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Thread: Calling on experts that can beat 20% stronger teams

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    his post is ridiculous. We all know these things and at least I do most of them and I never, ever, beat a team 50% stronger, never mind that I never beat a team 20% stronger. The best result I had was a draw against a team 20% stronger. This guy beats teams stronger than him because he probably uses formations like the one I will be playing in the CL semifinals, It's 82.4% but has a lot of players at one star and three stars while others are 200+ 160% etc. These people should be disqualified from playing

  2. #12
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by MARCO CAIA View Post
    that is correct, and this is why you must refer to my previous post where I said I am no longer playing it after this season. Plus I have so much fun getting replies like yours that I cannot help myself
    Really? I also enjoy reading your posts and I am sad to see that you leave us

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    playing at "peasant" level, not a bad event for 7* AMR and 60Token.

    Calling on experts that can beat 20% stronger

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    That is an excellent post Wingaradijastoc.

    Another player who has found that investing time into the game brings rewards.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Got another example of beating a higher % team...
    Calling on experts that can beat 20% stronger teams-img-20240319-wa0000.jpg

    Or easily beating a team at the same level...
    Calling on experts that can beat 20% stronger teams-img-20240319-wa0001.jpg

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Man! LUFC_MOT

    How many resources have you got?

    Thats over £600 in tokens and green packs!

    Why do you not use them?

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    You guys are really amusing

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Never said by the way that it's impossible to beat a much stronger team I'm simply stating that it's very improbable to do so. It has never happened to me quite honestly I so.ewhat resent the comments made here that I xant do it because I'm somehow not playing the game right or I don't know what I'm doing. I have read about all the things suggested to me and I've been doing most if not all of them. The issue with beating a much stronger team un reality has little maybe nothing to do with all we have been talking about doing. The problem is the law of averages that 8 times maybe 9 times out of ten will appoint the W to the stronger team. I have often punished a 1 to 2 % stronger team. It's extremely rare though especially in a big game that a much weaker team wins agains a much stronger one. That's why forgive me for getting upset when I go in a final against a 15 yo 20 or morestronger team and get upset. It's because I know that even if o show up with my best and prepared team according to Top Eleven I'll probably lose.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    I can't find the fast trainer to spend on, then i stop looking.

    Just a suggestion for NORDEUS, make fast trainer available on youth academy or scout. i am willing to pay
    300 Token for a 3* 18yo FT with random playstyle and empty sa
    50 Token for a 5* 18yo FT with random playstyle

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by LUFC_MOT View Post
    I can't find the fast trainer to spend on, then i stop looking.

    Just a suggestion for NORDEUS, make fast trainer available on youth academy or scout. i am willing to pay
    300 Token for a 3* 18yo FT with random playstyle and empty sa
    50 Token for a 5* 18yo FT with random playstyle
    did you see the post this is? what does this have to do with what we were talking about here? Plus this is exactly what the problem with this game is. You are all too eager to spend hundreds of tokens and even real money obviously to get the tokens and resources to do so. You are inevitably feeding the greed of this machine and enabling it to punish all who want to play somewhat free. The only way they will change anything is if we stop allowing them to charge all this money and high token prices by curtailing the spending within the game itself. Those who either by gambling addiction or simply can afford it are ruining the game. If they did not get people to buy their high-priced stuff they would either have to lower their prices or give more free resources and rely on the ads more.

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