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Thread: A sad but necessary decision

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2022

    A sad but necessary decision

    My fellow Top Eleven managers, it is with a note of regret and yet a necessary decision that I am bidding you all farewell. I decided after 18 months of playing this game that I must leave this game. I decided to invest in a Playstation game and play football/soccer on that one. In the end, I would rather win or lose and be it up to me and my ability to do either and at the same time make a one-time investment that I can use when I want and have a greater variety of game options to enjoy.

    Unfortunately, this game is without hope. The greed that fuels any decisions within this game will never end, it is for these people like a drug. They will never make this game fair and fun. Prices in this game are out of control across the board. They give us pittances call them gifts, they are crumbs compared to the expenses one has to sustain to play this game in the attempt to arrive anywhere at all. This game is highway robbery and those who attempt to play it free or close to it will always be disappointed and aggravated.

    On my part I am done being aggravated by this game, I am taking my destiny into my own hands and if I have to spend even the minimum amount of money to get nowhere I rather spend it all at once and have some real fun.

    Good luck to all and do not expect anything to change in this game because it will not. The things they need to do to make this game fair and fun they will not do.

    They are too greedy to change anything to benefit us

    If it happens that things change for the better I may get back in at some point. Good luck guys. I'm done complaining!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by MARCO CAIA View Post
    My fellow Top Eleven managers, it is with a note of regret and yet a necessary decision that I am bidding you all farewell. I decided after 18 months of playing this game that I must leave this game. I decided to invest in a Playstation game and play football/soccer on that one. In the end, I would rather win or lose and be it up to me and my ability to do either and at the same time make a one-time investment that I can use when I want and have a greater variety of game options to enjoy.

    Unfortunately, this game is without hope. The greed that fuels any decisions within this game will never end, it is for these people like a drug. They will never make this game fair and fun. Prices in this game are out of control across the board. They give us pittances call them gifts, they are crumbs compared to the expenses one has to sustain to play this game in the attempt to arrive anywhere at all. This game is highway robbery and those who attempt to play it free or close to it will always be disappointed and aggravated.

    On my part I am done being aggravated by this game, I am taking my destiny into my own hands and if I have to spend even the minimum amount of money to get nowhere I rather spend it all at once and have some real fun.

    Good luck to all and do not expect anything to change in this game because it will not. The things they need to do to make this game fair and fun they will not do.

    They are too greedy to change anything to benefit us

    If it happens that things change for the better I may get back in at some point. Good luck guys. I'm done complaining!
    18 months.., You didn’t even get started. Well, bye then.
    vinim likes this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    When you go remember this...

    White skills count.
    Players in different positions need different training to increase their white skills and not the grey skills.

    When you have a team with players with high white skills then you will start to see some good performances.

    You have spent 18 months playing the game wrong!
    You thought that to win you needed to spend lots of money to buy trophies.
    No wonder that you are frustrated?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Kenny Jones View Post
    When you go remember this...

    White skills count.
    Players in different positions need different training to increase their white skills and not the grey skills.

    When you have a team with players with high white skills then you will start to see some good performances.

    You have spent 18 months playing the game wrong!
    You thought that to win you needed to spend lots of money to buy trophies.
    No wonder that you are frustrated?
    Dear friend you are commenting without knowledge or simply with prejudice not knowing the situation. I have had many good results. I won 6 league titles, 3 Champion Leagues, 2 Cup competitions, and 3 Super Cups, had several second and third placings in other seasons in the league, made the CL finals and lost 4 more times, and played in 3 other Cup finals and lost.

    By the way, I did all things on Top Eleven's advice regarding training and all other things concerning the progress of the team I have had very good teams. Did it ever occur to you that to get players to have very high white skills one has to spend a lot of green boosters? How do you get them? Simply the free greens the game supplies are not sufficient to train thoroughly players to increase their white skills as you say. Where do you get greens? You need tokens and where do you get tokens? What you play those stupid third-party games for hours on end to get a handful of tokens? Or what is your next option? You need to buy them and what can you buy them with? Money.

    So, as you see my friend it is not the lack of results that is making me leave. It's the unfairness of the system. It's the greed of the company, it's the lack of integrity and honesty in the game owners, it's the defrauding that occurs within the game, and that affects everyone. You see I have achieved many good results but I cannot stand their way. They constantly do things to underhand the players, the prices are too high, and their giftings are dismal and inadequate. They do absolutely nothing to make the game fairer and freer for all and to put everyone in a condition to do well without having to spend a fortune.

