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Thread: Can someone give my time back?

  1. #41

    Can someone give my time back?

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDunk View Post
    I didn t had any problem with the formation the whole season and now i lose, now i am suddenly to blame.
    for what? conceding in the 2nd minute a shocker goal with normal mentality and then changing it the whole game to score a goal in attacking/hard attacking with no result, while other people score 3 goals in 5 mins with hard attacking.
    CBA with this non sense anymore.
    A bit of topic but I do not care lol, In our friendly I won 4-3 in a match I did not attend against you with 3 goals in the last 6 minutes with hard defending Looooooooooooooooooool, this is funny

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    Last edited by Max; 01-03-2020 at 09:10 PM.
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  2. #42
    Moderator milpol's Avatar
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    You are the clown here. Playing 2 dmc and ml /amr vs a team playing ml mc Mr is self killing. Go and persuade some newbies with your tactics. It was your fault, not nordeus.

    Top Eleven YouTube channel:Miltiadis K
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  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDunk View Post
    I am making this thread to demask the shaddy ways NORDEUS do to some managers and stop them from winning.
    I am still playing and might play because i have a nice association going on, and i would let my friends down.
    It s not about i have a better team i win scenario, is about having a 25% rating difference and a 147% attack that didn t score in a game, while averaging 5 goals per game.
    So you are the clown here, the only game that went wrong for me in the whole season was this, even tho i faced tougher opposition before i reached the final.
    Same thing happened to me at lvl 2, i lost 3-4 to a 27% weaker team while i won 8-0 in a game vs a -10% team i think, or closer to that.
    I remember that final too, that one was unjust like this one, they dominated you somehow according to the stats but I do not know if that is just visuals as I was not attending

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  4. #44
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    Can someone give my time back?-2.jpg
    Can someone give my time back?-proof.jpg
    how does the master tactician explain this?
    What happened?
    the whole team colapsed in one game?
    in 2 games he didn t score a goal, in the final he scored 4
    I m still around, LOL!

  5. #45
    Moderator milpol's Avatar
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    Comparing the rest with one game. Come on, are u serious? Okay I won all the games easily so I will go with a self killing formation in the final. I won't even see the tactics ,my players .i have better quality,i will win. How many times has Barcelona lost from a ****ty team ?
    If u will tell me that top 11 isn't related to real football, you aren't playing top11 since 2012


    Top Eleven YouTube channel:Miltiadis K
    Last edited by milpol; 01-03-2020 at 09:12 PM.
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  6. #46
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by milpol View Post
    Comparing the rest with one game. Come on, are u serious? Okay I won all the games easily so I will go with a self killing formation in the final. For sure I will win


    Top Eleven YouTube channel:Miltiadis K
    It is the same formation i used in the last 100 games, clowno.
    I didn t changed anything.
    I m still around, LOL!

  7. #47
    Addicted IImaestroII's Avatar
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    SuperDunk, from the stats that i saw and both formations i cannot classify this as a troll match. Imo the formation was wrong , playing with 2 dmcs and no mc vs a team that play a ml+mc+mr = giving all the control of midfield to him. As a stronger side you should have shooted more than him ( poss% appart ) , so that's the first feedback you should have noticed from the stats, saying that you did something wrong. A troll would have been : i shooted 20 times oppo 2 times and he win 0-2 with super gk . This is not a troll
    milpol and Polotoed like this.

    “Football is born in the brain, not in the body"

  8. #48
    Moderator milpol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDunk View Post
    It is the same formation i used in the last 100 games, clowno.
    I didn t changed anything.
    I won't lose my time here anymore. Each game is different. Each opponent is different. You had to prepare differently on this game. You didn't. That's what you got.

    Top Eleven YouTube channel:Miltiadis K
    For official in-game help please refer to Top Eleven Support here.
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  9. #49
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IImaestroII View Post
    SuperDunk, from the stats that i saw and both formations i cannot classify this as a troll match. Imo the formation was wrong , playing with 2 dmcs and no mc vs a team that play a ml+mc+mr = giving all the control of midfield to him. As a stronger side you should have shooted more than him ( poss% appart ) , so that's the first feedback you should have noticed from the stats, saying that you did something wrong. A troll would have been : i shooted 20 times oppo 2 times and he win 0-2 with super gk . This is not a troll
    Guys, forget the stats, the players, the ratings for a bit.
    i ve been playing this formation for 100 something games, and the only trolls i got from it were when i played CL finals.
    is it random? it can t be.
    i ve played against much better opponents in asso games and it didn t happen there, yet it happens now.
    You blame the tactics, i blame this stupid game.
    I m still around, LOL!

  10. #50

    Can someone give my time back?

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDunk View Post
    Guys, forget the stats, the players, the ratings for a bit.
    i ve been playing this formation for 100 something games, and the only trolls i got from it were when i played CL finals.
    is it random? it can t be.
    i ve played against much better opponents in asso games and it didn t happen there, yet it happens now.
    You blame the tactics, i blame this stupid game.
    I blame the game too because I have nothing better to do. Haha

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