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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Power training tool

    Hello all you top eleven managers,

    I want to share my Excel file which I use to train my players (mainly fast trainers) with you guys. The project is still in development and although it works properly, it might not cover all the cases (it is not completely tested yet). If you find any invalid output please feel free to share it with me so that I can adjust the file. I’m aware that the amount for the sets of drills and the green packs might be off since it is static and only works for specific ages.

    It looks like this:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Power training tool.jpg 
Views:	1275 
Size:	104.3 KB 
ID:	134422

    Download it from here:
    T11 power training tool v.20200623

    What can you do with this file?
    You can mess around with the order of the drills to see what the estimated end result will be for your new champion. This way you can find the best suitable order.
    This is my current team and its seasons stas build with the help of this file. The keeper is bought through recommended players or the scout, as I believe it is a waste to powertrain a GK. For a better picture quality click here.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	kwalletje13.jpg 
Views:	1134 
Size:	96.0 KB 
ID:	134838

    Sounds and looks nice, but how does it work?
    1. You'll only need to fill in the fields with a BOLD border. The white fields are mandatory (except for the focus skill) and the green are optional.
    2. First fill in your players age, position and his current skills (upper white fields)
    3. Then select your preferred drill order on the left of the table (the upper drill will be trained first). Too help you pick a good drill order you can make use of the “ASSIST HEADER” on the right side of the table. Here you can see the ratio of white skills trained per drill accordingly to your chosen positions. The box in front of a drill will turn green once the training has been used in your preferred order.
    4. The row "estimated result" indicates how your players will look once you are done pushing them around.
    5. The “Green packs” column (light green) indicates how many green packs will be required. Caution: this service is not functioning properly at this moment.
    6. The “Sets of drills” column (light orange) indicates how many sets will be required. Caution: this service is not functioning properly at this moment.
    7. The “Skill points per condition” column (light blue) shows the effectiveness of the condition you spend. The higher the value, the more skill points you gain for spending your green packs

    Awesome all this free info but I am a pro, I want to push it even further!
    Okay champ! Once you’ve selected your preferred drill order you can adjust the maximum average % per drill in the light green column on the left. This way you can push specific skills even higher, but probably at a higher cost.

    What are the planned improvements?
    • Adding pre-sets per position to compare your drill order.
    • Adding an automated player Tier calculator. This will be used to identify what kind of player you are training. Tier 1 will be the best fast trainer. (this will take me some time to figure out still, because I lack the data for it)
    • Adding correct values for the skill points gained per condition. This will influence the estimation of the amount of green packs and drill sets (6x) needed.

    A Tier calculator?! Sounds sweet, but how do you plan to do that? And will this mean that when I buy a new player I can use this sheet to check if he’s actually a fast trainer?
    Yes it does! I am trying to make a tool which automatically checks what kind of player you are training. To do this I will need to figure out the formula behind the value of the players. I didn’t succeed in this yet.
    Once I (or we) figured the formula, you will be able to check if the player you want to buy is in fact a fast trainer and his specific Tier rating.

    Nice! How can I be of any help by improving this file?
    1. I’m in need of the data for the max value (and 2nd best) for a player at every % and club level or the formula for the players value (if someone else could that figure that out for me would be awesome).
    2. The second thing I need are the exact ratios of skill points gained per condition used. This is varies by a) the players current overall skill, b) age c) the Tier of the player.
    3. Suggestions on improvements. Let me know what you miss and what you would like to see added to the file

    How can I get your autograph?
    You can’t. If you use this file and are satisfied with it, you can make a post just to let me know I’m not putting all this effort for nothing.

    Important note:
    There are already some nice sheets made by other managers like Arphaxad and Khris, make sure to check out theirs as well as you might find them better to use or more suitable for your needs. You can click their names to go their threads.

    UPDATE 19-06-2020:
    • Added a column with the average overall %
    • Added a macro the automatically changes the name of the tab when you enter the player's name. Caution: it still gives errors on duplicates and empty boxes. I'll try to fix that in the next update.

    UPDATE 23-06-2020:
    • Added quick acces buttons to duplicate, clear and delete sheets
    • Added a training efficiency column which indicates the amount of skill points gained per condition used. The higher the rating the more value you get for your green packs.
    • Added a "focus skill" option to quickly see which drills contain the specific skill you want to train. This idea I took from Arphaxad.
    • Added 2 columns behind the assist bar to see the average drill % before and after the power training. This might come in handy when you want to train your older players. Also an Idea from Arphaxad.

    Known issues / bugs:
    • When at the start of a dril the average drill % is exactly 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 etc. it stops counting the green packs and the sets of drills needed for that specific drill. It will be solved on the next update.

    Discovered irregularities during data logging:
    • a player could gain a (visible) skill point eventhough the trainingreport doesn't say a skill point was gained. Most likely the player will get that skill point on the next training.
    • The randomness of the condition loss in training seems to also impact the individual skills on the selected drills. Therefor you might actually gain an extra point on a specific skill whilest the other skill will gain a point less.
    • The Tier of a player might change at the start of a new season. I've seen a Tier 3 player at 18 become a Tier 2 at 19. There also seems to be a randomness factor here.
    Last edited by Kwal; 07-19-2020 at 07:25 PM. Reason: notes
    khris, RClub, micek181 and 3 others like this.