@ BeckStar:
Tokens aren't that problem - this season I have 64T. Yesterday I bought two nordgens for 1T each. The Problem is... I don't wanna manipulate Cup/CL... I really like my squad, my players. I don't play to win over all... I play for fun, for challenge,... it's just the stupid cupdraw. Why has a manager, who trains his team, keep the players,... that kind of disadvantage?
There are so many good ideas, how it can work: Three managerlevels together: 1-3, 4-6,... so every third season, there's a realistic chance to win the cup.
And the comment of Moi is bullsh*t: I played manager 2 cup 5, manager3 cup6, manager4 cup8 -> so why I'm another cuplevel higher? Where are the teams before?
My wife had/has pretty equal squad like mine (played last two CL-Finals against each other), so why she was last season (manager4) cup6, this season cup8?
Btw. I'm manager5, played cup9: I checked all squads: this season I was only manager5, than there was manager7, highest was 12 (was shown with 9*) - so I knew, this season, this would be the hardest cup, I've ever played. And I don't have any troubles to lose - only like the BS of this day made my angry, annoyed,..., because my squad played much better!!!
F.E.: last season finals: It was so close... it was okay, if I had lost...
So, let's focus on League/CL.
@ nik
I don't know...