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If you sell your top scorer, you'll realize that by setting another ST, he'll perform differently, ofc. , but lets imagine that the game have a list, and this list ranks players contribution, so by selling your number 1 contributor the list changes, so if you set the ST that you have in the reserve, maybe with the updated list of contribution he'll be 4th. Si thats why after selling your top player all of sudden you can see how the AMC improves, cause now he becames 1st witht he current team configuration.
This isn't a exact explanation, but more or less it works like this and we can experience this situation.
The 2nd question, is something we've seen here very often. Scout players don't have high performance by default, scout is the name assigned when a player reach the 6*. and we have many cases with managers rebuilding entire squads, buying 11 scouts, and can happen that the engine assigns bad internal roles to a new player for some reason.
We've seen people here spending 200$ to rebuild a team and coming here to complain because they win nothing with the better visual team.
You need to understand that a star by itself means nothing, the silulator uses as parameter the quality differance between 2 teams to set the scenario margin, so a 6* vs a 8* is exactl the same as a 2* vs 4* in terms of chances.