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I dont think i could boost something to 220%. That's too much effort.
Bought new gk. Lost 0-1 only. But this can be because of bad orders. What i can see from match statistics there always low passes completed, usually between 75-79% (doesnt matter if its long or short passes). Not great possession 48-52% often lower than 50%.
yeah let's start for basics, which settings do you have ? lol but it's easy at least reach 180, try 180 anticipation and fitness, the GK can be a very decisive figure.
Anticipations wins vs the oppo Speed, basically, so if the oppos is going to shoot in the right side your GK will be there since eysterday.
OFC as I always say, the external skills, affect slightly the internal programming so you needed a good GK. The last one wasn't well programmed.
Usually normal/flanks or mixed/mixed/off/high Versus stronger defensive/flanks/mixed/on/high or low.
There is nothing easy to reach with this kind of slow training routine.
Ok so, change the corners man, you need try friendlies till find 1 man who scores with more effectivity than the rest there, for corners and fk.
Try the gk now, and once u find it, set that player to pick in both sides. This is one task you've to do that can resolve your matches in your favour.
The ST is so valid to stay in the team But how did these 2 guys that earned 10's contribute? did they score? lots of appearances and many fails maybe?
Sack Kilmavicius. Looking the constants better put Silva as DC there and buy a DL. I guess one problem could be there.
Garuti - 4 goals 1 assist
Alba - 5 goals (he missed few chances)
Striker and dmc - both 1 goal
Garuti is a key man for sure. He scores most goals and get highest ratings. This formation in my opinion have 2 key elements - wingers and dmc. But different talk about dc's.
What i see that my dc usually get low ratings and it's not temporary thing. It season over season with different dc's. And they often slow trainers. I havnt seen any fast trainer in dc zone for long time. But what i see sometimes that opponent defensive line has good ratings (good dc rating when they get over 7, very good when over 7,5). Probably this started when new pitch layer was introduced.
Hmm... Then you have at least 2 well programmed players, sure that you could built a better team arround them, but this is more a issue regarding the scenario lecture and the actions u do in the live matches. Ofc you need to work to find the fk n corners man, but you could to improve the way you react during games.