I Got Two Questions - Please Help
Hello. I'm new at this game and started 7 days ago. I bought 500 tokens and bought a good Striker at the scout list, and then i bought a lot of money and bought 5 stars players with at least 20+ quality. I have the best team in my leauge (first season level 1). When i play i have the ball like 70-80% and the other team online 30-20% and even through i'm playing at my stadium they have more shots at the goal and next to the goal. How can that happen when i have the ball so much and my whole team is 5 star and one 6 star rated? I use the formation on the picture and i play offensive, passing are mixed, pressure style are on my own half, tacklings are hard, passing style or focus are mixed, and marking are man-to-man. I don't play with offside traps but i play with diverst. Can someone help me with a better tactic? I can buy new players if i need, i just want the best tactic i can get. Of course it can be hard, but i should win easy with the teams i'm playing aginst.

One more question. If i gonna promote do i just go to like level 2 leauge and play with someone promoted too or will they check my team and find opponents just as good as me (my team)? And how does the CHL work and the other cup? Will i face opponents with same team as me or only people in level 1? So all in level 1 will play to win CHL trophy and all in level 2 will play to win another, etc. or how does it works?
On and one last thing. Will it be possible to get free youths at any level?
Sorry for my bad english, it's because i'm danish. Just ask if you don't understand and i will try and explain. Thanks in advance! :-D
Last edited by Gnafi; 09-03-2013 at 12:10 AM.
Spanish Forum Moderator
well, your last question; free youths, no. You recive 1 usually of 2 stars and for free, another of 3-4 stars for near 20 tokens (15-24 if I remember well) the good thing of this players is that rise very fast, I have one that with the 30% training win + than 150 experience..
Other; CL is with teams of your level. Cup is against worst, and better levels, so is more easy to win champions league. Anyway I am level 9, and have 3 cup finals and 2 of champions.
if you promote, you will play at level 2.. and if you are 1st-4th will play the champions, with teams of level 2.
mmhh.. about your team, well I will say what I do, is to buy... 178? tokens and pay for Ukash or paypal cos is low price than other payment methods...
every season I buy 3 players of 6 stars (50 token everyone) and a young player of the academy....
If you are new remember that every season your players will loose 1 star, because new league have better players, so... just remember this... at now.. you win the 5th star at 25, but next level, 5 star is at 30, next 35.... to me the 5th start is at 60...
try to use this tokens to buy young players because are more easy to train.... but some people, buy old players (to use only 1 season or 2 ) with good level because some are low price and for this way you can go right too....
you have to think that, I usually can use a player during... 2-3-4 seasons, no more, because of that, loose stars and some of they are older so... players that now have 5 stars 4 you in 3 seasons maybe will have 2....
if you have a player that win experience points fast, you can use the training method of July Fourth. There is a guide in this forum, you just have to buy red and green treatments, and train this players, and they will have 6-7 or 8 stars
and don't know what to say more at now I have the 2nd match of cup at 4:30 of night and I'm alittle bit tired...
maybe about tactic,,, I use a 4-3-3 typical (not like you) and it goes right.... this season I started against the better teams of my league,and thats why I loose 3-2, 2-1 and draw 1-1 in 4 matches but now I'm 4th and I have confidence in my team to be 1st.... ...to say something more... Edgar Davids was my better player last season, now have 4 stars... and I bought another player 6 stars as a substitute... but... Davids do a goal every match or 2.... so, maybe with the time you will see that you have a good special player that save you lots of matches, don't loose players like this...
English Forum Moderator
What he said! 
Plus, my personal preference is Zonal, not man v man
Expressed above is my own opinion. ☻ Your results may vary.
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Maybe it is just happens to me but playing offensively always results in scoring less than while playing with normal or defensive mentality :S
Even against much weaker teams!
I bought 500 tokens and changed some of them to cash (around 11 millions) and bought 18-22 years old players 5 stars with 20+ quality from the transferlist. They will properly be 4 stars next season but wont it be possible to raise them again with just training them and how do i get 6-9 star players? Will it be possible at higher level to buy them from transfer or what?
I'm also working on my stadium and can i get players with the academy and how often and for what price?
Last thing is how i get the locked building on stadium unlocked so i can build them.
And one more thing. I'm pretty sure that i will promote to next leauge but will i play against people with players like mine or just some random guys?
And one more question. Why does so many people write in the forum "how to beat xxxxx"? Isn't it the players that decide how will win or is this game not like the other manager games?
Spanish Forum Moderator
yeah and yeah, Zonal is better, and the "very attacking" mentality is worst that the "attacking" mentality.. with this I loose % posession everytime.
...? yeah, of course, everytime you can train and have 5 stars again, and the 6... but you will see that players will be older, and it's more difficult to train them.... that's why I said, that usually, I use my players.. 3-4 max, 5 seasons...
and no, in transfer market you can not buy players better than 5 stars... only thing you can do, is like me, waste 50 tokens for a player of 6 stars.... in my opinion if you have intention to buy only 1 of this, buy a MC and put this player in the center of the field... ....don't know if is only to my but players I put here are better... and do more things...
another thing you can do, to have good players easy for low price is to add a friend with 3-4 or 5 levels more than you, and at level 4, you will have the option to buy his players of 5 stars doing offers.
next league you will play probably with 13 different teams, maybe 1.. or 2 will be teams of the league were you play now... and it's possible that if you have a friend with your level that he will play with you in the league and champions....
and the last thing... about the questions is something i really dont't like... I think if a team have a usuall tactic have to be better than teams that change his tactic 5 times in a match.. just because the game gives you a % of possesion against some tactics....
I don't like that...-.-'
Just I can say is, that if you play during 3 months this game you will seeand discover how it goes in a 90%
Just remember when buying players the most expensive ones. Those are ur fast trainers.
English Forum Moderator
This post has many helpful links that will answer many questions:http://forum.topeleven.com/top-eleve...tutorials.html
Also you should read the wiki:Top Eleven Official Wiki
Expressed above is my own opinion. ☻ Your results may vary.
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