Not true at all.
If I am sure of my team beating the other, I would rather be 100% sure than 99% sure.
That is why I organize my team to counter the other and exploit any weaknesses.
Sure, making the other manager change formation to counter yours sounds fine and if he does and you lose? Well then you slap yourself for not managing your team and take the loss.
I want the other manager to be confident in his formation, then I counter his and win with a better formation.
Think about it: the other team is strongest with 4-4-2 classic. You are strongest with 4-4-2 as well. Do you risk a 0-0 draw or a close game where you might lose or do you exploit the weakness of the 4-4-2 and go 4-5-1V or 4-1-2-1-2 n.diamond? both of those formations have a much better chance at beating 4-4-2.
I will always take my chances with countering and give my team a better chance at winning.
Go ahead and sit on your favourite formation for the whole season....just hope you dont meet my team, because I will be happy to change my formation to exploit the weakness of your formation....