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Thread: Nordeus' draw policy

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    I've been playing Top Eleven since September. I've managed to win the league every season so far (I must've won that first one by some Nordeus dark arts). So, into season eight and I've been allocated a division where 11 teams are about 15-20% higher than me (I started off at about 100%), one about my level and the last one rather bizarrely is at about 75%. There's even one team that's nearly 160%. A lot of them are what I think are called "tankers", ie they only ever play their extremely weak reserve players so I've still managed to win some games.

    OK, so my question is: after seven seasons of leagues where pretty much every team was fairly evenly matched (give or take a few exceptions), is it normal as you progress to find yourself suddenly surrounded by sides disproportionally better than you? I mean, I don't mind... I'll just crack on with it, but it seems a little random and, dare I say it, unfair.
    Last edited by Adam Howarth; 04-05-2021 at 05:01 PM.
    maloukees likes this.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Howarth View Post
    I've been playing Top Eleven since September. I've managed to win the league every season so far (I must've won that first one by some Nordeus dark arts). So, into season eight and I've been allocated a division where 11 teams are about 15-20% higher than me (I started off at about 100%), one about my level and the last one rather bizarrely is at about 75%. There's even one team that's nearly 160%. A lot of them are what I think are called "tankers", ie they only ever play their extremely weak reserve players so I've still managed to win some games.

    OK, so my question is: after seven seasons of leagues where pretty much every team was fairly evenly matched (give or take a few exceptions), is it normal as you progress to find yourself suddenly surrounded by sides disproportionally better than you? I mean, I don't mind... I'll just crack on with it, but it seems a little random and, dare I say it, unfair.
    That is Nordeus, many unfair draws, specially if you end up last season on 100% or above.
    That is why many managers, manipulate the draws by selling some of their players on the last day of the seaon, to lower their quality

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    First of all, one question.... is this an official topeleven forum or they are chats between friends?

    Here are my suggestion to reduce tankers and manipulators and increase the fun and the effort to keep a team at the top:
    1) apply the 20% reduction at the end of the season always, not only to promoted teams
    2) if the draw depends on the mean strength, calculate the mean considering only top 11 players of the team and during all the season (for each official game)
    3) if the draw depends on the mean strength, reduce the range from the hypothetical current 20% to 5%
    4) in auctions now you can buy only 99% players from the start to the end of the season and this favors the mechanism of sell and buy players. The % of the players you can but should be progressive: 99% at the beginning of the season, 110% in the middle and 120% at the end
    5) even maintaining the current draw system, introduce and expose a world rank chart. This rank should consider the mean level of the league where your team was admitted and each point got during the season. Ideally if you are in last position of a [100-120] league your rank should always be higher than the rank of a team in a [90-100] league. The rank should also consider the history.. if your team was always promoted and if not, your reputation should be penalized (tankers would be penalized).
    khris likes this.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Ah, I see. I didn't know that. That's something I could never do... my team is like a part of my family now!

  5. #25
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by maurizio2208 View Post
    First of all, one question.... is this an official topeleven forum or they are chats between friends?

    Here are my suggestion to reduce tankers and manipulators and increase the fun and the effort to keep a team at the top:
    1) apply the 20% reduction at the end of the season always, not only to promoted teams
    2) if the draw depends on the mean strength, calculate the mean considering only top 11 players of the team and during all the season (for each official game)
    3) if the draw depends on the mean strength, reduce the range from the hypothetical current 20% to 5%
    4) in auctions now you can buy only 99% players from the start to the end of the season and this favors the mechanism of sell and buy players. The % of the players you can but should be progressive: 99% at the beginning of the season, 110% in the middle and 120% at the end
    5) even maintaining the current draw system, introduce and expose a world rank chart. This rank should consider the mean level of the league where your team was admitted and each point got during the season. Ideally if you are in last position of a [100-120] league your rank should always be higher than the rank of a team in a [90-100] league. The rank should also consider the history.. if your team was always promoted and if not, your reputation should be penalized (tankers would be penalized).
    Approved post**

    If you have any issue with the spam filter please send me a PM directly to approve the posts, it can happen when one account is recently created.


  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    I always have played true and honest and guess what, I have won 15 trophies in 9 seasons. Tanking your team works great to make up for managerial deficiencies but isn't necessary for success.
    Amstel likes this.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    How about a fair play rule? Teams should only be allowed to buy three players max on each season, besides the youth academy. This way the managers that are selling and buying all the players on the end of each season to get advantage in draws are F.....
    Last edited by LANWolve; 04-12-2021 at 11:15 PM.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by LANWolve View Post
    How about a fair play rule? Teams should only be allowed to buy three players max on each season, besides the youth academy. This way the managers that are selling and buying all the players on the end of each season to get advantage in draws are F.....
    That’s a good idea if all managers are limited to buying only auction players. Wait...would we want to buy a 27yo 89% player when our title challengers are all buying 3x 18-21yo 95-99%? Pretty sure then there will be 90%+ of managers will come on here to complain that every single 90%+ players are costing 50T upwards. And all 40% 18yo will easily cost 100T each too...

    And then all ptw managers will just buy 3x 160%+ players per season and know for sure the quadruple are theirs for sure too.

    Now everyone but the richest are done totally for all foreseeable seasons because having that 3x far-superior players will keep that manager having an unbridgeable edge over everyone when no one can strengthen more than 3 players per season in the following seasons anyway. We can all delete the app after 1 season.
    Winning is a form of art. Consistently winning is a show-hand of skills and luck.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Nordeus' draw policy-untitledddddd.jpg

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Ouch that will hurt. Playing at higher % does reduce these type of draws.

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