be something big coming next season. Some other users did understand what I meant as this can be seen in their reply, and the second post was in reply to what Dave said, that is to wait again for the next year's version when certain users showed their dissapointment and saying that they expected more, but my point in my reply was what he said was a repetitive scenario of every year here since some past years, that I myself have been told to wait for the next version many times and I seen others being said the same, and that why should affected users wait for another year again... it is like making use of them for another year to complete offers for the company to make money.

    How can I be dissappointed or angry with the new youth academy system when I have not even seen it yet? I have not say anything as such. I spoke about two main things as said just above. It is your off the mark, harsh and insulting replies and maloukees likes that made me angry. Stop insinuating things. In fact, I myself told users to wait and see what this new youth academy is all about when they will see it next season, and it will probably going to take more than 1 season to make a proper review of this new feature given how it functions. This is the problem with you, you keep replying in such a way to say things that I never told or intended, and another user, maloukees just come and like the posts as if he is having some sort of pleasure or gratification. It is evident that you did not like some of the things I said in the second main post, but if any of you have some of personal problem and tooth against me, then they can say so openly and directly instead of beating around corners. There is also the private message option for such things.

    If what I said above still will not make some of you see what is wrong, then it is lost case. I am not going to repeat myself again and again.
    1) what have you done to improve the game? Other than being negative in the forum for all to see which discourages new players from playing. Think about about the negativity looks from the outside. People who want to join the forum. It’s toxic.

    2) You say I went off topic with some of my comments. Why can’t I. Did you not as well in your explanation to Dave. Can I not go off topic to explain points to you?

    3) I manage my expectations by expecting the worst and hoping for the best which is how I will handle YA. Like I said rather than be so angry. Why not just manage your expectations? It’s a suggestion, nothing more.

    4) You have been talking non stop from historical posts about not supporting the game. Not supporting is vague and can mean a lot of things mostly negative. Are you trying to deprive others of a good game to get what you want? Are you not trying to sabotage the game and company? Are you trying to manipulate others into thinking that is what they should do?

    5) You can call what I say insinuating remarks. I say I have a right to give examples. And I will say it again, we are not forced to do anything. Quit playing victim like the company is cheating you or manipulating you.

    6) So what is wrong with waiting another year? Why are you so entitled? Must everything be as you say? Who do you think you are to make such demands on a company that is not yours?
    maloukees likes this.

  10. #50
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sillybq View Post
    1) what have you done to improve the game? Other than being negative in the forum for all to see which discourages new players from playing. Think about about the negativity looks from the outside. People who want to join the forum. It’s toxic.

    2) You say I went off topic with some of my comments. Why can’t I. Did you not as well in your explanation to Dave. Can I not go off topic to explain points to you?

    3) I manage my expectations by expecting the worst and hoping for the best which is how I will handle YA. Like I said rather than be so angry. Why not just manage your expectations? It’s a suggestion, nothing more.

    4) You have been talking non stop from historical posts about not supporting the game. Not supporting is vague and can mean a lot of things mostly negative. Are you trying to deprive others of a good game to get what you want? Are you not trying to sabotage the game and company? Are you trying to manipulate others into thinking that is what they should do?

    5) You can call what I say insinuating remarks. I say I have a right to give examples. And I will say it again, we are not forced to do anything. Quit playing victim like the company is cheating you or manipulating you.

    6) So what is wrong with waiting another year? Why are you so entitled? Must everything be as you say? Who do you think you are to make such demands on a company that is not yours?
    Ok. This is too much. I cannot stand the fact that someone keep coming posting to me here saying things like above despite all the effort I made to make this person understand. What is worst is that person keeps on bringing other things and making insinuations. Either he is doing it deliberately or is a special case; only himself knows.

    End of conversation.
    Last edited by Tactician; 12-06-2019 at 03:32 AM.

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