So any tips or guides about "scenario lecture"? You say that it is issue but i am not sure how to overcome this issue
So any tips or guides about "scenario lecture"? You say that it is issue but i am not sure how to overcome this issue
Seems i cant come back this season. Another 0-5 defeat. Looking forward for next season
The possesion bar have mostly of the answers. Really is the first place where you need to pay attention, then to the effectivity % and 3rd to the ratings.
Every match have a scenario set by the engine. A scenario means a limited list of conditionants, that will determine what matters during the match.
As the game have many conditionants a scenario never counts all the factors to determine a score.
maybe condition 0 don't affect today, maybe, morale, don't influence, maybe your key player don't show up cause the rating variations, and maybe long passing fails and guess what, win bonus matter and usually, too, only 1 of the 4 training bonuses help to resolve a scenario.
Forget about tactics ad think in top eleven as a puzzle game, where absolutely every scenario, can be resolved.
First, what I usually do in live matches, is try to find the right mentality, I start defensive, so if works, cool, if not, I switch. The bar instantanely, will change, maybe will just move 1 cm more in your favour, or against you, but with 1--3 seconds usually you can see if a change of some settings is meant to be worth. If the bar go to worst just switch to the previous setting.
Focuss passing too is a option that can be tracked with the bar.
As, the engine will select few players to be determinant during the game, and these determinant players will be selected depending on the rating variations (if a player have like 68686, will have a 8 very likely, so can be selected for well in the next game) you have to think that maybe desite the formation you've set and the tactic you're expecting to see worlking, all this go in the opposite direction.
many times just by switching the focuss passing you can notice how the bar increases in your favour or just favours the oppo.
Then I start always mised passing, if I lose long balls I switch to short,
Think that your orders can affect the oppo in the same way as in your team, meaning that for example, with counters ON, if you switch them you can have, a counter -insta counter, in next animation- coming from your oppo. So caution with that.
Uaually the counter, works by your side when you have the option in OFF and you activate it.
Then remember that Tackling option doesn't mean aggressivity, but number of tackles.
Usually the aggressivity factor is against 1, or the 2 teams, so this means that if it's against you, even with easy tacxkling you can have red cards, because as said this option dont reduce the aggressivity -you can spot oppos tackling by checking the report, usually a match have 10-12 tackles in easy, 20 in normal, 20+ in hard), so, this means that i the oppo have the agressivity, you can force a double yellow, by focussing the passing to the player that got a yellow and setting hard tackling, as the option somehow will affect the oppo.
The possession bar is the most important thing really, if you understand how to control and how to influence on it, you will improve a lot your game.
The quality of our passing wasnt good enough or our passing was poor, a lot of uncompleted. I often get this tip in report. To what it may relate? Poor player passing skills? Bad focus? Poor distance between players?
Sorry for late reply. This comment in report is something I never analyzed deeply tillr each a point where I can say that the cause is X or Y... so Ive to say sadly, for now that Ive no idea about what causes the poor passing % as too Ive to say that Ive seen many situations with more and less % of effectivity, so Ive no conclusions.
But I wouldn't pay attention to this part of the report tbh...
Did my best but left at 10th place. Last match was the ladder between 10th and 8th position but i lost 1-3.
Defense started to play better when i changed both dc+gk