Originally Posted by
I recommend you, to sell first, and then buy. You and anyone else can test this by their side btw, and really, as a manager who kept payers till retirement, thats what I recommend you.
You can try to check out what happens, at some point is the experience that allow you to know the margins that the game have, if you can have 1,2,3 4 important players, but for sure, you cant just go to negotiations, and buy 10 players who scored 40 goals each the last season, and expect the same, because the engine will calibrate all these roles.
Thats why its so important to test the players and know each ones potential.
Regarding ratings, if you know a bit about the simulation process you can understand what happens and what could happen.
First, as the game assign internal roles, limited, this is conditioning the ratings, ofc. Rarely, even facing a full 1* team you will earn more than x4-5 10's no?
so this tell you something.
So, the game assign roles, then, each player have a ratings behavior, a key player can reach Max ratings (as said 9 or 10 are the same) for, X period.
This means that some players can keep a 9/19 for 2... or 3 games ina row... others, 1-2 ,,, and contributive players, that may help you randomly are like 68686 so this is what creates a particular scenario, the availability of players that will be determinant to resolve a scenario.
Then, once the game starts, based on previous ratings, theres a team simplification, so the team list is reduced and only 6-7 players are set to determine the match.
This means that if you have like, 2 known key players, maybe one, will not participate, so will be hidden, and this means that probably, to unlock the score you'll need to focuss passing in the other side, or change mentality depending on the selected pre-players.
Thats why I say that counter formations doesnt exist, because as the game works per lists, so filling animations depending on the rating variations by creating 2 lists mainly, 1 for attack scenes and 1 for defense, all depend on these variations, and the players selected to determine a game, and, the 2 lists.
Basically this game dont simulate the defensive style of playing, as all settings exist to give you the bar control so, bar control = attacking chances (with any of the mentalities, even very defensive can give you the attack chances, and hard attacking, doesnt eliminate the defense list) = goal possibilities.
If you understand the process, you will see that what you say here:
"but is it realistic to think, that I could have all of my team having at least 8s? Or can I assume that because my attackers are taking all the good ratings, it's ok that my mc's get mostly 7s?"
For the own game nature, which discards players to create different scenarios, with different determinant players in every match, is not posible to get all players with +8's or , lets say "lineal" and "proportional ratings", because the engine never does a proportional simulation, nor even is facing teams in a 1vs1 tactical way exactly.
As always, the bar is the key. it tells you the chances stats. Then understand that the matches can be affected by many factors, but in each one, a scenario is created by selecting few factors to determine the score (condition, morale, win bonus... etc of factors) and these factors + settings are like in on/off + alternating players to determine the score, by reading the game like this you can, at the 20' of the match, read the scenario (by looking at the game stats, some ratings, possession bar + report info like effectivity %), and know what to do and how to proceed.