i guess you are lev 2 manager, i'm level 2 too,
21 cost 1.6 M
19 cost 2,52 M ----> 20 cost 2M ---> 21 cost 1.6 M
if they less than Q29, they are fast trainer,
your 2 player could be the same rating if they are the same quality, noted that there is alway a random factor( 20-30%) in traning and in match, so you need do more test to confirm who is better.
in this case, the less quality player normally train faster
i'm not totally sure, but price decrease about 25 % when age +1. so
Last edited by tongly45; 06-26-2013 at 05:25 PM.
Palaiseau FC in Sever 46
season 28, level 28
(*) updated at 1-June-2015
competition Played 1st 2nd top4 last win current season(*) League 28 19 6 2 season 27 ..... Champions league 26 7 1 6 season 25 ........ Cup 26 2 2 3 season 7 .......
Hate to say that, but i think you're wrong.
One of my fastest trainers is worth 1.65M and he gains 50 every stretching session. IMO he definitely qualifies for a fast trainer.
Another player i just bought is worth 3.2M. He gains only 55~60 every stretching session.
So, if u mean that that 1.5 M difference accounts for nothing. These two players are q21 and q28 respectively. (in level 3)
Also from a analytical basis, u are saying that the price only depends on the training rate. so, a fast trainer is worth 6M in level 1 and 6M still in level 19? Thats an obvious no! Cuz then u're saying that level 1 players can never afford fast trainers and level 19 guys have a full team of fast trainers with a few thousand million to spare? no way!
Level 2: League runner up, Champions League winner
Level 1: League Champion
A fast trainer actually does worth more.
For example this 2 players
The differences is about .04M and is only 2 years diference.
Ivan gains about 50/90/180 in hard training and 200 per match. Where Golan barely does hit 100 in practice match.
ivan normally get 3-4 points every 2 match somethis 5-6 if he get man of the match. i had him since my 1st season at 15*
I know they cost more. Im just saying that fastest trainer cost more than a regular
I believe mine is cause compare from all the other player i got he is the one that get the most points out of training and match. Maybe he is not. Sometimes he does 40/60/120 in hard training. Other time he does 80/120/180. But at least i get my 5* each season with him.