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Thread: TE20 training calculator

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by RaiKo View Post
    Hi Arphaxad, Some drills are not highlighted properly when you select a specific skill on the table.

    Attachment 135397
    Thanks for discovering it, mate. Appreciate it. Seems to be a minor error when a skill is included in more than 5 drills. The underlying data is correct, but the model doesn't seem to pick it up. Should be fixed in this version: Top Eleven Training Planner v2020.08.30

    Let me know if it works for you. Thanks again.
    Last edited by Arphaxad; 08-30-2020 at 09:41 AM.
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  2. #102
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    UPDATE 2020.08.30
    - Fixed an issue with highlighting of drills when a skill is included in more than 5 drills.

    Download most recent version here Top Eleven Training Planner v2020.08.30
    Download my power training tool here

  3. #103
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Later I'll add this in the Index of guides, it is a great job really, so useful and developed tool

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    Later I'll add this in the Index of guides, it is a great job really, so useful and developed tool
    Thanks for you kind words, khris. Please do share it. It'd make me very happy if it helped more managers train their players more efficiently.

    Skickat från min VOG-L29 via Tapatalk
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  5. #105
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    I have this player but I don't know what values to put on the AQ lines, nor do I know if this will be the most correct training can someone help me? I started playing again now but I was never very knowledgeable in training at the top eleven

    TE20 training calculator-capturar.jpg

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Tiago Rosa View Post
    I have this player but I don't know what values to put on the AQ lines, nor do I know if this will be the most correct training can someone help me? I started playing again now but I was never very knowledgeable in training at the top eleven

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Capturar.jpg 
Views:	238 
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ID:	135616
    Hello mate, and thank you for your question. The values you put in the AQ column depends on how many greens you want to invest in your player and how much you want to develop him. Start bu putting 140 in each cell in the AQ column. That will provide you with an outcome in the grey and yellow fields letting you know what your player will look like. Change according to your preferences.

    Once your satisfied with the outcome and overall quality press the "COMPARE" button at the right hand side. After that, change the order of the drills and change the AQ as you desire. The calculator will automatically compare your initial training regime with the current one. The comparison will be shown in the radar chart. It will also provide you with information with regards to which training regime is more efficient, which of the regimes will increase the relevant (white) skills most and which of the regimes will increase the overall quality of your player most. If you prefer the former training regime to the latter, just press the "RE-USE"-button at the right hand side and it'll automatically reset your training regime.

    I've attached an example just to show you what I mean. In the pic, you can see two different training regimes, one at the left hand side and the initial regime at the right hand side under the radar chart. The outcome of each session provides different results. While the initial training session creates a more balanced GK, the new session will create a GK with much higher skills with regards to aerial reach, reflexes and agility. But it'll be at the cost of his throwing, kicking and punching ability. In addition to that, the new session will be 12,8 % less efficient than the initial session and the the white skills will be 1,5 percentage points lower. On the other hand, your GK will be 4,6 XP stronger with regards to overall quality. So again, it depends on what type of player you want to create (drill order and AQ values) and how much you're willing invest in him in terms of greens (AQ values).
    TE20 training calculator-test.jpg

    Play around with the calculator and get back to me if there's something that's still unclear to you.
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  7. #107
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    ok tou to see, but why did you decide to choose the agility ability? and how did you get to the values of 70 in long run? and that’s what I don’t understand. if the sheet is giving a focus training should we not use the training he says?

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Tiago Rosa View Post
    ok tou to see, but why did you decide to choose the agility ability? and how did you get to the values of 70 in long run? and that’s what I don’t understand. if the sheet is giving a focus training should we not use the training he says?
    OK, now I understand what you mean.

    First of all, the sheet is not suggesting any focus training for you. You chose the focus training option. This option is available in order to allow you to understand which drills target specific skills. For example, if you chose focus AGILITY, the sheet will highlight the drills that train the agility skill. If you chose focus REFLEXES, the sheet will highlight the drills that train the reflex skill.

    You have to chose drills yourself depending on which skills you want to develop. Different drills train different skills. Try to use drills that train white skills.

    The level (AQ) is up to you as well. I just chose a random level. But you should chose a level that fulfils your needs and requirements. The higher the number, the better your player will become. But a higher number will require more green packs (rests). I chose 70 for long run because I thought that would be sufficient in order to increase the Fitness skill to the desired level. But I chose 140 for others because I wanted to increase those skills more than the rest.

    The calculator will not tell you HOW to train your player. It only helps you to calculate what the player will look like when you train him with different drill orders and levels (AQ). You have to chose drills and levels yourself. Depending on the drill orders and levels, you'll have different results.

    Skickat från min VOG-L29 via Tapatalk
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  9. #109
    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    First, thanks for your tool and efforts to keep the community having fun and informed!

    Quote Originally Posted by Arphaxad View Post
    The level (AQ) is up to you as well. I just chose a random level. But you should chose a level that fulfils your needs and requirements. The higher the number, the better your player will become. But a higher number will require more green packs (rests). I chose 70 for long run because I thought that would be sufficient in order to increase the Fitness skill to the desired level. But I chose 140 for others because I wanted to increase those skills more than the rest.
    Just one follow up... I'm mostly following so far with everything that's been discussed. But regarding the AQ level, what does the number itself represent? In your example you used AQ 70... would it mean you need 70 instances of the training to get the desired results (I have 5 training boxes per session, so to get AQ 70 results I would need to run all 5 boxes of the same training 14 times as 14*5=70?), or that it will take 70 training sessions because you only need that particular training listed in one of the boxes as the rest don't add efficient value (diminishing returns so to speak)? Or something else entirely?

    Separately, what about the level of training? For shooting/finishing, the spreadsheet says Wing Play is better than Shooting Technique. Cool. But what if my Wing Play is only amateur (level 1/1 whistle) but Shooting Technique is semi-pro (level 2/2 wistles)? Does this even matter for the effectiveness of the training or only reduce the condition penalty?

    Thanks in advance

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    i'm sorry but still can't figure how to use it.
    what is "Average Drill Quality" means? how can we choose a number to fill it?

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