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Thread: Developers

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by po_zdrach View Post
    For me, if a computer program doesn't work the way it's supposed to (in this case, to simulate real football) there's a bug. Call it what you want, my question is - is anyone paying attention to this "irregularity" or the developers are focused on another gambling event to take our money?

    Of course no one care about this forum and I will not receive a answer of my question
    I played draw frenzy 9 times, with 3 different teams, 9 times red card in the second round. Do you think they want to fix what's wrong or make even more money?

    And in this king of kings event, what's the point of wasting time winning similar games in the first phase, when you win practically nothing, and in the second phase face a team full of mutants?

    Again, they don't care about the players, they just want the money.

  2. #12
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by vinim View Post
    I played draw frenzy 9 times, with 3 different teams, 9 times red card in the second round. Do you think they want to fix what's wrong or make even more money?

    And in this king of kings event, what's the point of wasting time winning similar games in the first phase, when you win practically nothing, and in the second phase face a team full of mutants?

    Again, they don't care about the players, they just want the money.
    If they want money they should make every player on the pitch matter. so we will invest money in the development of 11 players instead of 7-8 like now.

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