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Thread: Is there something like good performer in TOP ELEVEN

  1. #1
    Newbie Rajat_the_HERO's Avatar
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    Is there something like good performer in TOP ELEVEN

    As there are fast trainers , who can be traced by comparing overall quality and market value in auctions.
    Is there anything like GOOD Performer in TOP ELEVEN or the performance of the player solely depend on a combination of his attributes, the position he is playing and the tactics used.

  2. #2
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    Aug 2019
    You need to test your player on the pitch to find out what his performance is.

    Is there something like good performer in TOP ELEVEN-20201105_165428.jpg
    Is there something like good performer in TOP ELEVEN-20201105_165506.jpg
    Last edited by RaiKo; 11-05-2020 at 12:56 PM.

  3. #3
    Newbie Rajat_the_HERO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaiKo View Post
    You need to test your player on the pitch to find out what his performance is.

    Is it due to his correctly trained attributes?

    I am just saying that, if we train a player's white attributes correctly, does it imply he will give good performance in almost all matches?
    Last edited by Rajat_the_HERO; 11-05-2020 at 01:22 PM.

  4. #4
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rajat_the_HERO View Post
    Is it due to his correctly trained attributes?

    I am just saying that, if we train a player's white attributes correctly, does it imply he will give good performance in almost all matches?
    No. The players have internal skills. When you buy a player, the engine calibrates your team so you cant buy 11 players that scored 40 goals each one last season and expect the same.
    The engine will assign internal contributive roles, as key player, assister, a FK man role that will stay attached to aplayer few weeks, another for corners, animations/actions assigned to players...
    So you can catch easily a fast trainer, just by listing market players by value and this is related to the visual skills XP, but you can't train a player intentionally and convert him by your own will, in the "best player you ever had". It have to be well programmed by default, and this depend on the internal roles that the engine assign to the players to create a realistic squad.

    So yes, if you have enough key players, rarely the engine will give key power players to a new signing. In this case what can happen is theat the new signings will affect the current roles assigned, spreading the contribution so you should notice a change in the key players performance.
    This can happen too after a big resources invertment, it can change the order of players of the internal lists of contributive players so all of sudden, you may not recognize your squad, because the massive training could make the FK scorer, stop scoring, the contributive players, if you don't have a clear key player, could be overcomed by other players and stop assisting or scoring all of sudden, cause there can be a change in the internal lists that the game uses to decide how the contribution is spread between the players.

    Can seem a complex stuff but, the game have a system, and even if may not be exactly like this, it is really close to this example.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    No. The players have internal skills. When you buy a player, the engine calibrates your team so you cant buy 11 players that scored 40 goals each one last season and expect the same.
    The engine will assign internal contributive roles, as key player, assister, a FK man role that will stay attached to aplayer few weeks, another for corners, animations/actions assigned to players...
    This info was a real game changer for me. I didn't know it was like this. Does it mean there are not pre-programmed players in the game ? As much as i understand, every time players are
    initially re-programmed according to their new signed teams situations(good performer cap). May be set based on low or high performance, the chance depends on how many good players you have before new signing.

    If i transfer my opponent legend player, he might be underperforming in my team or Player stats are not important when you decide to buy a player. Can you explain more please ?
    Last edited by RaiKo; 11-06-2020 at 06:22 PM.

  6. #6
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaiKo View Post
    This info was a real game changer for me. I didn't know it was like this. Does it mean there are not pre-programmed players in the game ? As much as i understand, every time players are
    initially re-programmed according to their new signed teams situations(good performer cap). May be set based on low or high performance, the chance depends on how many good players you have before new signing.

    If i transfer my opponent legend player, he might be underperforming in my team or Player stats are not important when you decide to buy a player. Can you explain more please ?
    The profile of a player is created once he joins a team, not before by default. It is like this because teams, as said can't allow you to buy 11 players, that scored 40 goals and make this happen again. The game spreads the contribution -goals, assists, aggressivity, animations, basically, good or bad contribution- between the players doing a limitation of each one of these roles to create realistic teams.

    So no, once you sell your player, and joins another team, isn't the same intermally.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    The profile of a player is created once he joins a team, not before by default. It is like this because teams, as said can't allow you to buy 11 players, that scored 40 goals and make this happen again. The game spreads the contribution -goals, assists, aggressivity, animations, basically, good or bad contribution- between the players doing a limitation of each one of these roles to create realistic teams.

    So no, once you sell your player, and joins another team, isn't the same intermally.
    Okay i have 2 new questions now.

    1- What happens to our players performances when we sell one player from the squad ? Does it instantly affect behaviour of players stayed in squad and any changes on contributions then ?

