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Thread: Cheating?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2023


    Are people now kind of cheating on top eleven or has it been like this for a while in terms of

    I have noticed a few teams with 160+% in the cups are actually only putting their strong teams out in cups and then if you look at their league posistions they are bottom and fielding their worst players for league games to stay in that 'Level' league for next season to keep their high ratings for next season (Since if you dont get pomoted you dont get a 20% reduction)

    I noticed this last season kinda when someone in my league was 160+ when i met them in the cup then when i met him in the league they were 85% and at the end of the season he was bottom and lost eery game BUT won the cup and champions league.

    If this isnt a new thing that people are doing it makes a lot of sense why your next season you are always matched with high rated teams who stayed down on purpose to keep thweir high rating for the next season. i guess pay to win players don't like coming up agaisnt other pay to win players so they decide just to field a weak team stay at that level and return next season with their previous %
    Taffy1956 likes this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    few times i was argue about this, but you see this is advice from moderators to have weak players and at the end of season weaken yourself in starting lineup to avoid higher lvl managers so playing with weak have double impact, avoid stronger oponents in the start of season and avoiding promotion is way to build up power via training, sponsor, frenzy and other events of your team and get tripple.or quadripple trophies

  3. #3
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ianruk View Post
    Are people now kind of cheating on top eleven or has it been like this for a while in terms of

    I have noticed a few teams with 160+% in the cups are actually only putting their strong teams out in cups and then if you look at their league posistions they are bottom and fielding their worst players for league games to stay in that 'Level' league for next season to keep their high ratings for next season (Since if you dont get pomoted you dont get a 20% reduction)

    I noticed this last season kinda when someone in my league was 160+ when i met them in the cup then when i met him in the league they were 85% and at the end of the season he was bottom and lost eery game BUT won the cup and champions league.

    If this isnt a new thing that people are doing it makes a lot of sense why your next season you are always matched with high rated teams who stayed down on purpose to keep thweir high rating for the next season. i guess pay to win players don't like coming up agaisnt other pay to win players so they decide just to field a weak team stay at that level and return next season with their previous %
    Yep, we call It tanking. I already suggested that teams should be placed on higher league levels on these cases.... It needs a bit more of balance so by sending 140%+ to +3 levels would do.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    So if a team is still taking they do not play in the FA.?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    this is just one of the ways of cheating that the top eleven allows.

  6. #6
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maloukees View Post
    So if a team is still taking they do not play in the FA.?
    If you don't promote, you dont have the bonus so to mĂșltiply FA points. You can play tho'.

  7. #7
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by vinim View Post
    this is just one of the ways of cheating that the top eleven allows.
    Guess that, we've been having complains regarding tanking since the origins of top eleven, but at some point It allowed managers to gather resources for seasons and compete VS token spenders

    There are different ways to tackle It, one by adjusting league pairings VS +1,+2 +3 levels... Or the system could not allow to train any player to 9* if you didnt promote, but we have to think that the average top eleven manager always try to find the way to exploit or maximize the profit.

    Too we should mention the top server situation that may remain in a constant tanking status for some seasons...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    Guess that, we've been having complains regarding tanking since the origins of top eleven, but at some point It allowed managers to gather resources for seasons and compete VS token spenders

    There are different ways to tackle It, one by adjusting league pairings VS +1,+2 +3 levels... Or the system could not allow to train any player to 9* if you didnt promote, but we have to think that the average top eleven manager always try to find the way to exploit or maximize the profit.

    Too we should mention the top server situation that may remain in a constant tanking status for some seasons...
    just changing algoritams for league draws will fix this for future players, or remove league draw based by managers lvl and use %power like association or king of the kings event and calculate power based on 11 top players no matter they are starters or reserve and limit diff from highest and lowest player to 15 or eventualy 20%
    khris likes this.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    How to solve the problem of players hiding in the training gym on the last day of the season? Sometimes they start with 4 or 5 good players and on the 2nd day of the season they already have 11 monstrous players, generally with those skills that can only be achieved with the special sponsor (how can you do this at the beginning of the season with an 18-year-old player? !)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by vinim View Post
    How to solve the problem of players hiding in the training gym on the last day of the season? Sometimes they start with 4 or 5 good players and on the 2nd day of the season they already have 11 monstrous players, generally with those skills that can only be achieved with the special sponsor (how can you do this at the beginning of the season with an 18-year-old player? !)
    As you can see there's quality cap to claim coaches in player academy. But you're right about the draw system in the game.

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