I'm wondering what is the best method to improve substitutes players ?
Hard Training ? Friendly matches ?
Normal Trainings
Hard Trainings
Friendly matches
I'm wondering what is the best method to improve substitutes players ?
Hard Training ? Friendly matches ?
Last edited by FakeFC; 03-02-2013 at 06:52 PM.
If you don't do power training use minimal normal stretching bring best results. This takes more time but not only you avoid injury you get the best average overall. Example your player 99 condition, only stretch 2x the next 3 hours or until the next time 5% is refill giving you maximum benefits both ways. With players over 30 or very slow trainers friendlies are better if they perform well they gain more. After finish training, the more healthy they are the better results. Same goes for moral, if he ain't happy he ain't Gona train well, lower morals friendlies better.
Okay thank you very much,
Doing 2 times stretching or 1 time running is the same thing no ?
So do you let intensity level 2 for your trainings ?
Thank you for advices
Last edited by FakeFC; 03-02-2013 at 08:37 PM.
I usually like to train right after last match of the day.... calculate how much stamina the boys will get back before the next game.... and then customize training to get each player down to that level...
Ex. if my players will be getting 5 increases.... that's +25%.... since I want all my players at LEAST 95% come game time.... I can train them down to +/- 71%..... of course if I was planning to use a rest pack on a player.... I can adjust for another +15%....
But even then, every few days I'll rest most everyone after the day's tilts, save for maybe the youngest players... they may get a stretch or two....
Newark City
Season 1 - 4th Place.... but hey....
A combination of normal and hard training (especially if you have 1/game per day).