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Thread: Experimental thread: Playstyles

  1. #1
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Experimental thread: Playstyles

    Lets try to obtain a bit of feedback to know a bit more about the feature and its impact inside our squads.
    As a manager I've received different messages and we shared different viewpoints regarding the functionality and the sense in which Playstyles work.

    We could do some questions to analyze the situation, so to share experiences and understand a bit more about it;

    1- Have you noticed any behaviour change in any of your team players -for good or bad- like, key players that suddenly vanished, a player that now have PS assigned suddenly improving?

    2- Do you think/have you noticed that/if the Playstyles are assigned according the real playing style +animations associated to a player?
    Like, a attacking DL, have assigned, a Attacking PS so, then it basically means that it is a external visualization of what the player have internally set and that, before the PS we needed to test, because the only way to know if a DR-DL was an attacking player, or, a MC, was a defensive player, was by testing them first -as always I recommend to test your team VS a 1* opponent to oversize the internal programming and roles assigned/ Contributive power (effective chances that turn into a successful goal/assist) and Dominance power (refeers to the power that a player have to occupy slots in the 9 minutes of match, 25 animations aprox., so high Dominance but low Contibutive power = loads of chances missed by a player).
    So, does it keep a sense?

    3- SA/PS as we know a SA unlocks mew animations for the players, but this doesnt mean that a player will all of sudden become a super star, scoring each FK, Corner, or PKs (I think that since my first season in 2013 all my PK specialists are the only players that when Ive set them in a PKs round, missed it in a 90% of chances) so we, need to see if the PS is a "direct visualization of a behavior assigned by default to a player", and , in what sense the levels improve the player, because we know that the SA add 1star internally to few attributes related to that SA, so even with a inactive SA, a team without Special Abilities VS a team with them, will provide us as feedback that the team with SAs assigned looks like it have a plus of Quality.
    Here we have to see in what sense the PS Levels, improve the winning chances, and if the PS have sense with the behaviour.

    A progressive and obvious improvement can be appreciated in the Training Bonuses, since a 0% BP vs 10%BP have a noticeable differance.

    Just by experience let me mention that the margin to appreciate any big change, shouldn't be so wide, since the matches wtill have 9 minutes -25 animations aprox. and the engine works with the same variables, doing simplifications in the players lists to create the scenarios, so, the appreciation, should be, and seems to be a bit confusing. So we will need to find the right words to define how the Playstyles works, the way to perceive it knowing that the engine still assigning roles to limit the team players contirbution to create realistic squads, amd, remember that the SAs, after 11 years, are something we don't know in a way, that allow us to control the team behaviour - like OK, I manage my team perfectly so, if I train A or B SA to this player, = this will happen, because is the right player and its something proved that by doing this, on that way, it will work -
    So, will we be able to have more team control with the PS? will we need to keep discarding players as before if a PS/SA deoesn't work? will it give us any team information and wayt to know more about our squad and the way to improve it in the right way -like train X and Y players, discard Z, A for FKs etc-

    Any feedback, is welcome.
    Last edited by khris; 10-21-2021 at 12:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    1). It follows from the assistant's comment after the game that my ST with "poacher" constantly exhausts the opponent's defense. No more difference for ST. In terms of goals scored, it became even worse. I'm 7 goals behind in the battle of the scorers.
    DR with "wing back" runs along the flanks and throws into the penalty area. But I think he's done it before, I just didn't pay attention.
    The animation is done crookedly. Sometimes it lights up when ST is in the center of the field or even at his own goal. What does he "finishing"? Also for DR.
    Last edited by AFKeel; 10-21-2021 at 02:56 PM.
    khris and Chaternet like this.
    If the game "decided" that you will lose, you will lose.
    Sorry for the English. This is google translate.

  3. #3
    Dreamer Vuslanot's Avatar
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    Antarctica, with penguins and seals.
    I am still experimenting. However they work animation wise, no idea on their actual internal effect though.

    For instance, I have experienced Winger and Inside Forward are a great couple together. Winger tends to send long balls from the midfield more frequently to Inside Forward and the chances of goal are quite substantial when they are playing together.

    I have a question by the way which is are you one hundred percent sure that the special abilities add one star, in other words 20% quality to a player? Hence that’s quite a significant figure.
    khris likes this.

  4. #4
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vuslanot View Post
    I am still experimenting. However they work animation wise, no idea on their actual internal effect though.

    For instance, I have experienced Winger and Inside Forward are a great couple together. Winger tends to send long balls from the midfield more frequently to Inside Forward and the chances of goal are quite substantial when they are playing together.

    I have a question by the way which is are you one hundred percent sure that the special abilities add one star, in other words 20% quality to a player? Hence that’s quite a significant figure.
    I reply with a own quote I wrote in 2016 #11
    "Train a SA is basically a impact of adding a +1* in some skills, basically internally, and like unlock a manner to play but sometimes the impact is not perceptible because I guess the base of effectiveness or contribution of a player is so low..."

    Yes, it's something known that it adds a star, but to few selected attributes, linked with the SA.

  5. #5
    Famous Sillybq's Avatar
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    Am playing the same attackers as the season prior. They seem to maintain similar contributions as previous seasons with a few new animations. I liked how the playstyles were assigned, mostly aligned with how my team was playing previously
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  6. #6
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    I saw some impact in games with my AMC who has Enganche, he was a master in playing the ball into the right positions, many assists and goalsl, however this is where it gets weird and funny, he moved up from standard to Intermediate and since then has been playing trash, his ratings are down from 9's to 6's and he seems to be having very little impact on my games now, nothing I do makes himplay better so he's been on the bench the last few games, I mean wasnt he supposed to het better Lol

  7. #7
    Newbie Ichigos Kurosakis's Avatar
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    First of all the first week of the update was a mess the behavior of players was all over the place. Many players got affected especially on the FA tournament i saw the biggest difference. Second week seems better , i tend to agree with the 2nd of what u propose. I have an AML which has no PS and he is the main scorrer and assist guy . So from what i can tell i kinda feel the same as the weather meaning that it surely must have an impact but not to an extent that lets say u have to search for the correct PS according to ur formation and all . That said im going to keep searching and developing theories that needs testing.

  8. #8
    Dreamer Vuslanot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    I reply with a own quote I wrote in 2016 #11
    "Train a SA is basically a impact of adding a +1* in some skills, basically internally, and like unlock a manner to play but sometimes the impact is not perceptible because I guess the base of effectiveness or contribution of a player is so low..."

    Yes, it's something known that it adds a star, but to few selected attributes, linked with the SA.
    Experimental thread: Playstyles-04331d3c-2a80-42d8-937c-e4bc9ed666cf.jpg

    Here you are then, good Sir.

  9. #9
    Dreamer Vuslanot's Avatar
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    Antarctica, with penguins and seals.
    Experimental thread: Playstyles-8f93101c-7137-4c09-8549-2894d6bf49ab.jpeg

    Experimental thread: Playstyles-f45cfc28-21be-4e61-b9d0-22ecbdb4db9e.jpeg
    Last edited by Vuslanot; 10-22-2021 at 11:57 AM.

  10. #10
    Dreamer Vuslanot's Avatar
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    Antarctica, with penguins and seals.
    I have seen the poacher animation twice as well today.

    Experimental thread: Playstyles-db2d778f-dfd3-4dd2-87ec-91a58742793b.jpg

    Experimental thread: Playstyles-12ef02d2-ac63-4759-aa70-31eada0fe01e.jpg

    Experimental thread: Playstyles-9a5ccf23-6c43-4fcf-8d5a-010ae42cecc6.jpg

    Which probably entailed this.

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