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Thread: TE20 training calculator

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Still figuring out how I should write the formulas regarding white skills gaining twice the rate of grey skills as the ratio differs depending on the total number of skills and the share of white/grey skills within different numbers of skills a specific drill trains.

    For example, if a drill trains 2 skills with 1 grey and 1 white, the ratio is 2 white xp gains per grey xp gain. But if a drill trains 3 skills with 1 white and 2 greys, the ratio is 2 white xp gains per 1 xp gain for both grey skills.

    There are 15 different combinations, which makes it challenging to write a formula for. I'll need time to think about this one. Another problem is that I'm including GK training in the same table, so that's yet another challenge as the skills for GKs differ from those for outside players.

    Skickat från min VOG-L29 via Tapatalk
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  2. #42
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    Still trying to figure out how I can set it up. I think I've solved the GK problem, but the other part is still difficult to solve.

    For example, the drill DEFENDING CROSSES targets 4 skills. If we train a ML/AML, the drill contains 1 white skill and 3 grey skills. Lets say that the current drill average quality is 100 and we want to train it to 110, then the white skill needs to gain 16 and the grey skills need to gain 8 respectibely (x3). So out of 40 additional skill points, the white skill increases 16 (40 %) and the grey skills increases 8 respectively (20 % + 20 % + 20 %).

    But if we want to train the drill from 100 to 112,5, then the white skill needs to gain 18 and the grey skills need to gain 10,67 respectively (x3). So out of 50 additonal skill points, the white skill increases 18 (36 %) and the grey skills increases 10,67 respectively (21,4 % + 21,4 % + 21,4 %).

    The ratio differs depending on number of total skill points gained, the amount of targeted skills and the share of white and grey skills. I need to set up a formula that takes all three factors into account so I can put that ratio into the calculations. Basically, I need to set up an equation that states that if there are white skills, they need to increase 2x the rate of grey skills while the sum of all gains is equal to the difference between the current average drill quality and the desired average drill quality. Then I need to put all these conditions into a formula for each targeted skill (maximum of 5 since no drill trains more than 5 skills). At this point, I'm not sure it's possible as the equation has two unknowns and thus is unsolvable, but I'll give it some more thought.

    Another option might be to set up calculations for all combinations possible. I haven't gone that route yet, but I might need to try it if I can't find a formula that takes all factors into account.
    Last edited by Arphaxad; 06-10-2020 at 09:03 AM.
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  3. #43
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    Last edited by Arphaxad; 06-10-2020 at 09:07 PM.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Problem solved. I've uploaded an updated version and fixed the increasing rate of white skills vs. grey skills. Please feel free to download and try/control if it's working for you. Feedback appreciated.
    Last edited by Arphaxad; 06-11-2020 at 05:33 AM.
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  5. #45
    Pro Nebu's Avatar
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    Jul 2018
    Thanks guys, I have been playing this game for some years now and I am just learning new things here. Just a question or two though, it might seem clumsy but pardon me .
    1. Does it mean that I shouldn't train a skill past 180%? Like, it doesn't work?
    2. If question 1's answer is yes, how then do people train up to 200% (even 300%)?
    PS: I have seen a striker with 300% in shooting, finishing, and I think in speed also.

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    The Nebuchadnezzar exploring T11

  6. #46
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    Apr 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Nebu View Post
    Thanks guys, I have been playing this game for some years now and I am just learning new things here. Just a question or two though, it might seem clumsy but pardon me .
    1. Does it mean that I shouldn't train a skill past 180%? Like, it doesn't work?
    2. If question 1's answer is yes, how then do people train up to 200% (even 300%)?
    PS: I have seen a striker with 300% in shooting, finishing, and I think in speed also.

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Tapatalk
    You can train a specific skill as much as you want. What's imperative efficiency wise is the average drill quality. The training efficiency decreases with every incremental +20 % starting from average quality of 40 %. So basically, it takes less rest packs to train a specific drill from 40-60 than 60-80. The efficiency decreases drastically when the average drill goes over 120. Most managers seem to stop training a specific drill either at 120 or 140. At that point though, you could still have a specific skill well over 180.

    Take "Pass, go and shoot!" for example. It targets speed, passing and shooting. At an average of 120 for the drill, you could have the skills distributed 270, 45, 45. It would be as efficient in terms of rest packs as 120, 120, 120 for each skill.

    The training calculator will provide you with all this info. You need to combine different drills for the most efficient training. After you've finished a drill by reaching 120 or 140, switch to another drill.

    For example, if you want to increase your ST's shooting as much as possible train "Pass, go and shoot!" first until the average drill quality is 120-140 depending on what you prefer (you can go all the way to 180). The switch drill with a lesser average quality that targets shooting as well, maybe "Shooting technique". Repeat until 120-140 and then switch yet again to another that still targets the desired skill.

    Here's a pic of my AML which I've done this to. By training all relevant drills up to 120, he now has an average of 150-170 for most drills that are relevant. As you can see, he's between 180-200 for several skills by then. As I said, it's all described and illustrated in the calculator.

    Last edited by Arphaxad; 06-13-2020 at 11:00 AM.
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  7. #47
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Hi Arphaxad.

