My friendly matches against Asian teams must be played at times when I am supposed to be sleeping. Why are they advantaged?
Half of the matches are played when it is the middle of the night in Europe. All teams in my league are from Europe, so nobody can watch the games. What is supposed to be the use of friendly matches when nobody can attend?
we get two freakin matches in a single day whenever there are a total of 14 teams in my friendly championship
My first game was a total disaster, 5-2, Benítez missed a penalty which could have made it 1-1 and straight after we got back in the game, we got a red card for Barrero which is his first ever one in any competition.
Yes he was better but we were demolished, thanks all who supported.
We were decimated.
Congrats @milpol.
Last edited by Max; 05-11-2020 at 11:37 AM.
Well played max!
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Quick question... I know the morale and condition and so doesn't affect, but I understand, and I've checked it for myself, that that is "after" the game, like they won't be tired after the game for exameple. Ok. understood. But my question is... are they also affected BEFORE the game? Like, if I have a player tired in my starting team, let's say 50% condition, he will play from that 50% condition? can I play with an injured player too? I hope that I made myself clear with the question...