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If that's a certainty, then why not just build up your own world class 18-year olds rather than buy them?
Again, even in a scenario where humans actually did buy/sell in the auction, no one in their right mind would put up an amazing 18-year old player for auction unless they gained real life money from it (which I doubt Nordeus would ever allow).
If, for a moment, we're trying to base this game on real life... then in real life, how many amazing 18-year olds can you think of? What about past ones who then went on to remain world class? There's barely a handful. So what makes you think this game should then be flooded with amazing 18-year olds?
Just use the youth academy - you get a few 17-year olds every season to train up. If you play the game long enough, you get plenty of free T-bucks... which you can use to train up these 17-year olds into decent 18-year olds.