    2- Why scout players have high performance in this case ? What happens if i buy 11 scout players ?
    Last edited by RaiKo; 11-06-2020 at 09:59 PM.
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  8. #8
    Newbie Rajat_the_HERO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    The profile of a player is created once he joins a team, not before by default. It is like this because teams, as said can't allow you to buy 11 players, that scored 40 goals and make this happen again. The game spreads the contribution -goals, assists, aggressivity, animations, basically, good or bad contribution- between the players doing a limitation of each one of these roles to create realistic teams.

    So no, once you sell your player, and joins another team, isn't the same intermally.
    At the 4th of the session, I can get some new signings in my team, and again I negotiate some of my good players in negotiation market,
    Can we assume the profile of each players who will be there in my team at the start of the next session, all their profile will be again determined like their contribution in goals, assists, aggressivity, animations, basically, good or bad contribution- between the players doing a limitation of each one of these roles to create realistic teams
    Last edited by Rajat_the_HERO; 11-07-2020 at 01:00 PM.

  9. #9
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaiKo View Post
    Okay i have 2 new questions now.

    1- What happens to our players performances when we sell one player from the squad ? Does it instantly affect behaviour of players stayed in squad and any changes on contributions then ?

    2- Why scout players have high performance in this case ? What happens if i buy 11 scout players ?
    If you sell your top scorer, you'll realize that by setting another ST, he'll perform differently, ofc. , but lets imagine that the game have a list, and this list ranks players contribution, so by selling your number 1 contributor the list changes, so if you set the ST that you have in the reserve, maybe with the updated list of contribution he'll be 4th. Si thats why after selling your top player all of sudden you can see how the AMC improves, cause now he becames 1st witht he current team configuration.

    This isn't a exact explanation, but more or less it works like this and we can experience this situation.

    The 2nd question, is something we've seen here very often. Scout players don't have high performance by default, scout is the name assigned when a player reach the 6*. and we have many cases with managers rebuilding entire squads, buying 11 scouts, and can happen that the engine assigns bad internal roles to a new player for some reason.
    We've seen people here spending 200$ to rebuild a team and coming here to complain because they win nothing with the better visual team.

    You need to understand that a star by itself means nothing, the silulator uses as parameter the quality differance between 2 teams to set the scenario margin, so a 6* vs a 8* is exactl the same as a 2* vs 4* in terms of chances.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    If you sell your top scorer, you'll realize that by setting another ST, he'll perform differently, ofc. , but lets imagine that the game have a list, and this list ranks players contribution, so by selling your number 1 contributor the list changes, so if you set the ST that you have in the reserve, maybe with the updated list of contribution he'll be 4th. Si thats why after selling your top player all of sudden you can see how the AMC improves, cause now he becames 1st witht he current team configuration.

    This isn't a exact explanation, but more or less it works like this and we can experience this situation.

    The 2nd question, is something we've seen here very often. Scout players don't have high performance by default, scout is the name assigned when a player reach the 6*. and we have many cases with managers rebuilding entire squads, buying 11 scouts, and can happen that the engine assigns bad internal roles to a new player for some reason.
    We've seen people here spending 200$ to rebuild a team and coming here to complain because they win nothing with the better visual team.

    You need to understand that a star by itself means nothing, the silulator uses as parameter the quality differance between 2 teams to set the scenario margin, so a 6* vs a 8* is exactl the same as a 2* vs 4* in terms of chances.
    Thank you so much! This is getting more and more interesting. I think this is one of the most important topic in TE forum, i bet on 90% of the community isn't even aware of it, making the transfers, building squad without knowing it omg. You should open separated topic to explain it in more details in your spare time.

    Your answers bring new questions, sorry about it.

    1- What are the differences having squad between 14 ( 2 GK, 5 Def., 4 Mid., 3 ST) and 28 players (3 GK, 9 Def., 9 Mid., 7 ST). Any advantages on the list ? Also which one is better ? Having 10 ST or 1 ST in your squad.

    2- Does playing regularly affect/change player's rank on the list ? Does getting older affect/change player's rank on the list ? Also same question for changing set piece takers, team captain and player's contract duration.

    3- When is contribution list updated ? Day by day, every match or something else ?

    4- Are there superstar players like Messi, Ronaldo in the game ? I mean only few players can show extraordinary performance (1k goals) during the career. If yes, how to find them or all players are same and showing very high performance as random Because he's 1st on his team list and playing in best balanced team to show his maximum performance.
    Last edited by RaiKo; 11-08-2020 at 02:15 AM.
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