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Thread: Youth Academy training speed - Data collection

  1. #1
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    Youth Academy training speed - Data collection

    Hello guys,

    I wanted to create a new topic here in General Discussion as I now want to collect data regarding the coaching gainage (in academy) of our youth players.

    You can follow my observations up to this point in my thread in Tutorial section of the forum...

    We said there that most likely there is no relation between the initial cost of the youth player (0-6T) and his training speed. We then concluded, that it is either completely random if your player is a fast trainer, or there is a relation between his training speed and how much you invested in coaches during the YA spell.

    Today I found out, that players gain different amount of percentage when you assign a coach to them. We knew that before, but we thought that it is only because of their initial projected quality, but not because of their talent.

    Now today I have 2 players in my academy, who gain the following % when assigning a head coach (x3.2) to them:

    Youth Academy training speed - Data collection-screenshot_2020-01-12-play-top-eleven-football-manager-1-.jpg
    Youth Academy training speed - Data collection-screenshot_2020-01-12-play-top-eleven-football-manager-2-.jpg

    As you can see my DC Evers gains 0.3% more from a head coach than my MC Zeus, despite having also a little higher initial quality. Which would make him then 0.6% better instead of 0.3% if I would invest the same amount of ressources into both.
    This is only a small difference, but I think it means that my DC will be a bit faster of a trainer than the MC, who I then could release at the end of the season as a slow trainer for example to not count for my Top 14 players.

    It could be very helpful, when we know if a player is a faster or a slower trainer, if we plan to assign coaches to them or release them to not count for our 14 best players when the draw is made for the new season.
    This is why I want you to post your players and how much they would gain from assigning a head coach for 7 days. If we have a lot of data here, we can then approximately tell how fast of a trainer our player is when we compare him to the players here in this thread.

  2. #2
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    Youth Academy training speed - Data collection-screenshot_2020-01-12-top-eleven-fu%C3%9Fballmanager-auf-facebook-2-.jpg
    Youth Academy training speed - Data collection-screenshot_2020-01-12-top-eleven-fu%C3%9Fballmanager-auf-facebook-1-.jpg

    Here another example... Of course Digba Zah is a bit lower and that means he should gain more from the head coach, but 4.3% more seems a lot when he is only 2% lower initially.
    Also Kouadio was a ST who costed 5T and Digba Zah was the free one. This means Digba Zah is the faster trainer? I think so, we could see next season if we test them with special ability. But if I wanted to invest in a coach for one of them or only keep one of them to not have 2 players counting for my Top 14 players average, I could release Kouadio as he should be the slow trainer here.

    We need a lot of data to find out in what range the % gain is possible for a starting quality.

  3. #3
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    Data so far:

    S 127 MC Kalus 68.3% + 31.2%
    S 127 MC Biersard 68.0% + 31.2%
    S 128 DC Kipré 67.8% + 31.3%
    S 127 ST Duguid 67.6% + 30.9%
    S 128 GK Al-Zoubi 66.7% + 31.4%
    S 128 GK Kügler 66.2% + 31.6%
    S 127 DMC Cherif 65.0% + 31.6%

    S 128 ST Beckmann 64.8% + 31.6%
    S 127 DC Ferrie 64.4% + 32.0%
    S 127 DL Tilger 63.6% + 32.1%
    S 127 GK Barke 63.2% + 32.2%
    S 127 ST Ruphin 63.1% + 31.9%
    S 127 DC Evers 62.6% + 32.3%
    S 128 ST Sobhy 62.5% + 32.0%
    S 127 MC Zeus 62.3% + 32.0%
    S 128 MC Sebastian 60.9% + 32.2%
    S 128 ST Rubach 60.6% + 32.7%
    S 127 AML Russell 60.2% + 32.6%
    S 127 AMR Park 60.0% + 32.8%

