Player base is the most important, you can train **** player as hard as you want, he would be bad anyway. He just changes slightly when he reach new star. But it's not so big deal.
Player base is the most important, you can train **** player as hard as you want, he would be bad anyway. He just changes slightly when he reach new star. But it's not so big deal.
Hello, thanks for your sentiments regarding my leaving. It was Khris who told me that., unless I misunderstood but I do not think so. One Time I specifically asked him about one of my players who had very high defensive white skills and very low gray skills bringing my player total average low. I asked him if that would still be a factor in the game being that he was a very strong white skill and he told me that it does not matter because the computer goes on the total AVQ, not the individual skills alone. Basically, I understood that if you have a team with all players with very high white skills but very low in gray then the total AVQ obviously would be lower and a team with a total avq that is higher would beat mine even though players all had very high white skills. Now I thought the whole game is a crock because then all skills count and then there should be no distinction between gray and white they should all count the same. If grey is not a great factor in the player then it should bear no difference in the outcome of the game. That is how I think about it. If I have a defender that has 150% defending white skills that plays against an attacker with say 130% attacking white skills then my defender should be 20% stronger than the attacker and should be able to stop him at least 20% more times and this should be a factor in every position.
Therefore the tot avq of a team should be based solely on the white skills of a player not the total. example, if I have say 2 or 3 very strong players and 8 to 9 good players the total avq of the team goes higher but in reality the team is not stronger than a team that has a lesser avq but is on the total a stronger team than the one with few very high star players.
The AvQ so the distance in quality between both teams set a starting parameter for each game scenario, setting what I call the Beatability Margin.
Then the game does his process as usual to do the simulation, simplificating your team of 11, so this means eliminating players available to be decisive because of the variable -that impacts on rating behaviour and its streak of good ratings and which is different in every player, so some have 86868 and you can predict when he'll be decisive, others will have 3-4-5 good matches with max rating which is 9-10 for equal- and then the engine dont face formations, just reads lists of players and always simulates attacking actions for one or another team, never defensive ones and thats why now we can see FAs with full defenses -180%. I said this on my guides like 7 yers or more ago and despite the updates that the game had, the engine still the same as in the V.1 practically... the biggest impact we had is the scores cap, that eliminated the 21-0 usual max score we had and transformed this into a more contained score like 12-0 or even a 4-0 iin certain cases, and then the expansion on the attacking list of players twice... first time in 2015 when STs stopped working and aml/amr gained protagonism and with the Playstyle update we have seen a new change in this aspect as the MCs gained terrain.
Train a white skill will matter if the player is well programmed enough to 'fix' the score and win by default, isnt easy to calculate what you need to train to fix/make rigged the score but depends on the player internal power assigned. If you train a player with a lot of Dominance power -so that is selected for more animations- + more contributive power -so more efficency- of course here is when you can create the more close to a superstar, othewise if the player isnt well programmed you'll feel it capped so with a max. of contribution that cant improve despite the 5000% skills you can add, as the game dont work with fixed proportions for realism purposes.
And more or less, till here my point that I always defended.
Then, please those who are fustrated, don't try to interpret this game as something realistic, as its a simple machine that reads parameters in a very simple way. Instead, try to think like the engine and think how the process is to generate the score, so then you will be able to read your own team situation and improve.
Last edited by khris; 03-09-2024 at 11:46 PM.
Firstly, an apology. It has taken me a long time to put this together. I apologies If I have come across ignorant or rude.
Top Eleven
I am a computer engineer. I understand that this is a game programmed by an algorithm. The skill lies in trying to understand that algorithm. It is likely to not be complicated and probably never changed. Nordeus found something that worked and are unlikely to have changed it.
I have been playing this game for 4 years and have only just started to figure it out.
This game is not about winning matches but about playing matches and winning resources.
My team is at 127% and I have won an average of 1 trophy for every season that I have played the game. I have found that staying around 130% at the end of the season, with my players with high white skills gives me the most competitive draws for the next season.
Game play
My experience is different to Kris. I believe that there are 4 or 5 key positions in a squad and 4 or 5 key players. I also believe that there is a hidden player attribute of form which varies from player to player and day to day. The trick to this game lies in working out who are your key positions and players. Every squad is different. These key players seem to change every time a new player is added to your squad, but the key positions stay for the season. You need to have those key players in those key positions and hope that they are in form.
