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Thread: Its a big disappointment

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2021

    Its a big disappointment

    Some managers can train player only up to 180% but some can do over 190%.rules said that skills is reaching max 2700 points but some can go much over.same with support which means nothing.its just iliusion.too many lies coming from nordeus and many times its proved that you are not making any impact on game,they taking FA will be pile of s*** so season after season just getting worst.start to be only business.time to look for something else.
    Last edited by dave1311; 04-23-2021 at 12:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator milpol's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Hi minvis, and welcome to the forum!

    Players can be trained up to 180% through training but they can go even higher with the direct skill points add you can win in special sponsor and events.

    Anyways, it would be great if you actually explained your views and provide some feedback so the game can be improved. What do you want to happen regarding support? What would you change?

    Last edited by milpol; 04-23-2021 at 12:02 PM.
    dave1311 and Lian like this.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Some can train player for more than 2700 skill points and its real.supporters makes no impact on game,players in wrong position,morale,tactics means what it means?means that you just watching your win or loss,thats a true.and its proved thorough couple seasons.nordeus takes over games, topscorers.thats true

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Then quit, boohoo. These forums are full of rigged conspiracies, but as for me? Well, I am doing just fine and enjoying this game. It all comes down to management and sometimes other managers of weaker or even vacant clubs have a setup that works great against your strategy. Could things be improved? definitely. But part of management is dealing with issues. If you feel that Nordeus unfairly favors another team over you, look at what they do in terms of squad, skill distributions, tactics, formation, etc. and try to utilize that in your own club.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Can see that you dont understand yourself.i dont care about win or loose.but i can see that you still believe in your tactics and strategy.its not working.and i was going perfect.was smashing every team.but this season i stopped and was looking what will be.and still was going alright even i tryed to loose some games.another thing,i won league with 0%bonus,no trainings.thats why result is already before game started.its not managers game.only silly ones can still believe in morale tactics and everything else.and when you scoring 12 goals to same strengh team and only 1 to tanker which is 100% less it shows.everything enjoy but many of us will change a way of its said mourinho and nordeus uselles tandem.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by minvis80 View Post
    Can see that you dont understand yourself.i dont care about win or loose.but i can see that you still believe in your tactics and strategy.its not working.and i was going perfect.was smashing every team.but this season i stopped and was looking what will be.and still was going alright even i tryed to loose some games.another thing,i won league with 0%bonus,no trainings.thats why result is already before game started.its not managers game.only silly ones can still believe in morale tactics and everything else.and when you scoring 12 goals to same strengh team and only 1 to tanker which is 100% less it shows.everything enjoy but many of us will change a way of its said mourinho and nordeus uselles tandem.
    The new FA system of multipliers will change the whole landscape of how league works. The motivation for a top3 finish, which is make or break for ultimate rewards, will mean there are no easy leagues anymore. What you suggested would be confined to history even if they were all true, when it is not quite.

    Just be prepared for every single league match being competitive like a CL final. It will be like that.
    Winning is a form of art. Consistently winning is a show-hand of skills and luck.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Everyone has their own opinion.i have mine,many of my friends thinks nearly same.i liked game before but now getting worst and worst.and last thing its start to go more to only business.have a good game everyone who still believe in this game

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Please, minvis80, do something to the punctuation in your posts. Your opinion might be very interesting, but it is absolutely unreadable!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    If you don't like the game, don't play. If you don't understand Nordeus tactics, learn or lose. If your strategy works 95% of the time, investigate the 5%. But life is hard enough, so don't play or think about a game that only frustrates you

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Im already not playing,just watching.taiking rest for sub,only one thing that nordeus can let do yourself🤣,and for you if you think you so smart in tactics,i can say have good atack and everything else will no matter (afcourse you cant be lower by stars from your opponents),and sometimes you can have great team with high white skills but will be not enough to beat someone with favorites status,even you will be guru of tactics.there is nordeus guys,there is normal managers who knows about football,tactics but it will be not enough to beat algorithm of money 💰 .and another thing too many bugs in game.

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