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Point by point:
1) Length of playing time vs game knowledge and understanding:
No disrespect to how long you have played as 90+ seasons is very long indeed. But how deep we understand the game and engine works has no resemblance with how long we play after a certain period of learn, improve and eventually master. That probably would take 1 year max for those who are both interested in playing the game better and also willing to learn from mistakes and others’ strengths (such as watching finals learning of how to play different formations and orders that we are not very familiar with). A player who has some 2 years of ongoing in-depth exploration of the game could easily possess a similar level of knowledge and ability to win a match like a 9-year-seasoned player, when one is diligent enough just to read through all the useful posts in this forum written by the most experienced managers around.
2) Higher quality does not always win
the team with the better team quality does not always win (Just to be clear I am comparing quality in the sense of proportional whites quality advantage), regardless if we have already preset the globally-recognised best-ever counter formation and orders against our opposition. That is because there is a well-known 60%-quality troll rule where the weaker team could have a chance on their day.
The engine will set up certain matches where our team would suffer in every single aspect, such as all front and midfielders starters are off-form and cannot score, all the supposedly ‘correct’ orders in the perfect counter formation are ‘switched’ in the other way round, opponent would somehow get 1 FK/CK/PK/long shot chance and score with 100% conversion rate with that single shot-on-target in that particular match too. This setup is purposefully done to cause an upset to even up the minuscule 1% chance of an extremely inferior team to get a result when the superior team would have won 99% of the 100 matches without even attending. That is called probability and the system will ‘fairly’ allocate these matches to us to balance things up. In reality, this is like a non-league team in England knocking out a Premier league team in the FA Cup., if you need a comparable example.
So, it is up to us managers to attend that match (that is clearly our own fault to presume a game is won without attendance before a ball is kicked), make multiple in-match formation and player position movements switches, try all different kinds of mentality and orders, sub on our match-winner scoring sub at the right time to score that extremely hard winner or comeback decider. Sitting there waiting for miracles when it is crystal clear that 80% of shots off target, and then doing minimal expecting the same formula to work 100% of the time and only try a ST sub at 80th min won’t cut it (in the sense that manager is still naive in match approach to expect all 340% finishing attackers would score hattricks in every match).
3) Formation and orders:
Do not claim any counter formation does not work, and also do not even try to convince ourselves that every time when we lose just because of bad luck. There is no such thing as bad luck, or even troll match. Troll match is very similar to what I illustrated in point 2 above - everything is set against us despite we should have been doing everything right on-paper. It is up to us managers to find a way through to change enough of in-match options to turn the match to our favour.
We may still occasionally lose a troll match every season or so, despite us having tried every trick in the box, And yes, that single loss could be excusable as a troll when everything just fails, but claiming anything more than that single loss as trolls is all about face-saving in not admitting our own incapability in losing to a better opposition manager (even when that minor shortfall is very insignificant).
And obviously there will be explainable losses which simply reflects the quality difference of our team against opponents.
Eg, 2 teams of equal quality. 1 plays a 4-2-2-2H and his opposition plays a 5-3-1-1 via defensive middle counter. I can guarantee that the latter team will win 80-90% of the time (the rest of 10%-20% is likely to be a draw because the engine favours the former team in settings). And same goes with every formation with every counters, when each team has 11 players and can only cover well of certain areas of the field, leaving space in certain areas for opponents to effectively exploit. As the manager of the latter team with the ‘correct’ counter, it is our job to find the suitable in-match changes to turn the win rate from 80-90% to close to 100%.
Managers who are able to increase that chance to close to 100% are the top ones, especially applicable to higher level managers who are vastly experienced; those who can’t and blame the game engine in giving him a troll draw/loss are good ones at best.
And not knowing how to counter every different formations and counters then go to suggest formation counters, tactics and orders are cosmetic are simply lazy managers who are unwilling to learn, despite long years of playing the game.
4) High vs low level managers
By claiming high level club managers would find it more difficult to use the exact same team against the same opposition to win than lower level managers make people speechless. In every football game, there could be 2 result: a draw, or one with a winner and loser. When we lose, our opposition gets that win. So how would that even make sense? We could suggest lower level managers, in general, understands the game not as well as the higher level managers, hence an experienced manager playing a lower level manager who would not be as tactically sound as the experienced manager, and so the experienced manager would win more than lose.
Then it only points to 1 single thing: that experienced manager is simply not good enough as his high level competitors to win. Not the game engine discriminating that particular manager in making him lose more often than others.
5) Animations, cosmetic factors, win rate & training bonus factor:
It is universally known under numerous youtubers channels that managers can distinguish opposition team’s mentality, pressing type, passing focus, etc. by simply observing the animations.
It is also basic game knowledge that feature stats, such as left/right foot, height, weight, etc. within the player tab are cosmetics. But do not attempt to mix these few cosmetic features up with other player factors such as position, SA, etc. to make a wrong conclusion from incorrect assumptions. These are totally different: position & SA would affect the player performance, while cosmetic features like height, weight & foot would not.
Win rate is the chance where our team could win a matchup, and we can try to help our team by providing as much favourable factors as possible, such as team player bonus, match win bonus, superb or on-fire morale status, max 99% conditions, etc. Doing none may have a win rate of 90%, and doing all mentioned could increase it to, say, 99%.
In-match attendance could give another 15% to our preferred advantage onto attack, defence or possession. Non-attendance is simply giving attending opposition a 15% advantage.
What would a manager with the absolute winning mentality do? And what would an average manager who wishes to cut all corners do? Simple as that.
6) Game bugs and issues
As a manager myself, I am as equally angry with the bug today, as shown by my complaints in the bug/issue section.
But I would not confuse the association matchday bug that logged everybody out to be the same as perceived bugs of game engine making us to lose a match.
A systemic bug which impacts the whole community in unable to log in for matches applies to everyone, in the way that no managers could play a match properly.
A perceived and unproven bug which a manager thinks the engine is inherited with which negatively influence a manager’s chance of winning a match.
Any manager with a bit of common sense would see the difference, so do not mix them up and treat them as equal to disguise the fact that losing matches is not the manager’s inability but the engine’s fault.
Long reply, because there are some so-called experienced managers are simply trying to use the years of playing factor to claim the game is biased against them.