    You are right about one thing, even though I spent moderately if I had not I would have never achieved the results I achieved.

    I did not buy trophies, I bought some resources I needed to do the things that need to be done to improve the team to win some trophies. By the way, it's funny because what do you think professional teams do to be successful? They must generate income and money to do what they need to do to be successful. Those who just sit there doing the minimum will get little in return. You sow sparingly you reap sparingly.

    Maybe some of you are willing to be taken advantage of by their greed and simply be satisfied playing for free hoping that you can arrive somewhere without spending a dime. If some of you do then you are better people than me. If however you are always struggling to have good results but simply are deluding yourselves that you are having fun regardless, then more power to you. Look when I play anything, I do it for fun sure but one cannot have fun if they do not ever achieve good results, at least once in a while. What convinced me to quit is not the lack of results but the lack of fairness and integrity in the game system, it's the greed of these people that disgusts me and I will no longer feed their greed not even by participating freely.

    Good luck
    Last edited by MARCO CAIA; 03-01-2024 at 09:53 PM.
    maloukees likes this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by guido van den berg View Post
    18 months.., you didn’t even get started. Well, bye then.
    it's plenty of time to learn how this game works and enough time to realize i do not want to participate in the greed and unfair play this company practices. As i explained to my arrogant friend before it is not the lack of results that forced my hand it's the lack of fairness and the incessant ever increasing greed of the company. I could continue to play as i have and have good results but i can not stand the fact that people who are not willing or can not afford to pay much can not be as successful as those who pay or those who pay more and more who can build up an everlasting team that wins all the time and then that gets catapulted into the same category in which we are and leave us without a chance. Quite frankly i do not want to continue to pay for anything at all. I want the free players to have opportunities to compete but in this greedy system this can never be, therefore i leave. Clear now?
    maloukees likes this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    My dear friend Marco,
    I'm sorry your farewell post had to encounter Kenny's arrogance and not compassion and empathy. Unlike him I understand your point of view and, even though I didn't always agree with you, I salute your effort to change things. Of course it would be easier to lay back like a jersey shore guido on the tanning bed and simply accept what the game has to give, but instead you put time and effort to try and improve this game that we all enjoy playing and for that I would like to thank you.

    I invite everyone in the community, except khris, to wear black kits tomorrow in honor of Marco (or Marquinhos like some of us liked to call him).
    maloukees likes this.

  7. #7
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by WizPT View Post
    My dear friend Marco,
    I'm sorry your farewell post had to encounter Kenny's arrogance and not compassion and empathy. Unlike him I understand your point of view and, even though I didn't always agree with you, I salute your effort to change things. Of course it would be easier to lay back like a jersey shore guido on the tanning bed and simply accept what the game has to give, but instead you put time and effort to try and improve this game that we all enjoy playing and for that I would like to thank you.

    I invite everyone in the community, except khris, to wear black kits tomorrow in honor of Marco (or Marquinhos like some of us liked to call him).
    Khris wear black on a daily basis, its his favourite colour and nope, Khris dont need to be invited to use black stuff lol you're not my suggar daddy.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by WizPT View Post
    My dear friend Marco,
    I'm sorry your farewell post had to encounter Kenny's arrogance and not compassion and empathy. Unlike him I understand your point of view and, even though I didn't always agree with you, I salute your effort to change things. Of course it would be easier to lay back like a jersey shore guido on the tanning bed and simply accept what the game has to give, but instead you put time and effort to try and improve this game that we all enjoy playing and for that I would like to thank you.

