I suspect no difference in terms of match day playing ability.
I think Superb only slows down the morale decrease, eg if takes one day to become Very Good from Superb.
I suspect no difference in terms of match day playing ability.
I think Superb only slows down the morale decrease, eg if takes one day to become Very Good from Superb.
All cosmetic in my opinion. I’ve had players on poor morale take MOTM.
ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
Level 133
50 League
8 Champions/Elite League
4 Super League/Gold Cup
12 Cup
1 Super Cup
Top Eleven Forum Moderator
Bad morale impacts the performance on your games quite significantly.
In that case, then the "on fire" morale is also cosmetic? Hard to believe so much design efforts made for just cosmetic. If I'm their programmer, I only need to add one line
"IF icon = FIRE, ADD 6 points to MATCHDAY ABILITY"
ha, there u have it, I have coding background, doesn't take much effort to add one line. Design is where the effort is.
ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
Level 133
50 League
8 Champions/Elite League
4 Super League/Gold Cup
12 Cup
1 Super Cup
Top Eleven Forum Moderator
if (opponent == "redsnoopy")
morale = "SUPERB";
morale = "VERY GOOD";
As the factors selected by the engine are variating to create different scenarios, at some point, a 2* and a 7* players inside the team = low or high morale, meaning that in both cases, 2*-7* or low-high the engine can decide the morale as determinant for a match, or not, because the simulations aren't linear or proportional, as this would provide fixed scores based on the AvQ vs AvQ distance between teams + condition, morale, trainings, attane or not , win bonus, and a etc of factors that are never counted all together to influence a scenario.
As the 7 or even 9* player could not be determinant for a gama ena dyou could see how the 2* impacts on the simulation, you could see no effect or effect, coming from a low/high morale.
So the better you have all conditionants = the best, then all is about variabilities provided by rating variations to create different scenarios, conditionants coming from the weather feature, scores cap which is linked to the contributive power and dominance power lists (there are 2 internal parameters that players have) -which, are linked to animations that will be available/unlocked in a match/scenario
That's why it can matter, or not. And same with each one of the conditionants.