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Thread: Calling on experts that can beat 20% stronger teams

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Man, you cant stop them to do so .
    About this post:
    Instead of writing basic info or default screenshots with i won someone really could share their way point of how they win against 20% teams.
    Really, to win against 20% is very hard. I rearly win against them too. Best thing that work for me is - to choose formation with lower numbers in attack like 5-3-2 or 4-1-4-1 and go hard defending + counter attacks...

  2. #22
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    Calling on experts that can beat 20% stronger teams-stats.jpg

    There are my wins vs stronger teams this season. My team have not 1-2-3-4 stars players in starting line.

    Of course I'm not going to lecture you on how this is possible. Just be smart and understand the game.
    Last edited by po_zdrach; 03-23-2024 at 10:34 AM.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by tomu741 View Post
    Man, you cant stop them to do so .
    About this post:
    Instead of writing basic info or default screenshots with i won someone really could share their way point of how they win against 20% teams.
    Really, to win against 20% is very hard. I rearly win against them too. Best thing that work for me is - to choose formation with lower numbers in attack like 5-3-2 or 4-1-4-1 and go hard defending + counter attacks...
    Exactly right! That is my point exactly everyone is good at putting screenshots but no one tells you how they did it. You get a long post like the one on the previous page telling you a bunch of stuff to do, which I already pretty much do with not much of a great result in beating much stronger teams. The thing is what does the opposing team look like? I have, not much, but I have beaten stronger teams but why? Because the opposing team although stronger in quality lacked in special abilities and playstyles for example. I have beaten a stronger team that had no playstyles and one special ability per player and some did not have any. Was our team all on fire morale? How were those stronger teams prepared? were all their players at superb and on fire morale and at 99% rest? We cannot know any of that info because we cannot see the level of preparation of the opposing team of course, there can be a difference in that respect that allows you to beat a stronger team. However, If I had to encounter, as I did, a team that is 20% plus all players have playstyles, many of them are boosted and every player has two special abilities, guess what? I got killed. In that case, there is no way you can win, UNLESS, for some crazy reason, the computer decides to give you the win. One time I won 1-0 against a team much stronger and I got so ticked off that I put all my players in different positions, I must have shocked the computer. It depends, however, as I said before, it is not that I never won against a stronger team. Never against a team 20% plus stronger but I did win some, the issue is not that, it's that you finally get in a final of some type and you are confronted with an opponent 25% 30% stronger and of course 9 times out of ten you will lose it, there is no way possible so that pisses you off because of the unfairness of the situation. You go into this game already knowing that you have a 1% chance of winning it. However, yes what do they do to be able to win so often against much stronger opponents? Not giving me the all the stories of team preparation because all that I do?

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    works for low level
    compact super low block , give opponent all the possesion they want, overload on center and force opponent wide.
    not many goals, but get the job done.

    Calling on experts that can beat 20% stronger
    Calling on experts that can beat 20% stronger
    Calling on experts that can beat 20% stronger

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    All the fa in chronological order, final score 78pts. It's not all rose and sunshine, in "football", sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Never heard my opponent complaining.

    Calling on experts that can beat 20% stronger teams-untitled.jpg

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by LUFC_MOT View Post
    All the fa in chronological order, final score 78pts. It's not all rose and sunshine, in "football", sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Never heard my opponent complaining.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Untitled.jpg 
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ID:	140831
    are these in the association matches? Because of that I often won against stronger teams. You cannot compare the wins in FA with win and losses in other competitions. The game play in FA is totally different than in league or others. So...yes, I agree, but give me screen shots of all that the teams you beat in league, CL, SC and cup. I bet you it is not as many as FA, it's a false comaprison

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Hard defending/man to man/offside trap only in top eleven .

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