    I invite everyone in the community, except khris, to wear black kits tomorrow in honor of Marco (or Marquinhos like some of us liked to call him).
    Thanks, I appreciate your kind words. I appreciate constructive criticism but not arrogance, you understand. I could continue to play this game and as I said good results never were the problem as I have had quite a few. Kenny's point is also to be confirmed because even though of course white skills are the most important skills however when I asked I was told by a very reliable source that supposedly it's the total AVQ that the simulator takes into consideration and not the white skills of players. Now I have to concede to Kenny's point that I also thought that very high white skills were the real deal, not the tot AVQ but then I was told no. However, the point is that even if that white skill deal is true to greatly increase them on must train a lot, especially with this new method of training, even more than before, and to do so one has to spend a lot of greens and to do that one must spend tokens and unless Kenny or other have a way to get a lot of free tokens without spending endless hours playing stupid third party games to get a handful of tokens then I cannot see how one can achieve those goals without spending a moderate amount of money. As I said and you even agreed if we play 100% free we are in for a lot of disappointments and quite frankly I do not have fun going through a whole lot of wasting time training by team so I can do poorly. He says buying trophies? I say, spending some to get needed resources. The problem with the game as we all know is the whole system is based on greed and making us spend more and more not to play freely. The whole point is that Nordeus game owners do not give us the necessary and sufficient resources to be able to do well playing for free. They have zero intentions to make this game affordable. They give us free resources and maybe in their minds they think they are being generous but in reality, they give us crumbs that could never be sufficient to keep a team successful without spending real money, The only possible bypass there is to tank the team. I do not want to do that, we should not have to do that. What can one possibly do with what they give us? Think about it, we get at best 35 tokens a month from them, and once in a while, we get one token only for winning and watching league matches, so let's assume in a good season we win 20 games and are lucky enough that they are at times we can watch them that is 55 tokens or less per month. So someone please tell me what can one do with 55 tokens a month. Absolutely nothing at the prices they sell stuff. You cannot even buy a good player in scouting for that much. Come on, but then I have to hear about training my players for white skills, with what? 55 tokens per month?

    To properly succeed in this game one needs the following without a doubt. 350 to 500 tokens per season, you have to purchase a the very least the 4.99 special sponsor, the 4.99 monthly token card, and at least the 4.99 Boost. The question remains how to get 350 to 500 tokens every month without buying them, perhaps Kenny might want to give us some of his Top Eleven knowledge and let us know where he gets all the needed resources without as he says " buying trophies"

    Please. Let's face it this game is a sham and I will no longer feed their greed, they will never change so this is like a bad relationship, if you have to do most of everything, spend and buy while the other person gives you little or nothing eventually you break up. So goodbye and good luck to all
    Last edited by MARCO CAIA; 03-03-2024 at 12:48 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Kenny, we're still waiting...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by MARCO CAIA View Post
    Thanks, I appreciate your kind words. I appreciate constructive criticism but not arrogance, you understand. I could continue to play this game and as I said good results never were the problem as I have had quite a few. Kenny's point is also to be confirmed because even though of course white skills are the most important skills however when I asked I was told by a very reliable source that supposedly it's the total AVQ that the simulator takes into consideration and not the white skills of players. Now I have to concede to Kenny's point that I also thought that very high white skills were the real deal, not the tot AVQ but then I was told no. However, the point is that even if that white skill deal is true to greatly increase them on must train a lot, especially with this new method of training, even more than before, and to do so one has to spend a lot of greens and to do that one must spend tokens and unless Kenny or other have a way to get a lot of free tokens without spending endless hours playing stupid third party games to get a handful of tokens then I cannot see how one can achieve those goals without spending a moderate amount of money. As I said and you even agreed if we play 100% free we are in for a lot of disappointments and quite frankly I do not have fun going through a whole lot of wasting time training by team so I can do poorly. He says buying trophies? I say, spending some to get needed resources. The problem with the game as we all know is the whole system is based on greed and making us spend more and more not to play freely. The whole point is that Nordeus game owners do not give us the necessary and sufficient resources to be able to do well playing for free. They have zero intentions to make this game affordable. They give us free resources and maybe in their minds they think they are being generous but in reality, they give us crumbs that could never be sufficient to keep a team successful without spending real money, The only possible bypass there is to tank the team. I do not want to do that, we should not have to do that. What can one possibly do with what they give us? Think about it, we get at best 35 tokens a month from them, and once in a while, we get one token only for winning and watching league matches, so let's assume in a good season we win 20 games and are lucky enough that they are at times we can watch them that is 55 tokens or less per month. So someone please tell me what can one do with 55 tokens a month. Absolutely nothing at the prices they sell stuff. You cannot even buy a good player in scouting for that much. Come on, but then I have to hear about training my players for white skills, with what? 55 tokens per month?

    To properly succeed in this game one needs the following without a doubt. 350 to 500 tokens per season, you have to purchase a the very least the 4.99 special sponsor, the 4.99 monthly token card, and at least the 4.99 Boost. The question remains how to get 350 to 500 tokens every month without buying them, perhaps Kenny might want to give us some of his Top Eleven knowledge and let us know where he gets all the needed resources without as he says " buying trophies"

    Please. Let's face it this game is a sham and I will no longer feed their greed, they will never change so this is like a bad relationship, if you have to do most of everything, spend and buy while the other person gives you little or nothing eventually you break up. So goodbye and good luck to all
    Sorry to see you go....

    I was surprised by the way hearing that the avg. quakity is more important than the white skills?
    Where did you hear that??

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