    S 127 DL Maury 59.9% + 32.7%
    S 128 DC Gnaleko 59.8% + 32.7%
    S 127 DL Kinney 59.8% + 32.5%
    S 128 ST Bruckner 59.7% + 36.2%
    S 128 DC Schanda 59.7% + 36.3%
    S 128 GK Friebertshäuser 59.6% + 36.0%
    S 127 MR Günther 59.6% + 32.9%
    S 128 MC Smoulders 59.4% + 36.0%
    S 127 ST Kouadio 59.3% + 32.6%
    S 127 AMR McGeouch 59.3% + 32.7%
    S 128 DC Miedl 59.0% + 36.6%
    S 127 AMR McDonald 58.8% + 32.9%
    S 127 GK Leonard 58.7% + 36.5%
    S 128 MC Brieschke 58.6% + 36.3%
    S 128 DC Byloos 58.6% + 33.2%
    S 128 MC Zèbre 58.4% + 36.5%
    S 127 ST Voavy 58.4% + 32.2%
    S 128 DR Kaba 58.3% + 32.9%
    S 128 DR De Groodt 58.0% + 36.9%
    S 128 MC Mols 58.0% + 36.3%
    S 127 DL Lehmann 57.9% + 36.6%
    S 127 ST Neill 57.5% + 36.6%
    S 128 AMC Duve 57.4% + 36.7%
    S 127 ST Digba Zah 57.3% + 36.9%
    S 127 ST Lambrecht 57.3% + 36.6%
    S 127 MC Kovulmaz 57.1% + 37.0%
    S 127 MC Randrianatonisolo 56.6% + 37.3%
    S 127 MC Youan-Bi 56.4% + 37.0%
    S 128 GK Rakan 56.1% + 37.6%
    S 128 ST Fischer 56.1% + 37.5%
    S 128 DC Al-Mutairi 55.7% + 37.6%
    S 127 DMC Si Larbi 55.7% + 37.6%
    S 127 MC Camara 55.4% + 37.3%
    S 128 DC Anon 55.0% + 37.5%
    Last edited by Der_Ryan_M; 02-09-2020 at 10:50 AM.
    jarharnamme and IImaestroII like this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    I show you two screenshots that I already posted in another thread. The first one is from the previous season and the last one is from the current season.

    A little five cents from my sight. Maybe, let me stress this: maybe, Nordeus changed the rules on this subject a bit for this season.

    Attachment 131318

    Attachment 131768
    Der_Ryan_M likes this.

  5. #5
    Pro jarharnamme's Avatar
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    here's my data. I also put the cost of the player just so I can see the difference between the free and the token ones

    DC J.Mohd Zaki 58.9%+33% 4token
    DR M.Sumar 58.5%+36.7% free
    DR I.Abdul Samad 55.3%+37.4% free
    GK M.Abdul Karim 60.5%+32.8% free

    ST D.Wolze 59%+36.2% 5token
    MC A.Delura 57.9%+36.8% free
    DMC A.Alkan 57.9%+36.7% free
    DMC K.Jung 58.5%+33.3% free

    DMC D.Röttger 65.3%+31.7% 2token
    DMC A.Kügler 57.5%+37% 3token
    ST R.Schulz 67.7%+30.8% free
    DL D.Eybächer 59.2%+36.3% free

    still this is incomplete data, but the end result weirdly have the tokens and free ones ends up with almost same % at the end of training.
    maybe the tokens will be fast trainer when we get it for next season. (or not)
    well at least there's someone who have the same mind like me on taking notes bout player %
    me stupidly last season just trigger happy clicking every free and cheap player and in the end have no clue which is free which is token(or how much it cost) so I have to take note starting this season.
    oh and a little note, the position we request that we get for free will end up more % than other position that cost free, and they'll probably end up being as high(or higher) % than the token ones
    Der_Ryan_M likes this.

  6. #6
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jarharnamme View Post
    still this is incomplete data, but the end result weirdly have the tokens and free ones ends up with almost same % at the end of training.
    maybe the tokens will be fast trainer when we get it for next season. (or not)
    well at least there's someone who have the same mind like me on taking notes bout player %
    me stupidly last season just trigger happy clicking every free and cheap player and in the end have no clue which is free which is token(or how much it cost) so I have to take note starting this season.
    oh and a little note, the position we request that we get for free will end up more % than other position that cost free, and they'll probably end up being as high(or higher) % than the token ones
    Like I said so far there was no relation between the token cost of the player and their training speed. I had 6T striker who was a slower trainer than a free DC.
    Also we don't know if these % mean that the player is a faster trainer when he gets more % with 1 week of head coach than another, while having the same rating at the beginning. But why would one player gain more than another one? It doesn't make any sense if he is not a faster learner imo.
    It is just another test so far. It could mean nothing but also could be a little help in the future to determine faster trainers in the academy.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    And the Performance of this Academy Players? Good or bad

  8. #8
    Pro jarharnamme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kick Ass View Post
    And the Performance of this Academy Players? Good or bad
    superb! my youth players are mostly defensive players because my AML, AMR & ST already good enough.
    usually defenders have ****e rating during matches but these youth players are all superb!
    if they're not fast trainer then by next season i'll have another 4 18yo at start of new season. no problem

    Youth Academy training speed - Data collection-18yo.jpg

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Looks Not bad . Thanks . Good luck for your Matches

  10. #10
    Apprentice Ludo_Mansio's Avatar
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    My own data:

    DL J.O'Shea 65.90% 31.70%
    ST J.Severino 65.40% 31.50%
    MR L.Neary 64.20% 32.00%
    ST D.Delaney 63.20% 31.90%
    MR D.Sharp 61.20% 32.40%
    AML R.Ugwu 59.00% 33.10%
    MC S.Ingram 57.40% 36.80%
    GK J.Gleeson 57.10% 36.70%

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