Find a formation that involves your key positions and then put your key players into those positions. You may need to adjust this every season.
Counter formations with players with high white skills can work. But you also need your key players in key positions and their form to be good.
Make lots of friends with players at least 5 levels below you. You can find them by watching who bids on players in the transfer market. Keep a watch on those friends who have abandoned the game. Find a Friendly Championship where most of the teams are lower than you. You can win 1 green, 1 red and 3 blues from each friendly.
I have at least 22 players, enough for a first team and a reserves. The reserves contain at least 3 players that can fit into my first team to make a substitution in the match and to cover for suspensions. The reserves can be trained extra to increase your Teamplay Form. I also play a friendly every day with my reserves against an abandoned team from a lower level with tackling set to easy. You can win 1 green, 1 red and 3 blues from each friendly.
Only white skills count. Train your players to train only their white skills. High White skills and low grey skills gives you a lower Average % and therefore likely to be drawn against lower % opponents.
If the average % of two opponents is similar, the higher white skills of the players is a factor in the result. Key players in key positions with high white skills will produce good performances.
Defenders physical attributes do not seem to be taken into account in the algorithm.
Fast Trainers
There are many videos on how to identify fast trainers. You need to find fast trainers for your key positions.
Every day you get 25 videos to save. Collect green resources. In a season you can easily get 600. Every 2 seasons you will have 1200. That is enough resources to power train the white skills of your new fast trainer in one of your key positions. 5 key positions means that if you replace one every 2/3 years then you will be able to produce a constant stream of highly trained players in key positions. Train them well when they are under 21 and they will last until they are 32/33.
Never buy your recommended daily player. Although, why it should be offered at such a ridiculous price means that it should never be considered. Sometimes, one of your free players offered by the Assistant manager that only costs tokens as the sponsor is paying the cash, sometimes they are fast trainers.
I used to spend money every month on this game, but now I realise that there is no need to purchase offers to enjoy the game. It is now impossible to complete special sponsor without further purchases so I only purchase the special sponsor task every 2/3 seasons. This allows me to get a premium special ability for my newest key position. It works out about £12 every 3 months, which is £1 per week. I see this as a subscription to allow me to play the game.
I never buy Boost lab or Hot Shots.
Of course, I understand and accept that there are players who can and will spend lots of money on this game. They will have bigger and stronger squads than me. But that is their choice. Without them paying all this money we probably would not have a game to play.
Collecting tokens is necessary to purchase players in the transfer market. You may need to buy more than 10 before you find a fast trainer. Although, at level 15 and below it is possible to spot them using a table provided elsewhere on this forum. I am in a Diamond association that gets me 80 tokens a season. I also look at the Free tokens when the X2 is on. There are some you can get quite easily. Often needing to invest little more than time. Doing surveys is a good one. You can get 20 tokens for half an hour of answering questions. I have earned 400 tokens+ just by watching a movie trailer!
You need to invest time in this game. I generally spend an hour each day, but some of that is watching videos to collect the green packs, which can be done while focusing on something else.
I can then spend an hour or 2 power training my fast trainer when sat at a station, on a train or in an airport.
I can do tasks to collect tokens also at that time, or when I have no player needing training.
Draw Frenzy, Kick around, Penalty shoot out and that other merge game.
I only play these for free and never spend tokens. If I am out then I am out. They cost tokens and money – always. And they are nothing to do with a football management simulation game. These are for gamblers and not game players.
I have not told you all that I have learnt, I need to keep some secrets to myself!
But following the points above has allowed to me to enjoy Top Eleven as a game that I can play as a distraction to my normal life, without it costing me more than £1 each week.
The algorithm needs changing. The tactic of 3DC-DMC-5-1, with the DC’s all at 1% should not be able to win every match. You would not expect Manchester City’s attack to win everything if they have Stockport County’s defense. This is an issue that the programmers need to change so that the defense plays a bigger part in the game engine.
well thank you, apology accepted, despite what you have shared and Khris said I still believe this game is not well programmed in addition as I said before it was not the lack of results that caused me to exit it's the greed and unfair practice of the company. They suck period! I am not, even by presence, whether free or not enabling them any longer to take advantage of the players. As I said I will buy a PlayStation and a football game, and I will be in charge of my outcomes in the game, whether good or bad. I will train myself, not a team that I later have to leave in the hands of bad programming to determine whether or not my efforts were sufficient or not to beat some player who decides to spend a lot of money and buy everything. Then after I scrounged and sacrificed as you even say, spent a lot of time and effort in the game and got to play a decisive match I have to succumb to them. Then It just is not fair. If they do not want to change their pernicious ways and they won't then I'm not playing this game.
