Hey guys, I'm gona share my knowledge about Top11 with you. This is not a professional tutorial and thats why I won't explain/say about everything. I know it will be boring to read so much but I spent more time writing and I'm sure you didn't knew all this things and you will find something useful.
About me
You don't need to follow my exemple but you can check my performances (
F.C Orlova) I have one of the best trophys room reporting on my level.
How to set formation:
-Set formation by your best first 11 players, there is only 1 rule for this and is to have at least 1 player on left and right side.
-For exemple I will show to you, one of my team and achievements from last season.
(Note: No 6 stars players, players was from 3 to 5 stars)

-In real, no manager will use this formation, but this is a game and you need to think like him, this formation don't make sense but still bring me Champions League against much stronger opponents then me and League where I had 3rd team like quality.

-Changing formation against other players is a very big mistake, there is no formations who can beat an other one for sure and also if you will do that you will have a lot of minuses:
*lower players quality in first 11
*players moral will decrease
*best players will get less skill points
*will not bring you 100% victory
*you will need to use more moral boosters
How to set tactic:
-Here is not so simple and depend from one team to an other so I can't give you to many advices. But you can post a picture with your players and more informations about them and I would be happy to help you.
Good to know:
-You can use arrows for a better chance to score(red) or for a better defense(blue)
-Motivate your players to score more often (Finances/Tickets & Bonuses/Win Bonus).
-Check players moral before each game and try to have superb if is possible.
-Players condition should be more then 80% before each game.
-Give them points on their possitions, avoid auto-assign.
-Use auto-subs. from when you are offline
-This is the second part of game but "
the hardest".
-Moneys are same important like tokens and you need to know how to earn then, at the start they are not so important but when you will grow in level it will become much harder.
-Set your ticket price to get maximum moneys and fans, you need to count fans, try to set ticket price to have a full stadium.
-Don't renew players contracts, do it after last game from season when you will check to see who you need for next season.
-By far the best way to get moneys is by selling players, but when you should do that? A big mistake is to wait till the new season and then to sell them, but this is a huge mistake and 90% of players are doing that. It's like with contracts, do it after last game from season because if you will do it after season is end they will be 1 year older and their value will decrease a lot, you can win easy a lot of milions like that.
-There are only 2 contracts who count
*Nordeus = very good if you know you can't watch your games daily. (28 tokens).
*SPEED = best one if you can log in-game every day (35 tokens).
Other ways to win tokens
-Contracts are not the only way to win contracts, you can watch videos, complete offers or other tasks but it can't be annoying because not all are working.
-More new, you can win tokens through negotion system or refferals and is kinda easy.
-Avoid first days from a new season, a lot of players are making transfers then.
-Bid very soon in the morning and avoid top hours when the most are online.
-First of all, don't bid if you don't have to many tokens, save at least between 5 and 10 to have a normal chance.
-If you don't have to many tokens you should avoid:
*Players with special ability: most of players will aim them and you will have lower chances
*Young players: like on special ability, everybody is searching for them.
*Players who will become soon 6 stars: again same story, everybody want them.
-If you have a good amount of tokens:
*Young players: they grow much faster
*Special ability: they are very good and it can help you a lot.
*Players who will become sooner 6 stars: because they "should" be better.
-A big mistake is that 80% are checking only their quality but not their quality on their position, for exemple if you want to transfer a striker, look on he's quality on attack. I will post 2 picture so you can understand much better, in first picture is a striker who have general quality 59/60 and 61.2 quality on attack and on second one is a player who have 58/60 but you can see he have much more on attack 66.8. This was just an exemple but if you will search you can find
very great players like.
Quality 59/60 - 61.2 attack

Quality 58/60 - 66.8 attack
Good to know:
-Don't bid in last second if you have bad internet connection.
-If you have more tokens bid at the start of round first few rounds, it will make others to leave.
-Ball possesion is one of the most important thing but ofcourse is not helping you always.
*Watch your game to get +8%
*Ask your friends +2% for each friend who gives you support
*Set your ticket price to have a full stadium +5%
*Good to know that you can't have more then +15% extra bonus possesion.
-Watch game because it can help you to win your game
*You will get more boosters
*You can make subs. in case of injured players and you can re-set your formation or tactic
-Here come the funny part and I hope moderators won't delete this. You can use game in your advantage, you can invite yourself on an other account and you can use more accounts to give you support.
-More accounts can bring you some important advantage.
*Ball possesion
*More boosters
*Free items (jerseys, emblems)
-A very good way to cheat is by creating an other team (you don't need to play) colecting 30 tokens and buy a premium emblem, you need to know that a lot of players are scared to bid when they see emblem.
I hope you like it, you can ask me everything and also you can show me your team and I will tell you how I would play with your team, maybe my experience will help you.