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I f someone have this data allready please feel free to share it and save me from the hard work![]()
Ok I ll start collecting...
I f someone have this data allready please feel free to share it and save me from the hard work![]()
Last edited by Arphaxad; 06-08-2020 at 01:37 PM.
Download my power training tool here https://forum.topeleven.com/tutorial...alculator.html
It is hard to say and impossible to calculate how much greens your player will need. Remember there are many different types of fast trainers. I use the method from MNK Kaskada with testing special ability with very easy drills. So there are people getting the first point after 15 very easy drills or after 21. (Factor 15 to Factor 21)
So I know that per 100 rests it differs at about 6.7 rests for the same training for every factor your players is higher. So for factor 15 you may need 100 rests to achieve something, with factor 16 you will need 106-107 rests, it's just math then. But to calculate the rests is very hard, as you train different drills to different % average.
For me is not important how many rests it will take exactly, just maybe a general number and this I can tell from experience.
Thank you for your input regarding the matter (and for your insights regarding training regime. I thanked you specifically in the read.me tab). This is my experience as well as there isn't a constant determining a fast trainer. You could do a generic calculator based on minimum requirement factoring in age, drill levels and average quality of targeted skills for a specific value. But that's about as precise as you can be on a generic/collective level.
Skickat från min VOG-L29 via Tapatalk
Download my power training tool here https://forum.topeleven.com/tutorial...alculator.html
Yes thank you for mentioning me.I have seen it and did have a brief look over the excel, however don't really understand the purpose, is just for seeing a single drill for the max number of skills? Then you also forgot that grey skills only grow at half the speed, so the values are wrong.
I think it's a good data, in terms of that you can see at which averages the single drills are right now and so could plan your training a bit further. Apart from that it may only serve new players I think.
Yes, that's exactly the purpose: planning your training in order to consume rest packs efficiently according to drill average. Not for advanced players if you already are familiar with this training regime already. It gives you an idea of how much you can train targeted skills with a given drill. It's been very useful for a beginner like me at level 2.
I also added the possibility to choose a specific skill which will provide you with the drills that targets it as I, as a newbie, always have needed to go back and look at each drill to know what drill to choose for a specific skill. Also, the possibility to choose positions and see which are the white skills give you a quick overview. As a newbie, if you're not yet familiar with all aspects of a player's characteristics, it provides a quick overview. These features are for beginners of course and not advanced players like you.
I'm aware that grey skills grow at half the rate of white skills, but I don't think it's relevant for this specific calculator. For example, from my understanding, if you use a drill that targets 3 white skills and 2 grey skills and max out the white skills they'll stop increasing with the specific drill while the grey skills will keep increasing until reaching maximum level. Of course, they'll grow at half the speed of the white skills, but they'll still grow. Do correct me if I'm wrong however.
Last edited by Arphaxad; 06-08-2020 at 05:31 PM.
Download my power training tool here https://forum.topeleven.com/tutorial...alculator.html
You should maybe then give the user the option to select the max of a drill and not set it to 180% by default. I only train to 120 or 140 averages max for example because it is way cheaper and you can still build very good players.
And regarding your second statement. No, it's only about the drill. So if you hypothetically have for example a player with 0% strength, 0% shooting and 0% finishing and train him shooting technique, while only shooting is a white skill (for example MC), he will be maxed out at 180% average for shooting technique and will look something like 270% shooting, 135% strength and 135% finishing.
Thanks for your thoughts.
Just for my understanding as a novis, so the maximum total average quality is 180 % while there's no limit to the average of a specific drill? You're response is confusing me. But I'm sure that's on me though as I don't possess the understanding for the game mechanics yet.
This is what I understand from your response: your second statement states that you can only train a drill to the average of 180 % while in your first statement you're suggesting that there shouldn't be such a limit to the calculator. If the max is 180 % then erasing the limit doesn't serve a purpose.
Skickat från min VOG-L29 via Tapatalk
Download my power training tool here https://forum.topeleven.com/tutorial...alculator.html
I'm not talking about removing the limit, just don't make it 180% but let the user decide if he wants it at 180, 140 or something else. It is very ressource consuming to train a drill to a average of 180% and it is absolutely not necessary in many cases, in my opinion.
The maximum quality of a player is 180% and the maximum average of a drill is also 180%, like I stated in my example with shooting technique in my previous post. After you reached these values, shooting technique would be a useless drill.
But single skills can be trained to unlimited heights. So again, if we take the example above who has 270% shooting, if we now train pass go shoot and passing and speed would still be 0%, we could also add to shooting, because the average of the pass go shoot drill is only 90%. (270 shooting + 0 passing + 0 speed / 3 = 90)
@Der_Ryan_M you are wright about the different gaining of fast trainers but approximatly the gaining is the same.
I dont believe that 10-20 restpacks is big difference.
I think that would be very handy to know how many rests and how high your players skill will be after a drill.
Imagine that you bye one 3* FT and after using the calculator you know how much restpacks needed
and how high your skills will be after a drill.