There should then be two versions of the game, one completely free game without in-game purchases and one pay-to-play I would even concede paying a fee, like $ 4.99 per season to play the rest of the game completely free.. Just give ads watching resources, provide ways to get free resources and give some as rewards for good results. That's my take ion all this. Let the spending/gamblers have their leagues and competitions and have us who want to just play free and have fun have ours.
Last edited by MARCO CAIA; 03-11-2024 at 07:47 PM.
Good and accurate analysis, Kenny! I am glad to see someone who understands the game.
I've just played the first match of my cup semi final this morning against a similar team (3DC-DMC-5-1, with the DC’s all at 1% and each other player 200%+).
Of course I lost 7 - 3 but I'm happy... I scored 3 goalsmuch more then it was done by any other opponent of this team.
The real problem is not win or loose but to know at the first day of the month who will win the competition. Where is the challenge.
I said many time, it's not enough consider only the initial average % value of top 14 players in the draw. Please take in account the max % value of the previous season or the max % of single player.
Again on draw. Also this month teams from 70% to 120%, to be more precise 5 teams around 120% and the other 9 teams, abandoned under 100%. The result is most of the matches end 8 - 0 or more. Only 4 / 5 interesting matches during the full league. Again where is the challenge?
I don't like winning 8-0 as I don't like facing a 3DC-DMC-5-1 200% team
Guys listen, we can kick this can down the road until the sun burns out. The bottom line is this, this game is not designed simply to be played and have fun doing it. As per the answer Kenny gave, I understand what he means but to play as he says to me takes away the fun from the game because it becomes a job rather than being a game designed for us to have fun with. Someone in this commentary said after I said that because I had been playing this game for 18 months, this was a short time to be having the experience to be complaining or understanding how this game works. Instead 18 months not only was enough time but it was a longer time than was needed to understand how this game works. I understand that this game is ruled and motivated by the greed of those who created and own it, period. There are no, zero, reasons why this game is so expensive. The design and the programming of this game, all of it, is to make players eventually spend some type of money to play it to do well. I did not spend a lot but I had to buy basic things to keep a semblance of success. The internal program despite all the technical info everyone tries to share here is bunk. It does not matter to me all the numbers and percentages and this and that, the simulation of the game is not even close to reality. The training and all that is attached to it in the end matters only to some degree and the outcomes are hardly based on all we do in the game. In the end, I do not care about all the technical this and that. because the game is poorly programmed but in reality it is programmed to provide outcomes that are only beneficial to them not us. I have plenty of times shared on here ways that this game would be great and fun to play but that would mean that they would have to restructure it in such a way where money no longer is a burden on the shoulders of the players at least not as much as it is now. I have said this many times and will say it again, I am all for someone being in business to make money but not when they are thieves and unfair greedy people like these. They tell me every time the prices are high because of inflation, areas, etc. what does that mean? Absolutely nothing, It's an excuse to charge us a lot of money for nothing. There are no reasons why these prices are so high. None! I believe that they should divide the game in two types of game. One should have a monthly fee of say $ 4.99 equivalent for all areas, to access and play the game BUT then one pays nothing for resources except watching ads. In addition to that they should seek to make agreements with FIFA and clubs and leagues around the world to get their sponsors and advertisers to advertise in the game. Have the logos and advertisers also in the game itself, In this way they make money from the advertisers and the burden is completely lifted off the players This would solve all the expense issues for us players. At least the prices of resources could be very low and most would be free. In addition as far as the game itself, in other words, the playing part of it, more control of game outcome should be redirected to the managers and less to the random choice of the computer's preference. In other words, the managers should have updated tactical control so that we can have more tactical options. New and improved orders need to be included so that we can choose to practice tactical things we do not have the option to do now. I have often written what my thoughts and ideas were regarding this subject as well. In closing, I will no longer submit to their greed in any way until they decide to change the way the game is structured and provide more free options and less expensive resources. If they ever change this I may think about returning to play. If I could find some programmers and investors I have a lot of good ideas to create a similar game but much better than this one and freer than this one too.
Last edited by MARCO CAIA; 03-15-2024 at 12:21 AM.