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Thread: The Unite Cup event is being forced upon us.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by minamino View Post
    The Unite Cup event is being forced on us. If associations don't participate they are left for dead in the division and very likely they'll face relegation.
    It is wrong that the event awards points. Last season we participated because we had to despite how crap the prizes were. No choice ! And at the end of the event the entire TOP 30 had all achieved the maximum 405 points and i thought "hmm what a waste of time, nobody gained any advantage at all as they'd all achieved the 405pts available. You are simply FORCED to participate by nordeus or else you risk getting relegated.
    It is wrong awarding points. Not everybody can play a 6 day event (every 4 hours). Associations are a weekend game and alot of people joined assos for that one and only reason.


    Create an event by all means where people are under no pressure to join. Not a 6 day event that leaves those (who can't play) FOR DEAD !
    Totally agreed mate
    minamino likes this.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    I am in a Platinum association now. We fought our way up, nuts and bolts, warts and all. Events, hard fights, one-sided fights, we had it all.

    So I think I'm qualified to make an objective opinion on this --

    I think United Cup event further sieve out the fluffs from the pearls. I think the main advantage I see is it will lessen the ability of associations who pumps in lots of real cash money but are lazy.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by redsnoopy View Post
    I am in a Platinum association now. We fought our way up, nuts and bolts, warts and all. Events, hard fights, one-sided fights, we had it all.

    So I think I'm qualified to make an objective opinion on this --

    I think United Cup event further sieve out the fluffs from the pearls. I think the main advantage I see is it will lessen the ability of associations who pumps in lots of real cash money but are lazy.
    your comment is totally irrelevent to the subject. whether it does "this or does "that, the event is forced upon us. nothing to do with fluffs or pearls. it is affecting everyone !
    they should re-name the event : PLAY OR WATCH YOUR ASSOCIATION GET RELEGATED !
    The divison points need scrapping. By all means keep the event but only with prizes. People who enjoy associations at weekends are being bullied by Nordeus into taking part ! it is disgraceful.

    PS we all fought our way up. Doesn't give you a diploma pal !
    EastsiderSG likes this.
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  4. #14
    Famous EastsiderSG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redsnoopy View Post
    I am in a Platinum association now. We fought our way up, nuts and bolts, warts and all. Events, hard fights, one-sided fights, we had it all.

    So I think I'm qualified to make an objective opinion on this --

    I think United Cup event further sieve out the fluffs from the pearls. I think the main advantage I see is it will lessen the ability of associations who pumps in lots of real cash money but are lazy.
    My previous associations had big spenders who had high quality, are lazy and were willing to spend. I think they were lazy as they seldom attended matches, overall quality 150 plus with whites only around 180. Probably used personal trainer alot. We ended up finishing event in 2 days. I agree that lazy poor teams wont make it but lazy players who pump in real cash and are willing to spend have no issues
    Last edited by EastsiderSG; 06-28-2021 at 11:44 AM.

  5. #15
    Moderator milpol's Avatar
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    Interesting discussion there guys.

    Just on a side-note @minamino; it would be awesome if you didn't verbally attack those that disagree with your opinion or at least reply back with that tone. Everyone is here to share their views and engage with each other in a meaningful and respectful way.

    Der_Ryan_M and Altiplano like this.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    It is NOT good this rule... the 1st weekend in the FA I became 2nd... but I'm standing in relegation mode (I'm now platinum)......

    Just because my FA members has also a live out side this game.....

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    only complain i can think of the event is the crappy player reward.

  8. #18
    Apprentice Ludo_Mansio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by minamino View Post
    ...every asso (eventually) reaches the 405pts so the event is ALL FOR NOTHING
    I can only give you the experience from our Association, but we really enjoy the Association events and the one at the end of last season was key to getting us promoted to Diamond. Many of the teams close to us also got maximum points, but crucially several of the teams below us (just below the promotion zone) did not get maximum points. So for us the event was the difference between getting promoted and not. I think it's good that Association events give Association points and that active players are rewarded while less active players are penalised.

    Presumably for those leagues where pretty much all Associations did reach maximum points, you might not have felt like you gained much, but you didn't really lose anything by participating?
    Der_Ryan_M likes this.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ludo_Mansio View Post
    Presumably for those leagues where pretty much all Associations did reach maximum points, you might not have felt like you gained much, but you didn't really lose anything by participating?
    yes we lost 6 days of effort. no gain, just loss of time as we were forced to participate
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  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Doctor told me today that I would die if I didn't oxygenate my blood!

    ****er is forcing me to breathe!

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