Some thoughts on formations specifically for T11.
I have been having some success with formtaions that mask their true identity. On a regular basis I use with success:-
Most of these formations appear very defensive on paper, however, add red arrows to all but the DCs & ST & they become a very powerful attacking force. Your opponent sees a defensive set up & sets his tactics accordingly, however they get a shock when the game is in motion.
Alternatively a formation of say 4-1(MC)- 3w-2 would in appearance seem to be a very attacking formation. However, throw some blue arrows on the 4 mid fielders & one ST & the formation turns quite defensive.
These tactics are useful when playing someone who changes his formations every game. Of course you have to have the cattle to handle all the movement & all players must have 100% condition. But it is a strategy that can confuse your opponent.