I haven’t experienced that before, I got my time and it is at 19:06 over here which suits, your time changed to 1:39 am for some reason but it doesn’t make a difference really, your opppoent is from Europe, according to his profile, he is Czech, so the time for him would be +1 CET at 18:39, that time for him is quite suitable, I feel that the time zones are to play here, it is so vast between Europe & the Philippines that they can’t really choose a suitable time for either, maybe 13:00 for them or 20:00 for you, but then again, they could have their league match at that time. It is unfair but the game engine would probably suit managers in Europe more than in the Philippines, it is just the way the game engine works, on some occasions, in your favour but most of the time it does not, it is really the time difference that comes into play here and I agree it is unfair but not a lot they can do because at a suitable time for both of you, they could have another match or they may not have enough time to prepare for the final either, for me, the Final will be at 17:39 my time so I will support.
Good luck.
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Yes, all kinds of time before. Local time as early as 4am or as late as midnight. Midnight is marginally fine as I could fight the sleeping devil; 4am will creat a panda (my eyes look alike at least).
Just that there would be no matches from 1 hour before and 1 hour after refresh, so ‘fortunately’ as per UK GMT time no match can take place in between 1.30am to 3.30am.
Winning is a form of art. Consistently winning is a show-hand of skills and luck.
My main forward player Ludovic just scored 7 goals and 1 assist in League match.
Tomorrow we have CL final which should be an easy win unless Nordeus troll gods decide to troll me.
We won 0-9, we are still first and 13 points clear, tomorrow we will play the second place, we will see how I get on, it will be my first match in the morning except for association matchups.
Here are the highlights.
Thanks to everyone who supported me in this match.
Also I have the CL Final, the quality difference is 5.2% as of right now, it may change, I know their team quality is 100.7% but they have 1 played suspended for a league match so like me, their league match is in the morning.
It will be so tough, I can’t predict what will happen.
One thing I will do is I will wish him good luck for the final because it is being respectful to your opposition, of course you want to win, but you can’t be rude at their expense.
Anyway, I will be looking forward to it, it will be hard.
46 wins out of 47.
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I am rarely one who complains about fixtures. The fixture list tomorrow definitely would be some kind of record.
2 competitive matches within a bit more than 3 hours? No problem. It does happen occasionally.
But then also jam another 2 association matches with opponent of 50%+ better in between? This is taking the Mickey to a new high level...
Last edited by HeavensAAA; 03-26-2020 at 11:30 PM.
Winning is a form of art. Consistently winning is a show-hand of skills and luck.
I haven’t got it too bad, I mean, I do my best not to complain, I had a rough start here on the forum complaining about everything, anyway I will complain when something has to be complained about.
That would be quite annoying, I have had 2 games in 3 hours many times, but those association matches will be a killer, you have to do 4 more training sessions than normal and waste more valuable greens.
My worst fixture congestion was a while ago when I won the Champions League, I had my Super Cup match first and then my league match 25 minutes later, this is not a joke, some people get a super cup and league match, 16 minutes apart and I have seen it, imagine that on Saturday should you win the CL, cram all that in with association matches and you are screwed, hopefully to those that win it, they don’t get fixture congested as it is not fair.
Haven't been in the mood to update in general and because of the recent events.
It's going to be another season without a title.
Lost in the QF of the CL which wasn't bugging me as much as the fact when I saw one of the other teams left in the competition. 120% quality team filled with players with special abilities, he was nowhere close to that at the start of the season. His club record showed he has more losses than wins. He literally transformed over night. Don't think I will ever get that CL breakthrough the way this is going.
One point behind in the league but both the rival and me have easy two games left. Lost the cup final 1-0.
For the second season in a row I will have around 40 wins and about 3-4 draws and defeats, and zero titles to show off. Frustrating...
United FC: 6 leagues (1 invincible), 1 cup, 2 CLs
St. Tropez 1964: 6 leagues (1 inv), 1 cup, 1 CL (One treble)
Newton Heath: 7 leagues (2 inv), 1 cup, 1 CL, 1 SLs, 1 SC
The Black Pearl: 3 leagues (1 inv), 2 cups, 1 CL, 2 SL, 1 SC
Manchester Heath: 13 leagues (8 inv), 8 Champions Leagues, 9 Cups, 5 Super Leagues, 8 Super Cups... (Three quadruples, one Invincible season)