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Thread: What is difference between Mezalla and playmaker?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Question What is difference between Mezalla and playmaker?

    One is from playing style, about dynamic passing, etc. The other is SA.

    But seems about similar. My theory is playmaker SA power comes out only occasionally but creates actual goals, while a Mezalla continuously provides deadly passes to fast running teammates, and can improve till Master level.

    But which is really better to have?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by redsnoopy View Post
    One is from playing style, about dynamic passing, etc. The other is SA.

    But seems about similar. My theory is playmaker SA power comes out only occasionally but creates actual goals, while a Mezalla continuously provides deadly passes to fast running teammates, and can improve till Master level.

    But which is really better to have?
    Nah, nothing is working right now. Both passes still intercepted by the oppo, not like before.

  3. #3
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redsnoopy View Post
    One is from playing style, about dynamic passing, etc. The other is SA.

    But seems about similar. My theory is playmaker SA power comes out only occasionally but creates actual goals, while a Mezalla continuously provides deadly passes to fast running teammates, and can improve till Master level.

    But which is really better to have?
    The first is a kind of pizza.

    The playerstyles are the visualzation of the internal programming that in previous versions had to be tested, like to know if a DR join the attack, if a ST is corer or assistant etc so keep this in mind.

    I guess... the first refeers to the animations/behaviour that the player has internally linked by default, since it exposes the main player behaviour, and can't be chanaged, as you know a ST scorer and a ST assistant behaviour can't be switched even by pushing skills to try to see the scorer as assistant and viceversa in the same proportion.

    Meanwhile SAs will not show up always or lets say, be activated, to put the player in the Top of certain action.

    So your question would be at some point, if we develop this, what does matter the most? because the SA gives a 1*+ to certan skills when trained apart from unlocking certain animations for th player (if the animations appar depend on the power of that player inside the team)

    So, it matters the same as always, to test the player to know what he can do, and the power assigned internally, so to know if its a key player and hence its worth spend greens on him, and its worth the SA because of the +1* in the SA affected skills.

    What you want always as manager is, to spend greens on internally well programmed players and add th most distance in the internal skills to overcome the opponent.
    If you select the right players, and you reach a point where you are playing with 11 teams of 9* quality, lets say due to a top server collapse, the internal programming will make the differance.

    Here the playstyes thread

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    How do you know that sa gives +1* in certain skills? Where is it written?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    It’s only cosmetic for u to spend tokens..
    vinim likes this.

  6. #6
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomu741 View Post
    How do you know that sa gives +1* in certain skills? Where is it written?
    Years ago there was a ask the devs and if I'm right it was confirmed there.
    Thats a info that many old managers remember btw

    But as I mentioned, a SA will work if the player has enough of what I call Dominance Power, so to be selected to appear in more animations to be decisive and resolve the match scenarios. We all know that a player with poor internal programming can have two SAs and all you want, even 9* and do literally nothing more than affect the beatabilty margin with his AvQ that increase the whole team AvQ so, when you face a team, maybe a single player 5* trained to 9* can give you around a +7% Team AvQ only with his quality, and this has a impact, even if the player is badly programmed, if he is 9* can give you a win by beatability margin in this case.
    Last edited by khris; 02-02-2023 at 11:50 AM.
    RaiKo likes this.

  7. #7
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
    "But which is really better to have? "

    It's not about which is better to have but which you can afford to

    Young 18-19 y.o. fast trainers with style, are rare in the market and you need to spend +40 tokens if find one at auctions.
    I believe this s.a. or this style, both add some % in the attacking skills of a DMC/MC.
    That's all

  8. #8
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    "But which is really better to have? "

    It's not about which is better to have but which you can afford to

    Young 18-19 y.o. fast trainers with style, are rare in the market and you need to spend +40 tokens if find one at auctions.
    I believe this s.a. or this style, both add some % in the attacking skills of a DMC/MC.
    That's all
    I would say SA... all players have actions linked... and these are Playstyles by itself... a playstyle icon may not work... as a SA player with SA icon... because this depend on the Dominance power assigned to that player to be shown in the animations, and show the SA,,,
    We know by official sources that a SA add 1* but we don't know if, the PS gives an addition and in what sense... and with - in what sense- I mean, if, the first levels aren't a negative level compared with the previous situation.

    Because for example, the team bonuses, give a negative margin, in reality... 0%, 2% 4% are like if you play with less quality than the AvQ you start and thats why, when you play 0% team bonus, its easy to loss vs much lower teams. I would say that every % level impacts in a 15% avq... and that 4% of bonus or 6% keeps the team quality, because its about a margin... so with 0% bonus you are really like a -30% quality aprox.... so, I mean, the first levels of the PS can begin from a lower point than the previous minium.

    Late hours to explain science fiction lol
    Last edited by khris; 02-09-2023 at 12:05 AM.