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Thread: Nordeus' draw policy

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by HeavensAAA View Post
    The issue of managers selling full teams still remain whether they get promoted or not, because everyone knows full well that there are many top divisions available for easy draws when it will be practically the same with max 14 teams in each of the ‘Top Division’ (say there are 1400 teams in top divisions, there would then be 100 draws; and who would want to keep a 60% team to get a horrible draw when a manager could sell all to promote with a 40% team for the draw with 40% opposition?).

    This will inevitably lead to what I suggested earlier. Mass selling by end of every season, and mass buying in days 1 to 3, because in a gaming mode it is impossible to create a 1400-manager league for matches to be played with each other even just once.
    But on my idea their would be no draw system, so also no manupulation, because it only depends on the performance in the last season, just like in real soccer

  2. #12
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maurizio2208 View Post
    They use Mourinho face but is like the algorithm is written by children.
    I know the perfect algorithm does not exist but at least they could try something better after so many years and what they do instead? They introduce the weather and field shape features..... simply absurd!
    Even maintaining the same level structure, as I said they should reduce the range at least from 20 to 5.
    By the way in the cup is even worst... if I pass the turn, next time I will face a 140% team, a gap of 40% is incomprehensible!

    And then, in my opinion, they should classify the league not only with level, let me say level 8A, 8B or as they like stars so much, level 8 ******, 8 ***** and so on.
    An then they could expose a team reputation based on level, stars and position history obtained in the past league.
    They should also try to avoid tanking and sell and buy. I suggest to compute the mean level of the team considering the top 11 players and to calculate the mean during the full duration of the season (every official match) to avoid the sell and buy trick.
    Approved post**

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by maloukees View Post
    1) All teams should lose 20% every season
    Obviously the most logical and easily implementable solution.
    Who knows why nobody wants to activate it...
    maloukees likes this.

  4. #14
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    Dec 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by maloukees View Post
    But on my idea their would be no draw system, so also no manupulation, because it only depends on the performance in the last season, just like in real soccer
    Your idea will work if it is like the real world where there are only some 20 teams in top division and some 20-26 teams in division 2, 3 and so on.

    In TE, there are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of active managers. Say we will have 10 tiers of divisions. So do you mean top division (and also each of the other 9) will have hundreds of managers? If so, how can we expect each manager to play just 1 match with hundreds of league matches in 1 season, ie. 28 matchdays?

    And if they are to be split into only 14 clubs for each division, say 140 managers in each of these mini 10-tier group from next season, how can we allocate all the current thousands of managers to each tier? With what criteria would a certain club deserves to be in tier 1 at the very beginning, and also why a certain club to deserve to be condemned to a bottom tier-10 start (and totally no chance to be promoted to tier-1 until some 9 seasons later at least)?

    I can guarantee with everything that everyone who got allocated to tier 7-10 will come on here, swear and quit, and rightly so. Do you have a solution for this with your idea?
    Winning is a form of art. Consistently winning is a show-hand of skills and luck.

  5. #15
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    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by HeavensAAA View Post
    Your idea will work if it is like the real world where there are only some 20 teams in top division and some 20-26 teams in division 2, 3 and so on.

    In TE, there are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of active managers. Say we will have 10 tiers of divisions. So do you mean top division (and also each of the other 9) will have hundreds of managers? If so, how can we expect each manager to play just 1 match with hundreds of league matches in 1 season, ie. 28 matchdays?

    And if they are to be split into only 14 clubs for each division, say 140 managers in each of these mini 10-tier group from next season, how can we allocate all the current thousands of managers to each tier? With what criteria would a certain club deserves to be in tier 1 at the very beginning, and also why a certain club to deserve to be condemned to a bottom tier-10 start (and totally no chance to be promoted to tier-1 until some 9 seasons later at least)?

    I can guarantee with everything that everyone who got allocated to tier 7-10 will come on here, swear and quit, and rightly so. Do you have a solution for this with your idea?
    You can first a division system within countries and above that one for continent and above that one worldwide, like in real football,

    At the beginning for the place all teams could be ranked on quality...... best team is #1 and next is #2 until #14 that is division 1
    Then the #15 until #28 is division 2 ...... until all teams are ranked....

    At the same time Nordeus can remove the botteams from the system

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by maloukees View Post
    You can first a division system within countries and above that one for continent and above that one worldwide, like in real football,

    At the beginning for the place all teams could be ranked on quality...... best team is #1 and next is #2 until #14 that is division 1
    Then the #15 until #28 is division 2 ...... until all teams are ranked....

