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It's a calculator I've developed. Basically, training efficiency is based on the average drill quality of each drill. The lower the average drill quality, the more efficient you're able to train your player. Average drill quality is the average value of all targeted skills. As you can see in the Picture I attached, your player has a very high average quality for the drill Fast Counter-Attacks. If you keep training Fast Counter-Attack, he'll require more sets and rest packs to develop than if you train for example Gym. Because the average quality of the drill Gym is low as you can see. The efficiency decreases for every incremental 20 skill points going from 0-19 and onwards. What this basically means is that you should treat each drill as having it's own star system. When a drill hits an average of 80, it'll become less efficient to train than if it was between 60-79. When it hits 100, it becomes less efficient to train than when it was between 80-99. Once a drill average hits 120, it seems to become much less efficient, meaning that your player will require much more rest packs to go from 120-140 than from 100-120. Hope that helps and let me know if you need anything else to help you use the calculator. I will update it today or tomorrow, so you might want to wait until I upload the new version which will have built in macros in it to help the user even more.