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Thread: Cheating?

  1. #11
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by drazen vtc View Post
    just changing algoritams for league draws will fix this for future players, or remove league draw based by managers lvl and use %power like association or king of the kings event and calculate power based on 11 top players no matter they are starters or reserve and limit diff from highest and lowest player to 15 or eventualy 20%
    There are different formulas that can resolve the current drama... What you are suggesting about FAs % power Draw is in the line of what Ive mentioned too, just if a team starts the season at 100% avq, play in +1 level, if 120%+ +2 and if 140%+ +3 levels. Then an activity/success factor could be added so to give opportunities time to time to those Who didnt win trophies for a while...
    As always,va complex topic.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    There are different formulas that can resolve the current drama... What you are suggesting about FAs % power Draw is in the line of what Ive mentioned too, just if a team starts the season at 100% avq, play in +1 level, if 120%+ +2 and if 140%+ +3 levels. Then an activity/success factor could be added so to give opportunities time to time to those Who didnt win trophies for a while...
    As always,va complex topic.
    it is complexed but if there is a will there is a way too, for me best solution is to make leagues with players who didnt win any trophie last season, that will prevent situation to end in league with sharks who win 3 or 4 trophies every season, at least till you win a trophie, combinated with some lvl restriction will be close to some fairnes
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  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2023
    I know people dont like the 20% reduction every season thing (I dont either) BUT if you are getting promoted and lose 20% then technically if you are staying in that level you should really lose 20% too because someone coming up to that level is being set weaker it would equal it out

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by ianruk View Post
    I know people dont like the 20% reduction every season thing (I dont either) BUT if you are getting promoted and lose 20% then technically if you are staying in that level you should really lose 20% too because someone coming up to that level is being set weaker it would equal it out
    i dont have problem with lose 20% if there is demoting and lose 20 as well to prevent tanking

  5. #15
    Rookie Taffy1956's Avatar
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    Feb 2016
    that's why I've always said have relegation in the leagues that should stop some if not all the cheating? I've basically stopped competing in leagues as I have no chance of ever winning the league again. The only comp I really try at is the association games as that is nearly the fairest comp of all of them!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Taffy1956 View Post
    that's why I've always said have relegation in the leagues that should stop some if not all the cheating? I've basically stopped competing in leagues as I have no chance of ever winning the league again. The only comp I really try at is the association games as that is nearly the fairest comp of all of them!
    I must disagree with you re association games. I am on 191% on. level 115 and regularly get beat in association games by 120% teams with 1* DC's and GK. My
    team is pretty balanced - 187, 195, 200.

    I am a Crewe fan btw - thanks for Mickey Demetriou btw - top, top player
    khris likes this.

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