    Nice tool you've created. I did some tests and it seems to work well. good job.
    I've made a similar tool myself as well (see picture below) which i was planning to share here on the forum also.
    It basically works the same as yours, though you can plan an order of mutliple trainings to get an estimated end result.
    I guess that is more for powertraining a fast trainer.

    TE20 training calculator-te-training-tool.jpg

    In my tool i would like to add an estimation of trainings and greens needed, but for that i am need of the formula behind the value of players (quite difficult to figure out still) and the average increase for different kind of valued players and their average training %.
    Are you or is anyone else in posession of this knowledge and is willing to share that here?

    Thanks in advance

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Kwal View Post
    Hi Arphaxad.

    Nice tool you've created. I did some tests and it seems to work well. good job.
    I've made a similar tool myself as well (see picture below) which i was planning to share here on the forum also.
    It basically works the same as yours, though you can plan an order of mutliple trainings to get an estimated end result.
    I guess that is more for powertraining a fast trainer.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	TE training tool.jpg 
Views:	168 
Size:	98.2 KB 
ID:	134242

    In my tool i would like to add an estimation of trainings and greens needed, but for that i am need of the formula behind the value of players (quite difficult to figure out still) and the average increase for different kind of valued players and their average training %.
    Are you or is anyone else in posession of this knowledge and is willing to share that here?

    Thanks in advance
    Hi Kwal,
    Thank you. Yours looks like a comprehensive tool as well. Good job. I was actually planning to add something similar for the coming season as many managers power train their players by the start of the season. I've started the work but haven't finished anything yet. Your tool might give me some ideas in terms of layout.

    One question though, how does it decide the best training order? Wouldn't that be a function of which skills the manager want to develop (most) depending on position(s)? Would be interesting to hear your thoughts and understand how it works. I've contemplated doing something similar but ended up with the conviction that the best order is a subjective matter.

    As for your questions, sorry, I can't be of any help. One would also have to add the decrease in development capacity with age and the decrease of gain for each star gained for a drill. I'm not sure there's any conclusive data of that. Another factor would be level of training. I'm willing to develop a calculator for it, but I'm afraid the data required isnt present.

    Skickat från min VOG-L29 via Tapatalk
    Last edited by Arphaxad; 06-14-2020 at 09:39 PM.
    Download my power training tool here

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Arphaxad View Post
    Hi Kwal,
    Thank you. Yours looks like a comprehensive tool as well. Good job. I was actually planning to add something similar for the coming season as many managers power train their players by the start of the season. I've started the work but haven't finished anything yet. Your tool might give me some ideas in terms of layout.
    Thanks. That’s exactly the reason why i made it for myself. I’m happy that it gives you some ideas.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arphaxad View Post
    One question though, how does it decide the best training order? Wouldn't that be a function of which skills the manager want to develop (most) depending on position(s)? Would be interesting to hear your thoughts and understand how it works. I've contemplated doing something similar but ended up with the conviction that the best order is a subjective matter

    The definition of the best training order is indeed very subjective. There are different opinions like:
    - Some skills are hard to maintain after power training. In example for a RB or LB it is hard to keep up Aggression over the years. So it might be smart to push these skills to the max first.
    - There are players that think certain white skills are more important over others. In example they say that for a ST finishing and shooting are more important and need to be maxed out first.
    - Others believe there needs to be a certain balance. This differs from a balance in the maxing of white skills, a balance in all skills (whites and greys) and to a balance / relation in the total percentages of Defence, Attack and Physical & Mental
    - To get the maximum value for your green packs > max skill points per condition loss. Basically first maxing out all 100% white skill drills and then go on to the 2nd best.

    There are probably more opinions that I didn’t mention, but the point I wanted to make is that there is a big variety in opinions and that we can’t decide for others what the best training order is.

    IIn my sheet I’ve tried to give the maximum flexibility to all these individual opinions, without making the sheet too complex or too static to use. Basically the user can decide his or her own best order.
    What I would like to add to the sheet are some pre-sets, with the outcome presented next to the users input, so that a comparison can be made easily.
    How my sheet works is that, after filling in the whites cells (most of them are dropdown lists) like age, positions and the base maximum average for the drills, it calculates how many points of the trained skills can be gained until the drill reaches its maximum set average. It then stops and starts the next training in order and so on.
    The maximum average for each drill can be manually adjusted in the green fields on the left. So if a user values certain skills higher than others, her or she can put the drills that train these skills first in order and subsequently adjust the maximum average for these drills.
    Also it takes in consideration at which age you want to stat the power training. If you buy an 18 old and plan to train him when he’s 21, it will adjust the calculations.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arphaxad View Post
    As for your questions, sorry, I can't be of any help. One would also have to add the decrease in development capacity with age and the decrease of gain for each star gained for a drill. I'm not sure there's any conclusive data of that. Another factor would be level of training. I'm willing to develop a calculator for it, but I'm afraid the data required isnt present.
    Too bad, I hope someone else has the data.
    I’m aware of these different factors. Since this season I’m logging my players development to be able to make tables for these factors. It’s very time consuming though and unfortunately I have a busy life and thus it will take me some time to gather all this data.
    Last edited by Kwal; 06-15-2020 at 12:52 PM.
    khris and maloukees like this.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    I've re-vamped and improved the training calculator basing it on the power training aspect completely since the old layout would be somewhat redundant now. Also, make sure you guys check out @Kwal power training tool as well.
    Kwal likes this.
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