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Thread: New event (Special Sponsor) Yay or Nay?

  1. #11
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Think i am going to skip this one, i remembered quickly what i ve been through the first day of the season and the trolls i ve experienced, and me buying it just demonstrates that they can simply not care and receive money...
    Those are poor rewards imo, and not worth it.
    I m still around, LOL!

  2. #12
    Newbie Nico Tan's Avatar
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    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDunk View Post
    i am thinking of giving my AML legend with shadow striker sa a fk ability with the premium one.
    Otherwise i don t fancy it at all.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Anyone know what the last special achievement is?

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  4. #14
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GingerSnakes View Post
    Anyone know what the last special achievement is?

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    Achievement you can show off in your manager profile.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDunk View Post
    Don t think about the fast recovery, it s just 25-30 min less, that s 6% more in like 10 hours. Not a big difference.
    the initial tasks are quite difficult, 100 morales don t make sense, and who knows what tasks will follow up?
    Agree with you i would never buy premium now, but the rewards are very good

    100 blues its easy everybody has tons! But it will take some time

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Nico Tan View Post
    What do you think about the new event?
    Should I get it? (2nd SA and Fast recovery)
    Let me know in the comments below!
    No do not spend money on the game, it is not worth it, SA’s are quite useless, they aren’t thst effective in my experiences with SA players.

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  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Don’t believe the tasks disappear after 2 days, there until the event ends

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDunk View Post
    i am thinking of giving my AML legend with shadow striker sa a fk ability with the premium one.
    Otherwise i don t fancy it at all.
    Super be careful for what i've read in the game and heard you canot choose de SA, which makes the prize much less interesting... i think ill stop by the emlem or so...

    The prizes aren't that good and the tasks are costly... (in two of them you must spend 15 tokens minimum)

  9. #19
    Famous Sillybq's Avatar
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    Yay for me. Something different for a change. Also less time consuming as we complete tasks just doing what we normally do, not too difficult. No need to play matches so no upsets due to troll losses.
    templealumni23 likes this.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Sillybq View Post
    Yay for me. Something different for a change. Also less time consuming as we complete tasks just doing what we normally do, not too difficult. No need to play matches so no upsets due to troll losses.
    It depends on how much resources we have though. Higher level managers or resource-efficient managers may find it a lot easier to achieve the tasks.

    New starter managers may be in a really disadvantaged position to complete some tasks:
    1) It is more than likely they may not have accumulated 100 blue packs yet, so won’t be able to use 100 blues for the task (well-managed level 4+ could have a few hundreds saved - Some would hesitate to spend 100 even if they have just saved up 200)
    2) Assign 3 coaches in YA - players like myself who had already released all youths on day 3 can’t even participate when we want to change our mind, let alone those new managers who have less than 100T would not waste those precious T on one task
    3) 9T as a minimum to buy 3 80%+ quality players to finish the 2 tasks related to auctions (4T to outbid 1T twice, and another 1T bid, as the bare minimum and lots of luck)
    - Not many managers need to buy 3 players of those quality from day 10 and onwards
    4) Finish training new role is practically impossible within 10 days, so basically hoping players to use up greens to boost a role, and it is easy to guess there should be a similar ‘finish a new SA’ later or in a similar event later
    - so from now I will have 2 reserve players with each to have trained a SA to 49/50 and a role to 49/50 and pause so as to ensure I can get these possible points later

    Managers should also hold out the premium purchase until all tasks are revealed. It makes no sense to pay up, and then find out the last tasks are extremely difficult or resource-draining, when the best rewards can only be obtained when all or nearly all tasks could be completed anyway.
    Sillybq likes this.
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