Imo this is ok, but like I said I don't buy 5 star players, only 3 star, so I am not really sure about it. For 3 star player the numbers are bad. 3 star player gets SA point roughly every 12% condition loss, if he is a FT.
Also, your drills are all world class level, so max?
Like Ryan says depends on the drills skill...i can get 1 SA point every 16% Condition but my skills are just 2 "whistles"...
Some are 2 whistles and some are 3. I think he might be a FT then as my drills werejt maxed out and he is 1% under 6*. He has a value of 68 million and that is by far the highest I have seen in the past week since I returned to the game. Second highest I have seen at level 13 is 61 million for 99% quality (84)
I have just bought a ST who I feel is a FT as he was 48 million at 4* at manager level 13. I trained 6x press the play and he is getting 1 SA Point every 5 drills. So he is getting 1.16 SA points every 6 drills. Is this good or is it not worth using greens on the player? I was thinking of just using him for a replacement for my older 5* players when I sell them before the next season.
I think I don't have the fastest trainer, maybe second class as I remember Nik saying he should get 1.5 SA points per set? Is this right?
I have press the play, pass go and shoot, sprint and some other drills maxed, just not every single one from each section.
The second player is 74% so I'm presuming hes not a FT then?
I wont be spending loads of greens on these players as they are going to lose a star soon. I just wanted to practice for next week for when I do want to buy FT and want to train them up quick using greens.
That makes alot more sense. I haven't seen one 99% player with a value or 70 mill yet. So going off of that, my first player should be a FT and the second one just under a FT. Might be a second class FT. I have 3,000 tokens saved up from playing other games so u didnt want to waste them on players who arent FT.
Is there a table for FTs for different qualities/stars? The table Niko have provided is a valuation for all levels but only for 5* FTs. I'd like to identify a FT on all levels for different qualities; 40-59 %, 60-79 % and 80-99 %. I don't always have the money to buy 99%/5* players and thus have to aim for lower quality which is fine as long as they're FTs.