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Thread: Definitive Illegal Formation Rules

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  1. #1
    Addicted Razz's Avatar
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    Definitive Illegal Formation Rules

    This thread will no longer be updated or maintained by me, as of March 8, 2014.

    Regarding the wiki:
    The requirements originally listed in the wiki have been proven WRONG where they differed from those given here (e.g. the wiki listed a requirement of TWO defenders vs our findings of THREE.) The wiki now (as of 12/30/2013) matches the requirements given here.

    This is the summary of the findings in the thread:

    Theoretical Legal Formation Requirements:

    The * in a position (e.g. DM*) is a wildcard, standing for any of L, C or R

    • Goalkeeper (Must be player's natural position i.e. a GK) ** see note below
    • Some combination of at least 3 defenders (i.e. 3 players anywhere in the back row [DL, DC, DR] )
    • At least 1, but no more than 2, players on EACH outside flank. {the DL/DR, DML/DMR, ML/MR, AML/AMR slots}
    • at least 3 midfielders (DM*, M*, AM*) at least one of which has to be an DMC or MC
    • At least 4 players on the opponent's side of the pitch.
    • at least 1 Striker

    Please note:

    1. "Illegal formation" means it incurs a possession penalty in the game Top Eleven.
    2. We can't change that, if you don't like it, take it up with Nordeus.
    3. Using an Illegal formation results in 20% possession. Yes, you might still win.
    4. The above "rules" have been TESTED and confirmed many times. They are accurate to the best of my knowledge.
    5. Please provide evidence (in-game screenshots) if you believe the findings above are wrong. "That's not true" because "I used ...." or "I played against ..." comments will be ignored without supporting evidence (screenshots).
    6. Post-match results are inconclusive for various reasons. If a formation appears to be legal, but shows a 20% possession in post-match results (one you didn't watch), first check the GK in the game - if that is his natural position, and you find no other reason for the possession penalty, test the formation yourself. If it IS illegal, make a screenshot and post here please.

    Quote Originally Posted by July Fourth View Post
    Anyone thats unsure whats illegal formation or not should test it in a friendly against a known legal formation such as 4-4-2 and if they only get 20% possession with the formation in question then the formation is illegal.

    **This doesn't appear to be the case now. Last known occurrence was April 19, 2013.
    This does not now result in an illegal formation in tests, BUT it does still seem valid when an opponent has 20% possession and an otherwise legal formation. Either there's another unknown reason for the illegal formation results, or this has been changed in-game.

    Last Edit:
    December 30, 2013 :: Minor aesthetic fixes.
    September 1, 2013 :: Updated midfielder rule to this:

    • at least 3 midfielders (DM*, M*, AM*) at least one of which has to be an DMC or MC

    from this, Previously:

    • at least 3 midfielders (DM*, M*, AM*) at least one of which has to be an DM* or M*

    (Original post follows broken line)
    Hi. Razz. 2nd Season.
    Down to business:

    Ok, so I've read and reread the forums, and the general consensus is that a legal formation requires:

    • Some combination of 3 DBs/FBs (3 players anywhere in the back row )
    • 2 'wingers' - some combination of 2 players in the D(L/R), DM(L/R), M(L/R), AM(L/R) slots
    • at least 1 Striker

    Probable requirement: 2 midfielders ??? MAYBE? which positions count?

    Here's an illegal formation, yet it seems to meet all the requirements:
    --- ST --- ST ---
    ------ AC -------
    ML -- MC --- MR
    ------ -- -- DMR
    DL -- DC --- DR

    July Fourth et al have speculated that 3 wingers on one side is illegal.

    Other observed illegal formations:

    --- --- ST ------
    AML -- -- --- --
    -- MC MC MC --
    DML -DMC -- --
    -- DC DC DC --
    (No winger on R)

    --- ST ST --- ---
    -- AMC -- --- ---
    -- --- --- MC MR
    --DMC -- --- ---
    -- DC DC DC DR
    (No winger on L)

    Hypothetical rule for wingers:
    At least 1, but no more than 2, players on EACH outside flank.
    I think the hypothesis for wingers is supported, and it seems you need at least 1 MC as well.
    I'll continue to test.

