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Thread: Experimental thread: Test your players and share the performance

  1. #31
    Famous Sillybq's Avatar
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    Oct 2019
    @Khris I saw a post in fb suggesting many youth academy, scout and assistant recommended players are high performance players. Any link to your experiments and experiences?

  2. #32
    Famous EastsiderSG's Avatar
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    Feb 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Sillybq View Post
    @Khris I saw a post in fb suggesting many youth academy, scout and assistant recommended players are high performance players. Any link to your experiments and experiences?
    Test it yourself. Who’s to say the one who suggested it might be a stakeholder with a conflict of interest whose job is to influence you to play a certain way.

  3. #33
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sillybq View Post
    @Khris I saw a post in fb suggesting many youth academy, scout and assistant recommended players are high performance players. Any link to your experiments and experiences?
    Years ago, we had a certain type of players we called "Nordgens", created in the beginning of each daily reset by the market. These were a guarantee of fast training and excellent performance.

    Right now Im not sure that there is a source of well programmed players, but if there is one I would bet equally for the academy in first place and then for the assistant and scouts... but these aren't the same as the old Nordgens... I would say that in the 3 cases the chance to get a well programmed player is higher than in the regular market, like a 50-50 or 30 yes 70 nai chances to get someone decently set by default.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Yes, you said it correctly - years ago.
    When scouts became high performance players?

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Es 100% seguro que mi jugador va rendir si tiene 8 9 10 en amistosos?

  6. #36
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomu741 View Post
    Yes, you said it correctly - years ago.
    When scouts became high performance players?
    When you can sign them and the engine have space to assign them a good role. If you already have 4-5 great players, there will not be space for a new player to become a excellent option.
    It is calibrated, so you can not buy 3STs and see them scoring 40 goals each because of this.
    You need to liberate space, internally talking, so, see if a player dominates a lot -because he have dominance power. but the contribution is poor, so in this case the player will take a lot of animations for nothing, and what you want is, a player with high dominance to take as more animations as posible, and a player with contributive power so to convert chances in goals. Here you need to read your team situation and discard players, to get the roles liberated to be assigned to new signed players.
    This is how the engine calibrates the teams.

    Quote Originally Posted by tony2020 View Post
    Es 100% seguro que mi jugador va rendir si tiene 8 9 10 en amistosos?
    Si, básicamente ya te darás cuenta de que si tiene 10-10 en 2 amistosos contra equipos de 1%, es porque expones su rol interno, que es el de jugador clave, así que va a ser determinante seguro en algún sentido.
    Se trata de entender que un jugador obtiene el rol y sus parametros cuando lo fichas, y de ahí esto es estable. O está bien programado, o no lo está.
    Y no, los atributos físicos, visuales no afectan al rol asignado por defecto. Un goleador será un goleador, un asistente serña asistente más que goleador por defecto y un jugador agresivo, pues así será.

    Los atributos afectan muy ligeramente y están ahí basicamente para impactar el margen de batibilidad, que es lo que determina tus opciones de ganar a otro equipo, ya que el simulador compara tu calidad, VS la del equipo rival, y mira la distancia entre ambos para crear el escenario del partido y determinar las opciones de victoria.
    Habitualmente, puedes ganar a un equipo de hasta +30%, eso sí, eso por márgen, luego, las opciones, dependen de la programación por defecto de los jugadores, las variables viniendo de los partidos anteriores que pre-determinan como será tu siguiente partido, y, por tanto, el orden, de los jugadores en la las 2 listas que hace el simulador para crear las animaciones del partido -animaciones en ataque y defensa con una lista cada una de jugadores disponibles/elegibles según variables, por ejemplo si un ugador tiene notas de 86868 puedes esperar que, después de 8 venga 6 y entonces, el jugadro probablemente no será determinante en el siguiente escenario/partido-..

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Okay so i checked this topoc and here are my team how do I make my main top 11 perform I sell best performers among subs/reserves and change them for new ?

    Need to add that my top 11 played vs teams that were 30% weaker while subs did vs 1%teams in friendly matches

    Here is picture of stats from my main 11...0 stats for subs/reserves probably because only official matches count

    Last edited by Mitja fc; 02-06-2023 at 09:07 PM.

  8. #38
    Famous HairDryer's Avatar
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    Omg!! Khris you still here

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    khris likes this.

  9. #39
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitja fc View Post
    Okay so i checked this topoc and here are my team how do I make my main top 11 perform I sell best performers among subs/reserves and change them for new ?

    Need to add that my top 11 played vs teams that were 30% weaker while subs did vs 1%teams in friendly matches

    Here is picture of stats from my main 11...0 stats for subs/reserves probably because only official matches count

    Why do you want a better team, it looks perfect now its 16 matches and 4 goals per match as average...

    Are you in the top server or...¿? this team should resolve you any match scenario... in, the main game competitions... if you play tournaments in communities, you need to exploit negative %s and know some stuff...

  10. #40
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HairDryer View Post
    Omg!! Khris you still here

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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