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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2020

    TE20 Power Training calculator

    Hello managers. I've developed a training planner in Excel that is user friendly. It's a power training tool. Please read the "" tab to understand how to use it. It's very simple and provides a sufficient overview of each player's training and progress. It'll let you plan each player's training efficiently and present you with the opportunity to estimate how a player will develop skill wise given different choices.

    Download latest version here

    TE20 training calculator-example-2020.07.13-v2.jpg

    Further instructions are provided under the "" tab.

    UPDATE 2020.06.08
    - Updated formulas for "overall quality" under tab "Training".
    - Added "desired average drill quality" under tav "Training" for you to choose in order to fully control the possible level. This only affects possible levels and nothing else. If you're unsure how to use this please ask or leave it, alternatively set it at 180.

    UPDATE 2020.06.10
    - Corrected formulas for "possible level" of average drill quality under tab "Training". The prior version did not take into account that white skills increase 2x as fast as grey skills. This is fixed in the latest version.
    - There's no longer a limit (450) to the level of each individual skill under tab "Input data".
    - Cosmetic improvements.
    - Added example with screenshot of how to use the calculator under the tab "".

    UPDATE 2020.06.13
    - Locked the first column under the tab Training to make it more user friendly.
    - Cosmetic improvements.

    UPDATE 2020.06.14
    - Extended the formulas in cell D3 under tab ""Training" as it was to short (it didn't extend to all 28 players, only 9).

    UPDATE 2020.06.21
    - Major update in terms of layout.
    - Changed the training calculator to include a Power training tool for sequential training.
    - The calculator didn't handle GK training in a satisfying manner before. This is fixed now.

    UPDATE 2020.06.24
    - Added three macros.
    - Clear button: clears all data in the sheet.
    - Copy button: copies the sheet allowing you to work with multiple training regimes simultaniously.
    - Save button: saves your training session into a new sheet named after the player.

    UPDATE 2020.06.25
    - Fixed a formatting issue with copied PLANNER sheets.

    UPDATE 2020.06.26
    - On popular demand there's now an option to choose if you want to display the progression of your player as a total outcome or as incremental gain for the chosen drill.
    - Inspired by Kwal, I've further improved the initial FOCUS ON ATTRIBUTE table. This feature is now not only linked to the DRILL table highlighting relevant drills based on the specific attribute you want to focus on, but you now have the option to select and combine several attributes. The table will automatically identifies relevant drills based on your choice(s).
    - Improved the progress table to better highlight progression.
    - Deleted table IDENTIFY WHITE SKILL as it didn't add anything substantial to the power training of players.

    UPDATE 2020.07.01
    - Fixed the coding for the FOCUS TRAINING table. Nothing changed when it comes to functionality, it woked perfectly fine before. Just added a finesse where you can't make a choice in cell 2-5 if you don't make a choice in the prior cell.
    - Added a column to the right of overall quality that displays the share of white skills (%). This lets you keep count of the share of relevant skills for the particular player/position throughout the training regime. This is an indicator of actual player quality. The higher the share, the more quality you're adding to the individual player through training. A decreasing ratio means you're adding quantity.

    UPDATE 2020.07.03
    - The "share of white skills (%) didn't Count corrently for GKs. Fixed that.

    UPDATE 2020.07.09
    - Added a COMPARATOR table which includes a radar chart. This feature allows you to compare different training sessions for a player. Default is a comparison between input and estimated values. If you wish to compare training sessions, begin by setting up a session under the DRILL ORDER table. Click COMPARE to save the initial session. The estimated outcome and drill order will be saved under the radar chart under the COMPARATOR table. Set up a second training session. The COMPARATOR will compare the two sessions. Click DELETE to delete the initial session that is saved under the radar chart. In that case, the COMPARATOR will go back to compare input and estimated values. Click RE-USE to copy the initial training session to the DRILL ORDER table to re-use it. Read further instructions under the "" tab in the file.
    - Added color to the “white skills” column within the DRILL table. If you’ve utilized the drill in your training session, the color turns green, otherwise it’s red. This idea I took from @Kwal.

    UPDATE 2020.07.13
    - Re-added a NOTES section.
    - Fixed validation list on sheet “INPUT DATA”, row 4 from column O and onwards. It was not working properly before.
    - Added a three-position combination that was missing before: MC + AMC + ST.
    - Added a new feature to the COMPARATOR to compliment the current radar chart with a short analysis. The new feature provides you with information directly under the radar chart regarding which training session is more effective, which training session increases the share of white skills most and which training session increases the overall quality most. Effectiveness is the ratio between resources required (input) and the sum of skills gained (output). It’s basically a “bang for the buck” measurement.

    UPDATE 2020.07.16
    - Fixed formatting issues with saved sheets when you click the SAVE button.

    UPDATE 2020.07.21
    - Fixed issue with radar chart for copied sheets under the COMPARATOR table. Upon saving, the values in the radar chart were fixed. This is fixed now so that the radar chart in the copied PLANNER sheets works just as well as in the initial PLANNER sheet.
    - Fixed the calculation for 'Effectiveness' under the COMPARATOR table. The calculation was absolute. It's relative now measuring the difference between initial and current training session in per cent. This will make it easier for you to draw conclusions.
    - Found an error in the estimation for HOLD THE LINE drill which I fixed.

    UPDATE 2020-07-29
    - Allowed negative values into the INPUT DATA sheet.
    - Allowed for negative average quality in the PLANNER sheet as a result of the above.

    UPDATE 2020.08.30
    - Fixed an issue with highlighting of drills when a skill is included in more than 5 drills.

    Last edited by Arphaxad; 08-30-2020 at 05:54 AM. Reason: More descriptive of the content
    RaiKo, Kwal, pedrolqb and 8 others like this.
    Download my power training tool here

  2. #2
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    I can t download anything on that website.
    I m still around, LOL!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDunk View Post
    I can t download anything on that website.
    It worked for me. Try the new link.
    Last edited by Arphaxad; 06-08-2020 at 10:05 AM.

  4. #4
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Arphaxad View Post
    It worked for me. Try the new link.
    That s why the training isn t that effective anymore, it makes sense.
    I m still around, LOL!

  5. #5
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    One more thing. Why can t i type the value of the skill?
    Why do i have to scroll to it?
    I m still around, LOL!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDunk View Post
    One more thing. Why can t i type the value of the skill?
    Why do i have to scroll to it?
    You can type it. You dont have to use the scroll. I uploaded a new version making it easier.

  7. #7
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Arphaxad View Post
    You can type it. You dont have to use the scroll. I uploaded a new version making it easier.
    I have tried the mediafire version and it doesn t work.
    I m still around, LOL!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDunk View Post
    I have tried the mediafire version and it doesn t work.
    That is strange. I'm literally typing in the numbers right now instead of using the scroll. Are you referring to the skills under tab "Input data"?

  9. #9
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Arphaxad View Post
    That is strange. I'm literally typing in the numbers right now instead of using the scroll. Are you referring to tab "Input data"?
    I m still around, LOL!

  10. #10
    Dreamer Rizla's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    @Arphaxad i see that you know how to use excel, what about a "developing a player"calculator?
    That would really help the community.
    Training calculators such as this,mine, Khris and others really dont help advanced players.

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