    At the same time Nordeus can remove the botteams from the system
    So your suggestion is basically: current season’s lower quality teams, who may have very good planning to strengthen properly in coming seasons, are all deservedly punished to be placed in the bottom few tiers and they should all struggle down there for at least several seasons for any chance for promotions to tier 1.

    And as obviously, all new lower level managers, say level 1 to 5, who surely do not have much resources to strengthen their teams in their first few seasons in the game, should also be deservedly condemned to the lowest tiers for seasons just because they join the game later.

    And then how about new joiners in the new season? They are later than last season’s joiners for 1 season, and will be allocated to bottom tier automatically too - and can see no light at the end of tunnel when some 10 of 14 new joiners to be stuck at bottom tier for 1 season at least and probably many more seasons to come. Promotions may never happen for 3-4 seasons in terms of chances, and it is an easy conclusion if they would be frustrated to quit or keep on fighting for something impossible.

    Do you want all new joiners quit the game immediately? And also no new joiners even to get into the game? Seems that would be the end result even if you aren’t planning it.
    Winning is a form of art. Consistently winning is a show-hand of skills and luck.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeavensAAA View Post
    So your suggestion is basically: current season’s lower quality teams, who may have very good planning to strengthen properly in coming seasons, are all deservedly punished to be placed in the bottom few tiers and they should all struggle down there for at least several seasons for any chance for promotions to tier 1.

    And as obviously, all new lower level managers, say level 1 to 5, who surely do not have much resources to strengthen their teams in their first few seasons in the game, should also be deservedly condemned to the lowest tiers for seasons just because they join the game later.

    And then how about new joiners in the new season? They are later than last season’s joiners for 1 season, and will be allocated to bottom tier automatically too - and can see no light at the end of tunnel when some 10 of 14 new joiners to be stuck at bottom tier for 1 season at least and probably many more seasons to come. Promotions may never happen for 3-4 seasons in terms of chances, and it is an easy conclusion if they would be frustrated to quit or keep on fighting for something impossible.

    Do you want all new joiners quit the game immediately? And also no new joiners even to get into the game? Seems that would be the end result even if you aren’t planning it.
    So you like the draw system now?

    So basicly i read many complaining about it, many tankers etc.

    Who win the trophy every season? The best manipulator.... so cheers for the draw system .... i keep on tanking

  8. #18
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    Dec 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by maloukees View Post
    So you like the draw system now?

    So basicly i read many complaining about it, many tankers etc.

    Who win the trophy every season? The best manipulator.... so cheers for the draw system .... i keep on tanking
    No, I don’t like it much too. Personally I’d like to keep my best-18 without having to change any of them from 18yo to retirement. Much more enjoyable that way with some team legacy.

    But then fixing it needs a feasible solution which would not bring a disaster (New players not joining + new joiners quitting + unfairly treated players mass quitting = end of TE, which is not what most of us here want). Negotiations is a very obvious example of what a disaster (to managers at least) looks like, when insufficient thoughts are taken when pushing an idea to the developer resulting in a totally different outcome than intended.

    Draw system should at least narrow quality of teams to max 10% difference, if not 5%, and then quality calculations should only include the best 14 players only if they all fall in between a max quality range of 30% (if any of best-14 falls out of that 30% range, then they would not be counted and with only those remaining being counted). Then it would eliminate most of the manipulation effects even if managers try to keep 1x 160% and 13x 130%.
    Winning is a form of art. Consistently winning is a show-hand of skills and luck.

  9. #19
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    I never manipulate the draw and have won 4 leagues, 3 Champion's leagues, 5 Cups, and 3 Super Cups. Manipulation is a way to cover weakness but will never conquer the weakness. Sure, I have never won the quadruple yet, but I have taken home trophies all but one of my seasons so far. If you can outsmart the smart, then you can win. It is much easier said than done but that is the challenge I like.

  10. #20
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    Mar 2021
    I've been playing top eleven since September. I've managed to win the league every season so far (I must've won that first one by some Nordeus dark arts). So, into season eight and I've been allocated a division where 12 teams are about 15-20% higher than me (I started off at about 100%) and the last one is at about 75%! There's even one team that's nearly 160%. A lot of them are what I think are called "tankers", ie they only ever play their extremely weak reserve players so I've still managed to win some games.

    OK, so my question is: after seven seasons of leagues where pretty much every team was fairly evenly matched (give or take a few exceptions), is it normal as you progress to find yourself suddenly surrounded by sides disproportionally better than you? I mean, I don't mind... I'll just crack on with it, but it seems a little random and, dare I say it, unfair.

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