No counters lately, it is more like one man match lately. My opponents players dont do passing ball, they straight running whole pitch from defense to attack and score.
No counters lately, it is more like one man match lately. My opponents players dont do passing ball, they straight running whole pitch from defense to attack and score.
Season going great again.
In league stil win all the games.
CL still group leader, also all wins.... and just win 5-0 the away cup match. So all going good for mecso far..
United FC: 6 leagues (1 invincible), 1 cup, 2 CLs
St. Tropez 1964: 6 leagues (1 inv), 1 cup, 1 CL (One treble)
Newton Heath: 7 leagues (2 inv), 1 cup, 1 CL, 1 SLs, 1 SC
The Black Pearl: 3 leagues (1 inv), 2 cups, 1 CL, 2 SL, 1 SC
Manchester Heath: 13 leagues (8 inv), 8 Champions Leagues, 9 Cups, 5 Super Leagues, 8 Super Cups... (Three quadruples, one Invincible season)
First week of this season has been eventful in many ways.
After a successful run with my prior association I decided to leave because of inactivity among the other managers. I've successfully found an active platinum association and won 3/4 games thus far and I'm very happy with my decision. The one loss, which came against a 8 % stronger opponent I feel was my fault as I made a bad decision with starting formation. I did my preparation and had a plan, but departed from it and made a last minute change. As a result, I lost.
Going into this season, we were looking for two replacements, GK and ST, and one addition (AML/AMC/AMR) for the sake of versatility and flexibility. In addition to that, we acquired a last minute signing last season (DMC) which we were looking forward to utilising this season.
After the first week of the season, we've filled all vacant positions.
GK: Ibrahim Alma
AML/AMC/AMR: Firas al-Khatib
ST: Omar Jehad al-Somah
We haven't developed the first two yet, nor our DMC from last season, Damian Kaminski, as the need for a competent ST was urgent. Damian Kaminski has learnt a new position, though (DC).
With that being said, the start of this season was slow to say the least. Going into the first games with a 4 % ST, 50 % GK and 70 % DMC was though and resulted in two draws already this season. But we've managed to turn things around with the arrivals of Ibrahim Alma (GK) and Omar al-Somah (ST). Especially the latter.
Our star player, Manuel Marcusson (AML) has delivered this season as well, but not on par with prior seasons. Already last season Maksim Baladzhanov (AMR) begun to take some limelight from Marcusson. This season, our new addition, Omar al-Somah (ST) has taken som space as well and saved us from defeat at least twice and scored the 1000th goal in the club's history just now in our association game against a 8% stronger opponent.
I'm really looking forward to pairing these three this season. Baladzhanov seems to be the natural assist king, al-Somah the classic bomber and Marcusson a complete winger.
Last edited by Arphaxad; 06-28-2020 at 11:05 PM.
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Still haven't conceded a goal yet. What's the longest run people have had without conceding?
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I played a stronger team yesterday in the first leg of asso games. I played 541 hard defending no counter low press short passes no offside trap and defence bonus activated. Within 15 minutes the opponent scored twice on two counters. I still am amazed as to how he managed to find two countering situations and score twice on them with my formation and tactics. I'd be fine with it if he scored on normal possessions, but two counter attacks in 15 minutes against my tactic?
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