    Please post your KNOWN illegal formations here and we'll be able to nail down the formation requirements with certainty. Thanks
    Last edited by Razz; 03-04-2014 at 05:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Addicted Razz's Avatar
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    (Original post follows broken line)
    Based on the known facts, here are my Hypothetical formation rules:


    • Goalkeeper
    • Some combination of 3 DBs/FBs (3 players anywhere in the back row )
    • At least 1, but no more than 2, players on EACH outside flank. {the D(L/R), DM(L/R), M(L/R), AM(L/R) slots}
    • at least 1 MC (DMC doesn't qualify)
    • at least 1 Striker
    Last edited by Razz; 05-30-2013 at 09:40 PM.

  3. #3
    Dreamer meis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razz View Post
    Based on the known facts, here are my Hypothetical formation rules:


    • Goalkeeper
    • Some combination of 3 DBs/FBs (3 players anywhere in the back row )
    • At least 1, but no more than 2, players on EACH outside flank. {the D(L/R), DM(L/R), M(L/R), AM(L/R) slots}
    • at least 1 MC (DMC doesn't qualify)
    • at least 1 Striker
    not true

    0 CM is fine


    you must have:
    at least 3 defenders
    at least 1 striker
    at least 4 players in the opponent half
    at least a pair of players on both flanks

    I'm on the old forum since forever
    Top Eleven Football Manager - Forum • Index page
    Last edited by meis; 01-10-2013 at 07:16 AM.

  4. #4
    Addicted Razz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meis View Post
    at least 4 players in the opponent half
    That's a new twist.
    So, if you're correct, my formation (5-1-0-2w-2) will be legal

  5. #5
    Newbie AdRob5's Avatar
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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Definitive Illegal Formation Rules-narrow-diamond.jpg   Definitive Illegal Formation Rules-possesion.jpg  
    Last edited by AdRob5; 04-08-2013 at 02:08 AM.

  6. #6
    Visionary S
    Quote Originally Posted by Razz View Post

    (Original post follows broken line)
    Based on the known facts, here are my Hypothetical formation rules:


    • Goalkeeper
    • Some combination of 3 DBs/FBs (3 players anywhere in the back row )
    • At least 1, but no more than 2, players on EACH outside flank. {the D(L/R), DM(L/R), M(L/R), AM(L/R) slots}
    • at least 1 MC (DMC doesn't qualify)
    • at least 1 Striker
    What I concluded
    First line(row,slot): At least Goalkeeper
    Second line(row,slot):At least 3 defenders
    At least 4 players on opponent side
    Maybe At least
    Third line(row,slot): No players required Maybe
    Fourth line(row,slot): Maybe At least one player Midfielder
    Fifth line(row,slot): No players required Maybe
    Six line(row,slot): At least one Striker maybe

  7. #7
    Visionary S
    Can someone give answer

  8. #8
    Newbie Jay_'s Avatar
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    As I've replied in another thread, I'd like to know why and how a formation can be deemed illegal?

    The formation a team manager chooses to play should be deemed appropriate! How can it be deemed inappropriate by anyone other than then manager?
    Buttercup FC - Level 5
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  9. #9
    Visionary S
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay_ View Post
    As I've replied in another thread, I'd like to know why and how a formation can be deemed illegal?

    The formation a team manager chooses to play should be deemed appropriate! How can it be deemed inappropriate by anyone other than then manager?
    Good post. There are no illegal formations in real life.

  10. #10
    VIP July Fourth's Avatar
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    Good topic this, think a moderator should make it a sticky thread perhaps, many managers still don't even know what exactly an illegal formation is.
    *Retired From Top Eleven*

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