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Thread: Table of Counter Formations v2.0 - Which formation to use?

  1. #41
    Wiki Contributor Incredipede's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eugen Cristea View Post
    4-1-4-1 as a counter to 4-3-3, DOES NOT WORK!
    I use 4-1-4-1 as my standard formation.
    I lost and inot only thet.
    I always played very bad using 4-1-4-1, just against 4-3-3.
    4-1-4-1 has always worked against 4-3-3 for me. As the starting post says, sometimes you lose even when playing with a counter formation, and it seems like some teams can't play some formations, as example my current team sucks hard when playing 3-2-2-2-1 Butterfly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Belgji View Post
    4-5-1V style can't counter 4-4-2 classic!!!
    4-4-2 still have favour in this season too....
    I always play 4-5-1V against 4-4-2 and I almost always win. I never use arrows and I never really change any other settings except "Down On Both Flanks".

    Quote Originally Posted by Tomasz Pakuła View Post
    4-1-2-1-2 Narrow Diamond counter fotmations4-1-3W-2
    loss 0-3 ;/ is not effective for narrow diamond ;/
    I use 4-5-1V against 4-1-2-1-2 Narrow Diamond, don't know if 4-1-3W-2 really works. I just copied all the formations from the old thread.
    Last edited by Incredipede; 12-18-2013 at 10:23 PM.
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  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Incredipede View Post
    Hmm, no real middle field seems weird.
    Result was 2-1 i won even he is 3 pts average stronger than me and i'm away. i think using mc in this formation is more effective than using amr/aml without mid fielder.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Incredipede View Post
    4-1-4-1 has always worked against 4-3-3 for me. As the starting post says, sometimes you lose even when playing with a counter formation, and it seems like some teams can't play some formations, as example my current team sucks hard when playing 3-2-2-2-1 Butterfly.

    I always play 4-5-1V against 4-4-2 and I almost always win. I never use arrows and I never really change any other settings except "Down On Both Flanks".

    I use 4-5-1V against 4-1-2-1-2 Narrow Diamond, don't know if 4-1-3W-2 really works. I just copied all the formations from the old thread.
    4-1-4-1 Never worked for me, against 4-3-3

    I start 4-1-4-1 vs 4-4-2, and move the MR-ML to AMR-AML, if i don't get chancess.

    4-1-3W-2 works vs ND.
    But not if you have a 2 star team agaist a 5 star one...
    Last edited by Cristea Andrada; 12-19-2013 at 03:54 PM. Reason: I'm Eugen Cristea

  4. #44
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    I'm not so sure with countering 4-1-2-1-2 wide diamond with 3-5-2 flat.
    Tonight, I have a league game against that formation and first I thought about using 3-5-2 flat. But my worries are, what if the enemy uses motivated wings? In this case, he would outnumber my defensive players with his offensive players.
    With my theoretical approach, I think that a 4-1-4-1 with four motivated wing players should be more effective against the wide diamond and less risky than the 3-5-2 flat.


  5. #45
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    Opponent has a weird 3(W)-3(W)-1-1-2 formation. Any ideas how to counter this one?

    I'm thinking of using 4-3-3 and focusing passing down the middle due to him being so spread out in the back (D/DM).

  6. #46
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    In my cup match today i play against an opponent 2 levels my senior (im s7) but with pretty much equal quality, who used a very difficult formation which is not listed in the OP's "counter formation" table so this can be added together with my counter solution.

    He played a 4-2(centre mid)-3W(att mid)-1. I've seen this formation used with more regularity now and its very attacking while reasonably secure at the back when the centre mids have blue arrows, so it's not an easy one to navigate past.

    But I did I won the game 6-0 and dominated - first time this season and against my hardest opponent.

    I set up with 3W-2DM-2(wide mid)-2(centre att)-1

    Defensively this covered all his attacking players without letting him play in front of me as my 2 dm's could cover that space. I used blue arrows on all 5 of my defending minded players, even the DL & DR so as not to leave my only DC one-on-one with his striker.

    My 2 wide midfielders had red arrows to exploit the empty wings and avoid his 2 defensive minded CM's. Then for my 2 central attacking mids i put BLUE arrows. This meant that when he had possion of the ball they would drop back into CM and cover his 2 CM's, but then when i had the ball they could still wreck havoc on his flatback 4, especially with my 2 over-lapping wide mids. My striker had no arrow so he could roam and get more involed with my attacking plays.

    The tactics i use were... Team mentality : Normal (not def coz i need to attack and get a good result in a cup game. And not attacking because i didnt want to be left too open).
    Focus Passing: Both flanks (I felt that is where his formation was weakest. Could equally use mixed for better possession)
    Pressing: Whole Pitch (This is to stop him playing in my half and was vital to the outcome i think).
    Tackling: Hard (I didnt want to be bossed)
    Passing Style: Mixed (to bypass his overloaded forward players but keep as much possession as possible)
    Marking: Zonal
    No Counter / No Offside trap

    ... 6-0 Great result!
    Hope this helps if any of you come across this formation. Good luck!
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  7. #47
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    how to counter 3N-1-3N-1-2? use 4-5-1 V style? any experience on that is much appreciated. thx.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Ngan View Post
    how to counter 3N-1-3N-1-2? use 4-5-1 V style? any experience on that is much appreciated. thx.

    That's an illegal formation. u will surely win!!

  9. #49
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    Thx. will keep u posted.

  10. #50
    Wiki Contributor Incredipede's Avatar
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    I just changed a few counter formations which made no sense in my opinion.

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