Well since I have spent lots of skill points in SA for some of my players, I hope it was worth it. Basicaly the way I see it you need a couple of aerial defenders, 1-2 defensive wall, 1 playmaker, 1 one-on-one stopper GK and another one for penalties, 1 shadow striker (my AML is scoring about the same with my striker and since I favorite 4-5-1V, I love the idea of an extra striker.) Also a couple of corner specialists (1 in team, 1 in reserves.) And finnaly a couple of free-kick specialists, one-on-one attacker for the strikers and this is it. I use my young players 18-25max to learn the SA so I get to keep them for as long as possible. On another matter witch is the extra position of a player, I rarely find myself in need to train a player for it BUT! My second striker (20yo, one-on-one scorer) is training for the AML possition as well atm. This will help my team to change from 4-4-2 flat to 4-5-1V. I use these 2 formations due to the fact that 4-4-2 flat is an ez mode formation to have while you are not online at the moment that the match is played and secondly if you are online and watching you can let your team score 1-2 goals and change it easily to 4-5-1V virtualy without any subs (although usualy this is a nice time to bring fresh players into the match, change your tackling to easy so you avoid cards, change presure to own half and basicaly have the whole team hug your goalkeeper) I have in my mind to write a guide on this technique but first I need to know if SA works and how. Why there is none here that can answer this simple question? Are SA useful or they just have them there for us to spend more money?? Excuse my grammar but its 9:30 in the morning and I hopefuly after this post will get some sleep.. /cheers #La Ku
"Human relationships didn't work anyhow. Only the first two weeks had any zing, then the participants lost their interest. Masks dropped away and real people began to appear: cranks, imbeciles, the demented, the vengeful, sadists, killers. Modern society had created its own kind and they feasted on each other. It was a duel to the death...in a cesspool."
It always depends the quality as well, as for yea i confirm a goalie like scout(without sa) is better than a 5 star with any ability, n for the others, they work but also depends who is ur opponent, like a 5 star free kick specialist won't score often vs a scout goalie o higher, if oponent has same quality player then they work well, but vs higher they work much less. Like my goalie scout no ability doesn't make me worried vs a striker with 1:1 if he isn't at least a 5 star striker
Necro alert.Say no to Voodoo - or your doll gets the pins.
Talking to myself............... I'm not going to start this SA thing again, I'm not going to start this SA thing again.....! Where is that section on SA? ok I'm not going to start up on this SA thing again.
In football it is better to be Lucky than Good.
none work for me, they just don't make any differnce period
My current 1* 24Q DL/DC was the first I trained an SA on and ive kept him in my squad for 5 seasons. He only plays 8-10 matches a season but he is always on point rating 7-9. He scored the first and last goals in my last league victory as well. Some players just overplay their stats. He was my captain for the last half on s1 and all of s2. His notable achievements include 3 seasons unhurt, winning a cup tie with the last penalty kick, and holding the top rated striker in my last season league to 0 goals both times we played. I think he was an academy player but it's impossible to confirm that now.
Every player I have put an SA on has raised their performance and come up clutch in one game or another. The first MC I put corner specialist on is still my leader in assists and he's been gone 2 seasons and only played 2. I find stats to be misleading as there are so many tankers in lower leagues that it's easy to score 20 a season in all competitions. They also sell better and I want my club to be one of positivity and growth not greed and pride. That's why I put an SA on nearly all fast trainers I buy.
I think that people are forgetting that certain formations and playstyles affect the trigger rate of your players' SA. Like you aren't going to trigger your one on one scorer if you play a narrow formation with 2 or more strikers and go short passing. Not that he won't score goals, he just is more likely to trigger his SA if you play him alone with a long ball/counter attacking playstyle. Or playing a playmaker mc in a 442, he's just not likely to get many chances for incisive passes if the opponent is playing 5 midfielders/or 2 dmcs.
So yeah it's not as profitable to do it, especially with the bull**** semi-random way that your player's wages increase as you put points into them in the first 2 seasons of their contract, but having young players with SAs that are a little below average help your Q average and cup/CL/league placement and also can deceive your opponent into thinking you are weaker than you are.
So do it or don't just don't complain about your football ignorance and claim the game is broken.