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Thread: Have an Impt League game against League Lead on this Fri

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2019

    Have an Impt League game against League Lead on this Fri

    Dear all

    Trying to seek advice against my league lead which is undefeated just like me. I am 111% and my opponent is 112.2% and has a super mutant amr. Can someone provide me tips and advice. My opponent has not conceded a goal using a 4-3n-1-2 formation so far which is amazing and I think I will need to beat him in order to top the league. I normally use a 4-5-1v and my team is called Winchester. Please provide the tactics and formation that would really help me a lot

    Have an Impt League game against League Lead on this Fri-screenshot_2020-01-15-00-12-16.jpgHave an Impt League game against League Lead on this Fri-screenshot_2020-01-15-00-11-31.jpgHave an Impt League game against League Lead on this Fri-screenshot_2020-01-15-00-15-41.jpg
    Last edited by wintersnow341; 01-14-2020 at 05:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    It looks like its gonna be a hard game but i would bet on you
    wintersnow341 likes this.

  3. #3
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    I think he is slightly favorite to win against you due to his attack mainly.
    I would play defensive+ counters against him. The formation depends on your players.
    wintersnow341 likes this.
    I m still around, LOL!

  4. #4
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    On the picture it looks like he is playing 4-3W-1-2 and not 4-3N-1-2 like you said above.

    Formations with 1 MC normally pretty weak in my opinion when you have 2 MC and play through the middle. It's how I would do it anyways.
    wintersnow341 likes this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    use 451v
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    I think it will be a draw (if nothing goes wrong). The subs will change the gameplay. So, make sure to subs at the right time and right player (if needed).
    wintersnow341 likes this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Hi SuperDunk

    Thanks for yr suggestions

    May I know if I should change to hard press + defensive instead as I think most of the time the counter option is broken, maybe should i switch my passing to default mixed or both flanks too

    I think I will switch to my favoured 4-5-1v formation

    i think i will use defensive, mixed passing (Centre and both flanks), Mixed passing (long and short), no counter and offside, High pressing, normal tackling and zonal marking so would this setting be good against such a tough opponent
    Last edited by wintersnow341; 01-15-2020 at 03:36 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Hi Club of wins

    Thanks, I think I would use 4-5-1v, is there a setting I would amend as normally i use defensive, mixed passing (Centre and both flanks), Mixed passing (long and short), no counter and offside, High pressing, normal tackling and zonal marking

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    hi ryan

    what formation would u suggest and the settings to be focus in the middle passing, could u elaborate further as i am curious and keen to know more.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    @SuperDunk - Think he is spot on that you may want to go for defence and counter when opponent is pretty strong in attack
    @Ryan - He is also correct that the safest option is to go for MC and dominate the midfield

    If you are comfortable with a draw, try a defensive 4-1DM-4M-1 (4-1-4-1). Could pull the fullbacks to a bit closer to central and also DMC closer to the DCs to limit the space of his mutant ST when oppnent has no wingers and both his ML & MR are not too outwide enough to cause troubles from the wings. If that’s a 4-way competition tie for the league, a draw does not do much harm:

    Have an Impt League game against League Lead on this Fri-1b0efce0-7bba-4f15-a9ba-7765f3ea7c30.jpeg
    Long/mixed, middle (can change to flank if ML & MR ratings are high), counter off (can be on if your DMC has playmaker SA); defensive; high press (try to stop attack in midfield to his mutant ST)

    If you rather draw but are willing to take a bit of risk for quite a better chance of winning, you may consider 4-1DM-3-1AMR-1. Your opponent’s DL is a makeshift ML/DL, so defensive skills of that DL could be at most a 90% defender even when his ML skills on paper make him a 6.5*, and his DR is a proper 7* and his strongest defender. And you have a 7* AMR/ST. So the most logical setup is to only attack via right flank when: 1) 6* AML vs 7* DR does not seem useful; 2) have 3MC to match with his 3 MCs:

    Have an Impt League game against League Lead on this Fri-ee4a8f00-3ba5-4d9c-a536-1497c0c5802e.jpeg
    Long/mixed, right flank (most attacks via 3vs2 built from the back), counter on; defensive, high press

    Can also play 4-1DM-3-1AMC-1, but that wasted your other ST ability as your ST is slightly better than AMC, and also opponents DCs are better than his DL.

    All the best and best of luck with your match!
    wintersnow341 likes this.
    Winning is a form of art. Consistently winning is a show-hand of skills and luck.

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