Can you train playstyle to a player in youth academy? I don't see any info about this anywhere.
Can you train playstyle to a player in youth academy? I don't see any info about this anywhere.
Does normal training now only improve playstyles and not players attributes?
What attributes? Do you even play the game?
for youth academy there'll probably have no playstyle tab under 17yo player but as soon as you get it the next season/month the highest % youth player you have will include playstyle.
or they'll give it randomly if you have 4youth player; i hope this is not the case, if it is then the only way to minimize this loss is to only pick 1 out of 8 youth players.
Attributes and skills are different words to educated people. They mean the same to fools with low IQ.
Last edited by Tiga; 10-14-2021 at 04:27 PM.