Let's go again and for 3rd time before we change of challange, with the SAs challange that will give you the option to compete with 2 kinds of players, so, you can select to compete in this challange:
1- a player, with Free Kick Specialist Special Ability
2- a player, with Corner Specialist Special Ability
You can select a player, of any position but the criteria to at least claim rewards, is that he have to have one of these 2 SAs trained.
The pointing system is the following:
In both Special Abilities, MotM 5 points
FKs Specialis
goals 3 points - assists 1 point
Corner Specialist
assists 3 points - goals 1 point
In case that a player have the 2 SAs -

2 points per goal, 2 points per assists-
Think well, who compete to represent your Club managers, we will keep this thread with a Register Period to join the challange, until the day 10-13 of the current season aprox.
You can change the player before the Register period is closed.
Once season is over the best 3 Players will earn as reward for their clubs, 50-40 and 30 Tokens respectively.
Good Luck Managers!
The last seasonal challange winners- guglioni996, chukwurauche, stevan99 -can't claim rewards this season.
In case of multiple draw in a position, as we have a single reward of each, and some players have one or another SA, we will undo the draw with a proportional criteria, counting the amount of MotM and 1 more criteria that will be homogeneous for all depending on the SA that the participants have, if majory have Corners SA, we will count the Assictances, if majory have FK + Mixed SA we will count the goals, do a check out and compare the most fair as posible.